Chapter 1-3

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Xchil, in an ecstasy subsequent to her trance, enjoyed the s****l act in silence, and remained quiescent once he had finished. Despite the special consciousness state her organism processed what had happened. She had the immediate certainty that she had become pregnant. Life was reborn after the m******e. Yum Tu Kin watched carefully to the foreigner. He had listened attentively to the stories of his daughter Xchil and her custodian Xquic about the prowess in the fight against the hated Uxmal warriors, and the great slaughter carried out by one man. Xquic had insisted on the divine character of the character and Yum analyzed the consequences of having a god in the city. Despite living in a primitive society in many ways, the King was a fine politician who had managed to keep his people independent and united under his command in the middle of the great struggles between the great powers such as Uxmal and Mayapán. Precisely, the journey of Xchil had the purpose of finalize an alliance with the latter to resist the attacks of Uxmal, the city-empire of the time. Fate, however, had woven another plot, and Yum meditated if an alliance with a god was more convenient than that of the king of Mayapán. Anyway the situation had no return, since Xchil was presumably pregnant by the stranger and realistically only the only choice Yum had was to get the best out of what happened. This was not new for him, experience as King of a small town should frequently turn the need into virtue and adapt to circumstances he was not controlling. The image of a grandchild conceived in an act on a pile of dead enemies had a very strong epic value, and came to the king´s mind that presaged an invincible warrior, which would be his grandson. This image would be very suitable to seduce people if the child was a male. Yum Tu Kin had the habit of consulting on important issues to his oldest wife, Cinteotl, mother of Xchil and the foremost sorceress of the city. He found her sitting near a campfire, tracing drawings in the ground with a knotty stick. He explained the situation and the woman heard in silence: Yum knew the ritual and sat down at the same time to wait. Cinteotl threw into the fire a bunch of herbs that she pulled out of her apron; the vegetables in contact with flames produced an abundant and dark smoke. After these actions the woman closed her eyes and began rocking rhythmically; as she muttered a kind of mantra her staff drew up a few lines on the floor and she accelerated the rhythm of her swing in the bench, which became violent. Finally the sorceress was quiescent, plunged into a deep slumber. Yum Tu Kin observed the ground at the feet of his wife and gave a jump. The design clearly showed a sinuous curve bordered of other identifiable figures representing the Plumed Serpent: the divine symbol of Kukulkan, Creator God of Maya mythology. Itzmin started the celebrations for the rescue and happy return of Xchil. In his role as high priest of the city he was to make the official interpretation of omens from the gods on the event. The night ceremony would convene all the important personalities of Dzibilchaltún, so it was a relevant action for the priest, who could enhance his own role in the city, always a central target to Itzmin. He was already aware of Cinteotl verdict with respect to the divine character of the outsider, and realistically he had no other option that making his prediction on the same line, although his first impression after observing the alien´s movements was that it was a brute. Xquic, who was his disciple and assistant to his temple, had narrated the man´s power, shown in combat and hunting in the two weeks that the three had been wandering in the jungle until being found by the men of Yum Tu Kin. During that time, the man had led, protected and fed the two girls. Xquic had also mentioned the insatiable desire and s****l potency of the foreigner. Itzmin was a practical man and his own role included weaving in the inner-city the necessary partnerships that maintained the status quo. He decided that he had to keep Bjorn surrounded by his pupils, the temple Virgins. Itzmin initially meditated on whether to supply the alien a couple of concubines among the applicants to priestesses belonging to the best families of Dzibilchaltun, but then thinking about it a while he came to the conclusion that this could lead to conflicts with Xchil and her father, both jealous for dynastic reasons. The priest had another concern besides his own prestige: the lineage of Yum Tu Kin was ancient and honorable, but Itzmin noted a physical exhaustion and a decline among the members of the Royal family that properly attributed to consanguineous marriages. He also had the conviction that this decline would fatally be conveyed to the city. A renewal of the blood was welcome and he thought that the newcomer God seed had to be spread among elites in the city. He returned to observe the Norwegian, interrogating himself about the path to follow. He saw a strange glow in the eyes of Bjorn and followed his gaze. It surprised him to check that it was watching with relish to a group of maidens who were on the opposite side of the campfire. The girls were aware of the attention received, and shone its forms underneath their robes. It was a group of captured virgins in a recent raid at a vassal of an Uxmal village and they were waiting to be awarded to warriors as a reward for their actions. Itzmin wondered if a slave was worthy to become concubines of a god; then reasoned that ten virgins was a Regal present for any being mortal or divine. He returned to alternatively look to Bjorn and girls and the s****l energy that they showed made him smile: an abundant harvest was ensured.
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