“Thanks for cleaning up.” “Is this good enough for your majesty?” Russell tugged once more to settle the corduroy blazer over his sport shirt. He’d even unearthed a tie with sailboats on it, but decided to go with the open neck instead. There had to be some limit. “You look more than half human. Maybe even three-quarters. Now be nice and have fun.” “Yeah, right.” He hadn’t been this nervous about a date since sixth grade. Of course, it was strange having your first ever blind date in your early thirties. “So, Angelo, how is this my idea?” His friend just grinned at him. “Notice the wine labels at dinner.” “I don’t need wine, I need a really big scotch.” “Yeah, well forget it. I’m making you a great meal and I want you to be able to taste it.” For the next couple minutes Angelo ratt