
2346 Words

Aneela The longer Aneela stared into the witch’s eyes, the harder it was getting to breathe, to think. This was a real witch, she realised. An ancient, powerful witch. A bored creature who had lived long past its expiration date. Was this about it? Blythe was playing with her so that she finally found some new excitement? Blythe’s lips stretched into a knowing smile. “Partly,” she said softly as if reading Aneela’s mind. Aneela flinched. This was making her uncomfortable. She wasn’t used to being closer to witches and definitely not to such as ancient and powerful as the one sitting in front of her. Relaxing back into her seat, Blythe let out a soft sigh and smiled at Aneela, those big dark eyes of hers following every movement Aneela made. “Please, little girl, come near.” Aneela

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