The Day We Were Born

1584 Words

Damien Damien stared at Aneela Whitethorn like his life depended on it. Because it did. She’d offered him a choice, to him, the murderer of her own father. She’d offered him the world and right now his speech was betraying him, his voice refusing to leave his throat. His lips were moving but no sound came from them. Aneela’s eyes narrowed at him and for a second she looked like she was holding her breath again, like she was half-afraid he’d reject her proposition. She might play all high and mighty and righteous but deep down she was probably just as lost as him. She was caging him in right now, giving him no way back, eyes boring into him like burning coals. Her hands did not touch him, her body did not press to his for even an inch like she knew. This girl, his fellow prisoner, his g

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