
608 Words
11: 08 AM, 1313 J. Butcher Blvd, my humble abode The SUV’s passenger-side door banged closed after I quickly exited the vehicle. George and I only had an hour and a half to get freshened up for our impromptu meeting with the Dean of Students at the university. Making a mad dash for the stoop, and after fumbling with the keys, I let myself in. Except the door was already unlocked. Weird. I remember locking the door when I left the other day. Reaching for and then preparing my Glock, I slowly entered my house. The door exaggerated its groan as I slowly opened it. My nose immediately picked up on a strange she-wolf’s scent–orange blossom, ginger, and soft musk. I’ve smelled that scent somewhere, but I can’t recall where. No matter. Someone has invaded my home and I must deal with it. The she-wolf sits comfortably on my sofa without a care in the world. She’s too involved with the book she’s reading. Creeping up behind her, I use my alpha aura, making my presence known... “Mike! You scared me,” the beautiful she-wolf screamed. She jumped and then turned around to face me. “I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow. Have you had any breakthrough with the case?” “Who the hell are you? What do you know about the case, but more importantly, what the hell are you doing in my house?” “Are you serious?” “Answer the questions, please,” I demanded. A small growl escaped my lips. My nostrils flared, and my muscles twitched as the slow agitation grew with each passing second. “Mike, stop it! You’re scaring me,” the she-wolf protested, whimpering in fear. “This isn’t funny.” “Answer my questions,” I firmly, but calmly, stated. “Okay…okay,” she muttered to herself. She stood up and made her way around my sofa to face me. She took a deep breath and then looked me directly in my eyes–which I could sense were changing in color. “You want answers… I-I’ll give you answers,” she exclaimed with some trouble. “Asshole.” She spoke under her breath. But I heard it plain as day. “First, Detective Sergeant, I live here with you.” “Is that so?” I pressed, arching one of my eyebrows. “Let me finish…,” she hissed, holding back some tears. “Fine, continue.” “Second, I have the same information about the case as your next-door neighbor…which is nothing.” I nodded, satisfied with that one answer. “Finally, Mike…I’m Tiffeny Lowell, your mate,” she dared to declare. “Liar!” I yelled. “How dare you…you, you tasteless b***h! My mate’s been dead for twelve years.” “I’m telling the truth, Mike. I have your mark,” she shouted back, pointing to an empty spot on her neck. Her pathetic display of tears began falling down her beautifully shaped cheeks. “Liar. There’s nothing there,” I spat. “Now, get out of my house, or I’ll have you physically removed.” “Mike…please, don’t do this,” she pleaded. Her tears fell freely. The drops left wet spots on her pretty blouse. “I don’t have time to discuss this,” I said. “You and your things will be gone by the end of the day. Do I make myself clear?” Pushing my way past her, I caught a whiff of her delicious scent. The she-wolf crumbled to the floor. The day’s not even over, and it’s already a hell of a ride.
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