Chapter 21

4989 Words
“You’ve got an hour and a half to go,” Sed reminded him, though he knew he wouldn’t be able to watch Trey suffer for that long.   “I can’t wait. Please. I feel like I’m dying. Like someone is hammering nails into my bones. I can’t… Can’t…”   Jessica took the cloth from the back of Trey’s neck and mopped the sweat from his face. She looked like she might burst into tears at any moment.   “How long can you wait?” Sed slid his hand into his pocket where he had half dosage pills in a small envelope. Dr. Mills had told him never to cut Percocet in half, because they would dissolve too quickly and might cause a fatal overdose. So he’d called in a low dose prescription for his son and they were supposed to space them apart until Trey didn’t need them anymore.   “I can’t wait at all. I need it now,” Trey insisted.   “Thirty minutes.”   “Give me a fuckin’ pill, Sed.”   “Maybe we should give him one now,” Jessica said.   “Thank you!” Trey said.   “Fifteen minutes.”   “You’re so goddamned stubborn,” she said, scowling at Sed.   Stubborn? He’d compromised. Why did that make him stubborn?   She rubbed Trey’s back. “He’ll give you a pill in fifteen minutes,” she said. “That’s not very long. You can make it. You’re a tough guy.”   Trey snorted. “Tough guy? What tipped you off? Was it the whining or the crying?”   “It was the wailing.”   He grinned, and then shifted to his back, his hands over his eyes. Into fetal position again. Onto his stomach. Back to fetal position. Pale and sweating. Panting. Clutching his abdomen. Absolutely miserable.   Sed checked the clock. Only five minutes had passed. He fished an oval-shaped, pink pill out of the envelope and handed it to Jessica. “Here. Go ahead and give it to him.”   “He’s got ten more minutes.” She handed the pill back to Sed.   “Yeah, ten more minutes,” Trey gasped. “I can make it.”   “Since when did I become the softest one in the room?” Sed asked.   “Since you told Jessica you love her so much you can’t breathe sometimes.” Trey chuckled halfheartedly.   Sed frowned. “You heard that, huh?”   Jessica hit Trey with a pillow. “Just how long have you been awake?”   He grinned sheepishly. “I haven’t slept in over two days.”   “You ass.” Sed shook his head in disbelief. Trey had heard a hell of a lot more than a love confession then.   “Is my ten minutes over yet?”   “You still have an hour and ten minutes,” Sed told him, tucking the pill back into the envelope.   “Don’t joke around like that, man.”   “Who’s joking?” “Do you feel like going out for dinner tonight?” Sed asked Trey.   “Why don’t you take Jessica out? You have to be sick of looking at me.”   To be honest, Sed would like to spend some time alone with Jessica, but Trey had only been drug free for forty-eight hours. Sed wasn’t sure they should leave him by himself just yet.   “We could order a pizza,” Jessica said from the table where she’d settled down with the laptop to edit the research journal article Myrna had emailed her.   “We’re going back tomorrow, right?” Trey asked.   “Are you ready to go back?” Sed asked.   “Hell yeah. I miss Bri… my guitar. I’ll be fine here by myself. You guys get out of here. Seriously. Bring me a doggie bag or something. I’ll watch a movie. Take a nap.”   “Check your email,” Sed added.   Trey glanced at Jessica who’d been hogging the laptop for two days. He grinned impishly. “Okay, you’re on to me. I need to check on my internet love interests.”   “All twenty of them,” Sed teased.   “Give or take.”   “You sure you’re okay with this?” Sed gave him one last time to change his mind before he swept Jessica off her feet.   “Do I need to kick you out of the room and lock the door?”   Sed leaned over and messed up his hair. “I’m glad you’re back to yourself.”   It surprised Sed to see tears in Trey’s emerald green eyes. “Thank you, Sed. You saved me. I won’t ever forget that.”   Sed punched him in the shoulder before they both turned into blubbering messes.   Trey hit him back. “Get out of here, asshole.”   Sed chuckled. “I could be a real asshole and make you wait in the bathroom while I take out my s****l frustration on my woman for a couple of hours.”   “Don’t talk to me about s****l frustration,” Trey said. “If I had any energy I’d go hunt some tail of my own. Maybe tomorrow.”   