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9:58 AM, March 4th, 1313 J. Butcher Blvd. I gave Jewel a peck on her head after I shimmied myself from the couch. She nestled herself into a comfortable position and continued to sleep. Thank the Moon, no more nightmares occurred after we left her room. While she slept, I padded upstairs to my room to change. I also wanted to get another look at her room. Why was it so creepy last night? The cop in me needed to find out. Within minutes, I was in her room searching for anything out of place. I checked the closet and under the bed. No monsters or anything creepy hiding there. I found nothing. Everything was normal, like nothing happened. The mirror, in question, reflected my image and nothing else. The room no longer felt off, but as it had days before. What I did notice was the absence of the typical pre-teen stuff. Maybe she left them behind? I know nothing about her. Is her mother alive? That can’t be true. I remember distinctly… Amber died. My wolf wouldn’t have acted the way it did if she didn’t. It’s a miracle I’m still functional and not feral. However, the runner would debate that. It’s also why I abdicated the Alpha position to Dylan. “Sergeant?” my little Jewel asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She stood in the doorway, yawned, then added, “What are you doing in my room?” “I’m only making sure it’s safe,” I reassured her. “Your nightmare had me worried last night.” “Oh…sorry.” Her eyes looked sad but hollow. “You hungry?” I asked her, changing the subject. She nodded a yes and gave me a sleepy smile, but still no twinkle in her eyes. “Toaster waffles and some bacon?” Earlier that morning— 6:08 AM, March 4th, Wolfdale City Police Department, Forensics Cerber-nerd (Raymond) and Demon (Demi) entered their domain, smiling and carrying their travel mugs filled with their favorite beverage. The night-shift minions left moments before. Notes on what was done and getting processed were left at each station. Some DNA reports came back regarding our furry suspect. Demi and Raymond only had less than twenty minutes to get Anderson’s breakfast prepared and delivered before the rest of the morning crew arrived. His breakfast was a rare sirloin, eggs, and some berries. Well, he is, unfortunately, more wolf than man at this point. All seemed fine when they entered the area. Anderson looked like he was still sleeping. Demi and Ray did a quick round of “rock, paper, scissors” to decide who would muck up his cell. Our forensic Demon lost and had the fun task of cleaning. Yay, her. “Andy, breakfast,” Cerber-nerd sang out, hoping to stir him awake. Nothing. He tried again. “Andy,” he called out a little louder. Still no movement. “Hey! AJay, it’s time to get up,” Demon yelled, punching the code into the keypad. She entered the temporary holding cell. Anderson Jacobs laid strangely still. “What the fvck?!” She ran out of the evidence locker, dropping the mucking rake, and yelled, “Call Chief Edwards! I’m going to go find Noah.” “Indeed. I’m on it,” Cerber-nerd replied. He immediately dialed Chief Edwards’ home number. Within minutes, Noah Davidson arrived and re-checked Anderson for any vital signs. There were none. Demi Mason stood gawking at Anderson’s body not knowing what to do. “Chief Edwards is on his way here,” Raymond reported. “I suppose we should handle this like any other crime scene.” “Ideally, yes. But let’s wait until Chief Edwards gets here,” Noah replied, rubbing his chin. I’ve no doubt he has many questions running through his mind. “This is a more sensitive case than any other investigation, for sure.” “As if it wasn’t already,” my favorite forensic Demon muttered to herself. March 4th, 8:55 AM, 2526 N. Hampton St., Blackwater Industries, Inc., penthouse suite After patrol Officer Kyle Reynolds went through the protocols for gaining access to my cousin’s penthouse, he knocked on the main door. The indoor forest or jungle theme caught Kyle’s attention. He didn’t hear the door latch turn. “May I help you?” Henry, Dylan’s butler and Personal Assistant, inquired of his unusual guest. “Oh, yes,” Kyle answered and then cleared his throat. Henry looked quite intimidating in his suit. He was only a couple of inches shorter than his alpha. “May I please speak with Ms. Hanna Lowell?” “May I ask why this odd inquiry?” Henry pressed. He folded his arms across his chest, making his muscles look larger. Hey, he is only protecting his alpha and luna plus their guest. “Chief Edwards—” Kyle explained and then paused. “Her uncle needs her immediate help with an active case Wolfdale City PD is working on.” “Hmm.. I’ll make sure she gets the message,” Henry replied. “Thank you for this information, but you could have called. It would have saved the PD needless work.” “You’re probably correct, sir,” Kyle responded. “But, my orders were to specifically talk to Ms. Lowell about this immediate matter.” “Hmm… I see,” Henry said, rubbing his chin while thinking what his next plan of action would be. The pesky human police officer just couldn't take a hint and go away. “Wait here for a moment or two and I’ll come back with an answer.” Officer Kyle Reynolds nodded his head and said, “Thank you.” Henry closed the door and entered back into the main living area of the penthouse. His stern expression turned crestfallen and panicked. Dylan and his luna only fell asleep not too many hours before. Grumpy alphas are never pleasant. Eh, whatever… “Henry, what’s wrong?” The pretty lady from the Broken Badger asked. She yawned and then pulled her bathrobe around her tighter. “There’s an officer from Wolfdale City PD outside the door inquiring about my Luna,” he explained. “Did he say what he specifically needed her for?” the pretty she-wolf pressed the omega-servant. “Yes…,” he answered, letting out a frustrated sigh. “But I don’t want to wake either of them up. They’ve only gone to sleep a couple of hours ago. And that’s the best and most peaceful sleep they’ve allowed themselves.” “They’re both stubborn asses,” Tiffeny Lowell remarked. Henry silently growled in defense of his alpha and luna, but a small smile brightened his face. Yes, my cousin and his mate are both stubborn to a fault. Okay, I can be stubborn too. Don’t tell George, I agree with him. Wink. “Okay, how about we let them sleep and I can contact the Chief of Police,” she suggested. “I have the direct number.” “Oh, how?” Henry mouthed, expressing his confusion. “The Chief of Police is my dad,” Tiffeny stated, smiling. “You may need to inform the LEO outside about the change of plans.” “Right, good thinking,” Henry replied. “You know, Ms. Lowell. If that alpha of yours ever gets his head on right again, you’d make a terrific Luna.” “Henry—” “Yes, ma’am.” “What exactly happened to him, Sergeant Black, do you know?” “I can not say how he was when he left, but what I can tell you is that he hit the floor pretty hard when he abruptly passed out.” “Ha… It’s not much, but it’s something. Thank you, Henry,” Tiffeny replied. “Please don’t leave Officer Reynolds waiting too long.” “How?” “I know who my dad would send,” she answered, giving him a wink.
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