A Den of Snakes

2373 Words

Aneela The vampire’s kisses burned like fire. His tongue pierced unapologetically against her lips, nudging Aneela to open up for him. And she did, overwhelmed and mad with the same raging desire she could feel in his touch, the hard lines of his strong body molding perfectly to hers, causing pain and bruises and desire like no other. There was nothing soft or gentle about Roan Alexander. His iron grip over her neck as he kissed her almost suffocated her. It was cutting her air supply and with it, all the reasons why she should not want him suddenly disappeared. Aneela was like a barbed wire against him. She responded to his brutish lust in a way she never expected it. It was a curtain was falling over her mind but as the seconds ticked and they were still kissing, Roan’s hands still r

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