The Hound of The Archangel

2065 Words

Aneela The darkness engulfed her for a second skin and Aneela felt frozen in space and time. Surprisingly enough, she wasn’t afraid. On the contrary - just like in the courtroom she felt somewhat calm in the presence of this stranger. The man who Roan Alexander had called a hound. “Y-your grace…” she started hesitantly, hoping her speeding heart could pass as her being timid. Something around her snapped and light spread all over the small room a second later. Squinting her eyes to adjust Aneela took a deep breath, trying to look anywhere but the stranger in front of her. A stranger who did not feel like a stranger at all. He stood a few feet away from her, at the other end of the room and Aneela couldn’t fathom how it was possible for him to be this further away from her when they w

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