And only then would Sed believe that Trey was actually back to normal.   Sed moved to stand behind Jessica’s chair and rested his hands on her shoulders.   She looked up at him. “I’ve got to get this done for Myrna.”   “It will still be there tomorrow.”   “I don’t have anything to wear.”   His eyes skimmed over her sexy bare feet, baggy pink sweats, gray T-shirt, and haphazard ponytail. “You look beautiful.”   She rolled her eyes at him. “If you think I look beautiful, then you must be sexually frustrated. It’s causing hallucinations.”   “You’re always beautiful.” He leaned over to kiss her temple, his hands moving from her shoulders to wrap around her waist. “Are you ready to go then?”   She covered his hands with hers and smiled. “That depends. Where are we going?”   “I don’t care. Anywhere. Nothing fancy. Just… out.” He kissed her temple again. “Get your shoes.”   “Do flip-flops count as shoes?”   “They do to me.” He released her and went to the dresser to retrieve his ball cap. He put it on backwards and added his sunglasses. He did not want anyone to recognize him tonight. He just wanted to be a regular Joe out with his girl. He slipped his wallet into his back pocket and fastened the chain to the belt loop of his jeans.   He turned to find Trey and Jessica grappling over the laptop. “I have to save this file,” she insisted.   “It’s my turn.”   She poked Trey in the ribs and he twisted sideways, but didn’t release the edge of the screen. “You’re going to break it,” she said. “I’m almost finished. Calm down.”   Trey released the laptop and sighed with over-exaggerated exasperation. Sed caught the mischievous gleam in his eye and knew he was just messing with her. Sed smiled to himself. Yeah, Trey was back. Maybe Brian would forgive him now.   While she saved her file, Jessica hummed the Final Jeopardy jingle under her breath. She was as ornery as Trey was. God, he loved her. She still hadn’t said anything about his love confession. He’d expected her to dump him, which might have been easier to deal with than her not saying a goddamned word about it for three days.   Her smiling face appeared in his unfocused line of sight. “Let’s go eat and have some fun.” She planted a playful kiss on his chin.   “What kind of fun?”   “I’m sure we’ll think of something.”   He took her hand and headed for the door. The faster he got some food in her, the faster they could move on to the fun. “Later, Trey.”   “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”   “Well, that leaves open a world of possibilities,” Jessica quipped.   “You know it,” Trey said.   Sed tugged Jessica from the hotel room and closed the door behind them. He drew her into his arms and stared down at her in the glaring yellow of the streetlight in the parking lot. “Alone at last.” He lowered his head and kissed her deeply. He expected her to protest, but her arms stole around his back and she pressed her tight little body against the length of him. All senses set to go, his hands shifted to the curve of her ass and pressed her closer.   She gasped and tore her mouth from his. “Food first, fun later.” Luckily, there was a chain restaurant across the street. Jessica picked at her salad, watching Sed through her lashes. When should she tell him she loved him?   Now?   Her heart fluttered.   No, not now. Maybe later.   “What’s wrong? You’re really quiet.” Sed tossed an empty rib bone on his plate.   “Nothing,” she lied. “Are we going straight back to the motel room after we eat?”   “Trey’s expecting some dinner. But knowing him, he’s ordered himself some takeout and has seduced the delivery driver by now.”   Jessica wiped her damp hands on her pants. “Maybe we should tour the city.”   Sed paused with a rib halfway to his mouth. “I figured you’d never want to do that again after what happened the last time.”   She scowled. Why’d he have to bring Vegas up now? “Yeah, well, it wasn’t the end of the world. Not an experience I’d like to repeat, however.”   “It wasn’t good for you?”   She looked up at him, catching his knowing grin. “Oh don’t get me wrong, the s*x was fabulous, but the video quality was shoddy.”   “I know a great film crew. They do all of Sinners’ music videos. Maybe we can add some special effects to our next public encounter. Heavy metal sound track. Giant robots. Explosions in the background when I come inside you. Stuff like that.”   