Overcoming the Ego by embracing Alterity, the Other

7886 Words

Ickapoo needs to embrace Alterity and the Other to overcome being imprisoned in the Self and Solitude, as philosophers Ricouer and Levinas espouse. I will examine the radical empiricisms of Ricoeur and Levinas. As previously shown with Heidegger, I will demonstrate that radical empiricisms translate into repetitions rather than deviations from metaphysics. Ricoeur, Levinas and Merleau-Ponty's turn to existential phenomenology and intersubjectivity represents a turn to overcome metaphysics, not unlike Heidegger, and thus repeat it by inscribing it as a negative or Jewish variant in the emphasis on Otherness and intersubjectivity in place of Being and presence. Their “ethical turn" was a turn to privilege Other over self and corporeality over transcendental which elides differance and the q

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