The King's Desires

2729 Words
Roan He hated the werewolves with his entire heart. It was not only the centuries of memories he had as evidence for their treacherous nature. It was their entire kind as a whole - abominations, just a bit better than wild beasts, dirty, unruly. Disgusting, poisonous creatures. As he roamed the halls of his almost empty castle in the Shadow lands, the only place he and his people could ever be free at, Roan Alexander could not make his rage die down. He was notorious among everyone for being stone cold, calculating, controlling every situation, yet tonight there was a specific edge to his anger that didn’t allow him to numb his mind and enjoy the gifts his pets had to offer him. In any other situation he’d be indulging in a feast with the finest humans to ever walk this earth, all of them willingly giving themselves and their free will for a whim of his attention. Eager, pliant, pleasing. The problem was, he didn’t want them. What he wanted - he wasn’t supposed to have it, and for that he hated it even more, and hated himself too. And because of this there was no rest to his rage. Especially the thing he had his mind on tonight. He should not want her. Or crave of her, no matter what his instincts told him. Because every time he closed his eyes, or took a deeper breath, letting it rush through his body like an indulgence of a sort, he saw the wolf girl. The image of her chained in that cell, bloodied and so out of it on Ambrose’s concoctions, wrapped as present for him to play it, made Roan hard in an instant. Hard and willing to overlook all the laws and restrictions he had created for himself and his people in order to keep everyone happy and satisfied and protected from the rest of the world who hated them back with the same passion. It had started two nights ago on this Moon Ball everyone was talking about. Roan was only supposed to go there for the princess’s life so that he could finish what had started his downfall centuries ago. He did not plan to find a wolf girl so perfectly delicate and pleasing, and dance with her, or let her intoxicate him with her youth and defiance. It was a nice dream while it lasted, but when someone lived as long as the king of vampires did, everything seemed like a dream in the long term. That’s what his existence was - a string of vague memories overlapping with each other. A draught of loneliness and ever lasting longing and nothing worth enjoying or living. Except that girl he met on a ball and wanted for himself. She was not supposed to last longer than that moment - a dance, a heartbeat, a stollen kiss which never came true. She was also not supposed to stand in his way to find and terminate the wolf heiress just like he had taken down her father. But that girl saw him in the garden and warned off the princess, Aneela Whitethorn. That girl was now the only one who knew where Aneela was and refused to speak, ruining years of work in preparation. Ruining Roan in the process as well. No, that ball was supposed to end with Roan killing Aneela and destroying her soul once and for all. That was the only way to make sure she would never have the chance to be born again and finish what another version of herself had started all those lives ago. The nightmare would end and Roan would never have to be the only person left in the world with the memories of the horrors that ended the old world because of her. The nightmare f these terrors was supposed to end the second her soul was gone. And instead of finally ending Aneela Whitethorn and making sure everyone else was save from her vicious was, Roan ended up here, into another trap of hers - excited for a girl that stood in his way, imagining all the ways he could f*uck her while he drank her blood. He wanted that little peony girl compliant and sweet in his hands, but he wanted her fire too, and he trusted Ambrose to do his job perfectly as he usually did as the best preceptor in the vampire kingdom in breaking her. Make her talk or make her a pet. Right now Roan was not sure which one he preferred better, drowning in his own frustration, frustration he hadn’t felt in ages. He finally reached his chambers and slammed the door behind him, making the small woman kneeling in front of his bed flinch. The moment her eyes laid on him though, she bowed her head in recognition, completely relaxing as he walked towards her. Roan didn’t remember her name. All he knew was she was too petite for his cravings right now, her hair was the wrong shade of red and her eyes lacked the spark of the wolf girl who even beaten to a pulp looked stronger and prouder than this one over here. With every blink of his eyes he saw the other girl, the way her delicate skin gleamed with the paint she had spread all over herself for the party, the peony crown on her head and that