She picked up one of his French fries and tossed it at him. It hit him on the cheek and landed on the table. “We just have to be more careful.”   Nodding, he devoured his barbecued rib. “Eat faster,” he insisted, his mouth full.   She grinned and pushed her salad around her plate.   “Slight problem,” she said. “I don’t have a skirt on.”   “It’s dark out,” he said, stuffing French fries in his mouth ten at a time. “No one will see a thing.”   “And there isn’t really anything worth seeing around here.”   “So we hop in a cab and drive around until we find someplace interesting.”   She stole one of his French fries and nibbled on it.   “You aren’t eating faster,” he pointed out.   She tried to eat faster, but she was nervous around him tonight. Ever since he told her he loved her, things felt different. Confusing. “Can I ask you something?”   “What kind of something?” he asked suspiciously.   “Why do you let Eric watch you have s*x with your groupies?”   He leaned away from the table and rubbed a hand over his backward ball cap. “You know about that, huh?”   “Yeah, I know. Will you tell me why?”   He gazed out the dark window beside them. “You don’t want to ask me that.”   “I just thought… I thought if you like it that much, I wouldn’t mind Eric watching us together. If you wanted him to.” She felt the heat rise up her neck to her cheeks, but forced herself to not duck her head, so he’d know she was serious.   His gaze swiveled back to her. “Really?” After a moment, he shook his head. “I don’t need him to watch us.”   Her brow furrowed. Need him? Sed needed Eric to watch? This entire time, she thought it was Eric who needed that kind of voyeuristic stimulation. “What do you mean, you don’t need him?”   “I don’t have any problem getting off with you, Jessica. Something about him watching me do boring chicks helps me get off. Without him there, I just can’t… get excited enough.” He stared at her for a moment and then lowered his gaze. “See, I told you that you didn’t want to ask me that.”   “You can’t get off with other women?” She was so stunned by the idea that her head started to spin.   “Why do you think I do two or three of them at a time?”   She winced. Okay, she didn’t need that reminder.   “Since you left me, I have a hard time, you know.” He glanced at her pointedly.   “I have no clue.”   “Finding satisfaction.” He hesitated. “Will you just finish your salad, already?”   She grinned, feeling strangely validated. “I’m the only girl who gets you off?” she pressed. He scowled at her. “Do you know how horrible that is for someone who loves s*x as much as I do? I went two years like that. s*x was a chore to find ten seconds of relief. Sometimes I thought I’d do better being celibate.”   “Poor baby.” She didn’t feel one bit sorry for him, though. Just happy for herself. “I’ll make it up to you in a few minutes.”   “You’d better,” he growled. “This thing with Trey has made things impossible. You’re always there, but it would be wrong to pounce on you every couple of hours.”   She grinned. “Why is that wrong?”   He groaned. “Will you just eat faster?” “Let us out here,” Sed told the cab driver.   The cab pulled to a stop along the curb and let them out. Jessica glanced around, a confused expression on her face. On the other side of a chain-link fence, brightly colored slides sloped and twisted around deep pools. A fake volcano spewed orange-lit water into the air. People shouted and laughed throughout the attraction.   “A water park?” she asked. “This place will be packed.”   Actually, as it was after dark, the parking lot was almost empty. “I thought you were feeling adventurous.”   “I am, but I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”   “I’m sure they sell them.”   “We have to be discreet, Sed. No repeats of Vegas.”   “Agreed.”   As they walked hand in hand toward the entrance, Jessica still seemed uneasy.   “Something’s bothering you,” he said.   “This is like a family place. There will be little kids all over the place.”   “No one will know what we’re doing.” He spotted a sign next to the cash register. No one under 16 admitted after dark. He pointed at the sign. “Does that make you feel better?”   “A little.”   “Two, please,” he said to the cashier and reached for his wallet.   “We close in an hour,” the attendant told him.   