The Eruption of The Sun

2138 Words

Aneela Aneela stared at the vampire king for the longest time, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth or not. She did not trust him. How could she when he had the habit of twisting the truth and portraying her as the villain in his story? Yes, a part of her, a part that was supposed to never be awakened, longed for him and it might never change. But that was the part of her heart that belonged to another woman from another life. In this life, Aneela had received only pain and suffering from him. He was this dark scary jailor who’d never act rationally and would always find new ways to torment her. “And what kind of freedom is it if I am not allowed to leave your kingdom?” She asked now, lips curling in a bitter smile, eyes burning with challenge. “The only one I can give you

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