short dress that barely covered her perfect legs and a*ss. His mind also went to the exquisite way she looked tonight, all beaten up with her dress torn to shreds but still clinging to her body like a second skin, the paint smeared with blood and sweet. And he imagined then how his own c*ock would look like slipping through those bruised plump lips of hers, golden gleaming eyes staring up at him as she took him in, defiant even in a moment like that. It was wrong and twisted in so many ways, and Roan grumbled his frustration as he walked towards the nameless pet girl at his feet. “Open!” He ordered the girl and she didn’t even ask, when she opened her mouth, impression-less eyes focused on him. He undid his trousers and took out his hardening c*ock, ignoring the shiver of anticipation coming from the girl. Positioning her head so that she could take it all in one trust, he shoved himself down her throat, closing his eyes as her liquid heat engulfed him. When he thrust, it wasn’t the human girl’s tongue that teased him this skilfully, dragging along his underside as she suck him in deeply. It was the werewolf girl. He saw her painted in pastels fingers fisting his length with their delicately shaped nails grazing his oversensitive skin gently, extracting moans out of his throat. Anytime the human girl dared to make any noise, Roan pulled her hair forbidding her any expression of herself. He couldn’t let her do it for it only ruined his illusion. As he f*ucked her mouth to oblivion, the image of the nameless werewolf maid flooded his brain again and again until all he could hear and see and smell was her. She was the one choking on him right now with each thrust he gave her, the tip of his c*ock reaching the back of her throat and even deeper as she relaxed her muscles to welcome him as far as it was physically possible. It was her who struggled for breath every time he pulled out for just enough time to let her adjust. When he came finally just a few minutes later, a few minutes which felt like an eternity, it was hard and fast, but impersonal. Breathing in and out in an attempt to calm himself and the rapid beating of his heart which was usually so slow and steady, Roan almost passed out. He had to lean on the pet girl’s shoulders to collect himself. His system which barely had any blood left in it hardly managed to keep him going, so he leaned lower and dug his sharp fangs in her delicate skin. She moaned loud, breathless as he sucked the blood out of her veins, opening herself for him. Roan knew his bite was like a drug for humans. It was one of the reasons they chose to come and stay in the vampire kingdom - like moths attracted to the light they just couldn’t get enough even when it meant they were never able to leave again. People believed it was the compulsion or that only degenerates of society chose such lives but it couldn’t be further from the truth. They came because of the thrill because the world of vampires offered them an entirely new universe of possibilities and a kind of freedom they could never find elsewhere. This girl, for example, liked to be tied and forced into submission and in her village, no one could give her this. She was left alone and branded a w*hore, and was facing a destiny far worse than the one life gave her in the end. It was Ambrose who found her during his travels and made her the offer. He trained her and gave her as a gift for Rowan’s birthday. And she liked every part of it. When she wasn’t of service, she was well respected among the other humans, never in need of anything, and never looked down upon because of her dark desires. It wasn’t her fault Roan didn’t desire her tonight. He had the tendency to get bored easily and to never be completely satisfied. It was neither of his pet’s fault. Still, he had to admit in front of himself, that it was because of his obsessions if nothing else. He wanted someone he could never have, someone he was destined to mourn and hate for eternity, someone he was destined to kill again and again to protect the world. Probably he wanted the wolf girl because she reminded him in her defiance of this someone. Or that she defied him at all unlike all the rest who had become too willing, too pliant for his taste. “Did you not like my service, my lord?” The human girl asked pleadingly as she dared a look up at him the second he was done drinking her blood. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and licking his fingers he gently touched her wound to seal it, a melancholic smile on his face. “You were exquisite as always, my dear. Make sure to close the door on your way out.” She pouted a little bit, but her dilated pupils told Roan she was too far gone on his poison to actually care about his well-being. Maybe he had to speak with Ambrose and discuss her retirement - humans never lasted more than a few years with them as they could easily get addicted to the toxins vampires spread into their systems through the bite. It was only fair before it got too late. She would never want for anything anyway. If she stayed long enough and managed to prove her worth in other fields, she could be turned in a few more years or given some place to spend her life as she pleased. As he watched her leave, Roan realized he didn’t feel anything at all for her, or any of the other pets for that matter. Was it because after so much time had passed, he was becoming completely numb? He didn’t sleep this night. He barely slept at all but tonight there was a specific restlessness in his chest. Just a few levels below his chamber the wolf girl stood barely holding her ground, numb and exhausted. Roan could guess she was hungry, thirsty, desperate even though still defying. As he tucked himself in, he went out on the large terrace, that revealed an exquisite view of the entire Vampire valley. If he squinted his eyes enough he could see some of the towns in the distance. They were just outlined in the darkness, but in a world ruled by darkness, even the outlines mattered. For a second the old pain threatened to return to Roan’s chest. He had to deliberately return his thoughts back to the wolf girl in order to escape the dark pit he was about to fall if he continued thinking about the rest. Not that it was easy. It was all so tightly connected that sometimes it burned to even breathe thinking about it. The old anger crept back into his chest, burning him from inside and Roan almost regretted letting the pet girl go. Almost. When he got like this it was better not to have anyone around him. Almost. The decision was not even his when he stormed out of the chamber making a sign to the guard not to follow him. He descended the stairs as swiftly as a bird and was back at the cell just seconds later, staring inside through the small window on the door. His barely beating heart almost skipped a beat at the sight of her. Alone, drugged, and beaten, she hanged on those chains almost lifeless. There was no light in her cell, but Roan didn’t need any to see her. She looked like a torn ragged doll, barely holding on the threads of her rags. Her luscious dark red hair was sticking in every direction, tangled, damped. The short peony-shaped dress looked like taken out of a nightmare with all the blood and dirt it was stained with. Her skin was covered in fading bruises and cuts from Ambrose’s fists and for a second Roan was ready to track down his first preceptor for this and make him pay, but then again, Ambrose hadn’t done anything Roan hadn’t ordered him to. Plus, she looked beautiful like this. Like a fallen angel from one of the old human’s paintings of the underworld. Broken and beautiful, but not defeated. Not yet. Roan had no idea how long he stood there. Time had lost its meaning to him and in his dark realm it didn’t really matter if it was morning or night, light was never enough. It was true that the sun burnt the vampires' skin and cut through them like knives. That part of the tale was also true. He just stood and contemplated, and waited until the bruises faded and the drugs slowly let her out of their grip. Ambrose arrived with a new bowl of slob not much different than the one drying out at her feet. “My king?” He asked in a hushed voice as he approached Roan, barely able to hide the surprise in his tone. “Bring her water,” Roan ordered trying to convince himself his own voice didn’t sound choking on the words. There was no reason for this. “I don’t want her to die of dehydration before we get Aneela Whitethorn’s whereabouts out of her.” “She is not as weak as a human, my lord. She can’t die this easily of…” “Do as I say!” Roan growled, hands curling into fists. “And bring me her name.” If he was surprised to hear this too, Ambrose only nodded. “As you wish, my lord…” He stepped out of Roan's way and headed forward, ordering the guard to unlock the door but hesitated before entering inside. The young preceptor turned to face him again, concern written on his handsome face. “May I speak freely, my lord?” He asked almost hesitantly but still standing his ground. Roan nodded even though he didn’t have even the slightest desire to listen to him. “I… don’t think what we are doing is right. I know it is for all the right reasons but… that’s just a girl unfortunate enough to be at the wrong place in the wrong time. We do train humans as pets but… not like this. When we hurt them it is because they want it. Because they signed up for it. This here, it… it is pure torture.” “Make her want it then,” Roan said with an icy voice and turned around, his fast angry steps echoing in the walls that surrounded him.
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