Only an hour? Well, he was with Jessica. An hour should be plenty of time. “That’s fine.”   They went to the gift store first. Jessica sorted through a rack of swimsuits in her size. He pulled a white string bikini off the bar and handed it to her.   “Try this one,” he growled into her ear.   She lifted it to eye level. “It’s kind of… re veal ing.”   He growled against her neck. She shuddered and headed for the dressing room with the bikini in hand. He grabbed the nearest pair of swim shorts in his size and went to stand outside the curtained dressing rooms at the back of the store to wait for Jessica. He heard the rustle of her clothes as she removed them on the other side of the curtain. He glanced up at the security camera and shifted his merchandise in front of his raging hard-on. God, he couldn’t wait to sink into her warm flesh.   “How does it look?” he asked gruffly. If it weren’t for the damned security camera, he’d have already joined her to see for himself.   “Skimpy.”   “Let me see.”   She slid the curtain back and he dropped his swim shorts on the floor. “Whoa,” he said, eyes skimming the rounded tops of her breasts spilling from the scraps of fabric, her belly, the triangle of white fabric concealing… He forced his gaze to her thighs. Thighs.   She turned around and watched him over her shoulder. His gaze moved down her sexy back, the lower curve of both ass cheeks peeking from beneath the swimsuit, her thighs. God, her thighs. And her slender calves. Thighs. Ass. And her… “Ungh.”   “Well?” she asked. She turned to face him again, looking down at her body uncertainly. She brushed her hands over the flare of her hips. “Do you like it?”   She wanted him to form actual words? “Nice,” he managed. Nice? She looked f*****g amazing. Say it, Sed. Before she closes the curtain.   Too late.   He stared at the red gingham curtain that concealed her from his eager gaze. His brain slowly started to function again. “It looks great, babe. Perfect. You look perfect in it. I think you should get it. I mean, it looks really, really good on you. Awesome. Did I mention sexy?”   She chuckled and called to him through the curtain, “I saw the look on your face, sweetheart. Of course I’m going to get it.”   Yes!   “Did you find anything?”   Who cares? “Yeah.” He glanced around, wondering what had happened to the swim shorts he’d been holding. He noticed them on the floor and stooped down to retrieve them.   Back in her sweats and T-shirt, she let herself out of the dressing room. Now that she’d reminded him what was under those baggy clothes, he couldn’t wait to get his hands all over her. Those thoughts did make walking normally a challenge, however.   He bought her swimsuit and his, as well as a couple of beach towels. They left the shop and made their way to the locker rooms near the Olympic-sized swimming pool. He pinned her to the wall near a glowing torch and kissed her deeply. After a moment, he pulled his mouth away and gazed down at her. His d**k strained against his pants as he pressed it against her lower belly. “Do you have any ideas on how to get this hard-on into the pool without the whole world noticing my tented shorts?”   “Towel around the waist? That’s how I plan to conceal the juices dripping down the inside of my thighs.”   He growled in torment, drawing a shudder of anticipation from her. “You’re deliciously evil.”   She chuckled.   “But mostly delicious.” He dug her scrap of bikini and one of the beach towels out of the sack and handed them to her. “Meet you on the other side,” he murmured. “Don’t dawdle.”   “No chance.”   He watched her enter the women’s dressing area, and then went into the men’s. He successfully got into his swim shorts, locked his belongings in a rented locker, and wrapped his towel around his waist. It did make his tented shorts less noticeable, especially if he bent at the waist slightly. At least, that’s what he told himself.   He waited impatiently outside the women’s dressing rooms. Ignoring the appreciative stares of nearby women, he crossed his arms over his chest and scanned the attractions looking for something that would offer them discretion, but not diminish the excitement of their overt naughtiness. Wave pool. Definitely the wave pool. The sound of the rhythmically lapping waters had his lap at full attention.   