The One Who Got Burned

2036 Words

Damien The vampire king’s feasts were nothing new for Damien. After more than a year spend in the vampire castle, being subjected to every horror a person’s mind could imagine, he believed there was no humiliation big enough to make him regret the choices he’d made in his previous life that brought him to that place. But here he was tonight, exposed to all the bloodsuckers to see, to play with. It didn’t matter if they saw, it had stopped having any meaning a long time ago. But her? His heart had been pounding like crazy in his chest since the moment she was led into the courtroom. Without her wolf, she did not feel his scent and as determined and focused on the king as she was, she did not see Damien. And why would she? She was the star of tonight’s show, with her regal black dress tha

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