Jessica stepped out of the dressing room looking hotter than the sun. She’d let her hair down and, as she’d planned, had her towel wrapped around her waist. It hid her thighs from view but didn’t prevent him from thinking of her juices and how much he wanted to taste them. “Wave pool?” he asked, extending his hand toward her. She grasped it a little tighter than usual.   They gazed across the expanse of concrete, pools, and fountains to the wave pool. The attraction was tucked in the farthest corner of the park and only had a few people surfing amongst the waves on inner tubes and body boards. Except for the glow of the occasional torch stuck in the sand, the entire right half of the pool was bathed in darkness. Plenty of shadows for discretion.   “Wave pool,” she agreed breathlessly.   He led her to the shadowed side of the pool. Male heads turned as she passed. The fact that she was with Sed didn’t seem to phase them.   When they reached the five-foot marker on the side of the wave pool, Sed tossed his towel on the ground and jumped into the water feet first. He moved toward the deep end until the water sloshed against the tops of his shoulders and held his hands out to catch Jessica. She dropped her towel, took his hands, and slid into the water in front of him. She released his hands and shifted them to his shoulders.   “My feet don’t touch the ground here.” Her legs brushed against his as she treaded water to stay afloat.   “Just hold on to me,” he murmured. “There is no height disadvantage in the water.”   They were eye-to-eye for a change and got lost in each other’s gazes as they stared at one another.   “I’m glad you took off your sunglasses,” she murmured, lifting her wet hand to touch his cheek. “When you wear them, I miss looking into your gorgeous blue eyes.”   “I hope no one recognizes me. I should have bought some swim goggles to replace my disguise.”   She laughed. “That would have been so sexy, baby.”   Thirty minutes until the park closes, a loud speaker announced.   Sed nuzzled Jessica’s neck. “I need to be inside you.”   She shifted closer, tightening her arms around his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist. “I need you inside me.”   He reached between their bodies and pushed the front of his shorts down. His d**k sprang free, hard as stone and ready for action. He carefully brushed the crotch of her bikini bottoms to one side and guided himself into her body. Her mew of pleasure, as she sank down to take him deep, grabbed him by the balls. He shuddered, his eyes drifting closed, his mouth open. Her warmth surrounded him, so soft and inviting. His pleasure was intense. His need overwhelming.   His hands shifted to the slick skin of her ass, drawing her closer, pressing himself deeper. Water sloshed over her face as the waves built. There was a height difference now that their bodies were joined. He inched toward shallower water. She leaned back, her fingertips gripping his shoulders. She locked her shins into his sides and drew her hips away, before taking him deep again.   He watched her as she took charge of their joining. She seemed totally oblivious to anything but the feel of his body filling her, receding, filling her again. He let her ride him, relishing her obvious pleasure, but forcing his attention to their surroundings occasionally. He had to keep a lookout for anyone who might be paying attention. He didn’t want to risk her getting hurt by some i***t with a video camera again.   He’d rather watch her getting off on him, however—her head tilted back in reckless abandon, her hair trailing in the water behind her. Her eyes were closed, but her lips remained parted as she gasped and groaned and gasped and groaned.   Yeah, baby. Feel me. I’m part of you.   “Sed.” The crashing waves drowned out most of her plea. “Touch me. Touch me. Please. Oh.”   She was definitely about to come. He shifted his hands to her breasts, his thumbs working their way under her tiny bikini top and brushing against the hard pebbles of her n*****s. She shuddered, her silky sheath gripping his c**k as she wriggled her hips impatiently. He groaned. “Touch me there,” she insisted.   “Where, baby?” he murmured, rubbing his lips against her throat. “Where do you want me to touch you?”   “My clit. Please. I need. I need to…”   He moved his hand between her thighs and stroked her fast with his middle finger. She shuddered, and came with a loud cry. Her p***y clenched spasmodically around him as she strained against him. She’d completely lost track of where she was. Sed kissed her deeply, drawing her shouts of pleasure into his throat.   Jessica trembled with aftershocks of release for several minutes and then her body stiffened with panic as she regained her sense of place. She turned her head, breaking their mouths apart and glanced around.   “Did anyone see?”   “Do I care?”   The waves had died down now and the pool was relatively quiet. After Jessica had taken in their surroundings, and recognized that no one was paying attention to them, she turned her gaze to his.   “God, you made me come so hard,” she groaned, her eyes rolling into the back of her head. “Nothing is hotter than doing you in public.”   “My turn now.”   “Yeah, it is,” she agreed, amusement in her tone.   “Can you unclench your legs? I’m going to have some major bruises on my ribs tomorrow.”   Her pretty jade-green eyes widened and she loosened her legs. “Oh God, I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t know I was hurting you.”   “Well worth it. Now just relax. Except do that tightening thing you do inside. I love that.”   She squeezed him inside her. Tighter. Tighter. Relaxed. The pleasure in his groin was almost unbearable. His eyelids fluttered.   “Like that?” she asked, a knowing grin on her face.   “Oh yeah, just like that.”   He held her hips still with both hands and thrust into her, pulled out, thrust in, keeping all the action beneath the surface of the water. Within her body, she squeezed him as he pulled out, relaxed when he thrust forward. His balls were so full and tight, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He fought impending release though, clenching muscles at the base of his c**k that were insistent on involuntarily expelling his seed inside her. He groaned against her throat, finding it difficult to relish that first orgasm without letting go. The spasms of pleasure subsided after a long moment and he started to thrust inside her again, working at building himself up once more.   “You’re the only man I know who can do that,” she whispered, nibbling on his ear, her breath warm against the wet skin along his neck, her fingers stroking the sensitive skin on either side of his spine.   “Do what?”   “Come without ejaculating.”   He leaned back and grinned at her. “You noticed that, huh? It takes a lot of concentration. And Kegel exercises.”   “Same kind I do so I can do this?” She squeezed him inside her even harder than before and he shuddered.   “Yeah, that Kegel guy was a genius. But can we not talk about this right now?”   “Sorry,” she murmured.   Fifteen minutes until the park closes. Please make sure you’ve collected all of your belongings before you leave, a loud speaker announced.   “Damn it. They’ll be kicking us out soon.” He shouldn’t have held back the last time.   Jessica’s hands moved to his chest, her fingers trailing down over his skin. “Just press me up against the wall and f**k me like an animal, Sed. I know you want to.”   Actually, it hadn’t entered his thoughts, but that would do the trick quickly. “You don’t mind?”   She c****d an eyebrow at him. “Would I have mentioned it if I minded?”   God, he loved this woman. And not only because she was his s****l equal. But right now? Mostly for that reason. He walked closer to the wall and pinned her back to its textured surface.   “Let me know if I hurt you and I’ll try to settle down.”   She nodded, the trust in her gaze absolute. She wrapped her legs around his waist loosely, to give him plenty of room to move and keep her hips tilted for easy penetration.   He gave lust free rein.   He thrust into her. She took all of him, wriggling her hips and squeezing his c**k inside her to increase his pleasure. His perfect goddess. Jessica. He found a rapid tempo. Thrusting deep, withdrawing. The intensity built with each stroke. His need to possess her, to claim her, brand her, drove him to madness.   “Mine,” he growled against her throat, sucking her flesh into his mouth to leave his mark upon her skin.   “Yes, Sed. Yours. Take it.”

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