The Prisoner

3362 Words

Damien He didn’t want to put that collar on the nameless girl’s neck. Not nameless. Ambrose, the preceptor, had named her before in front of him - when he called upon Damien from his cells to go help with the taming of a werewolf prisoner. Mia, he had said then. Mia… Damien repeated the name in his mind now, as he stared into her distrustful gold eyes, trying to speak to her without words, because in this place everything one said was heard and interpreted the way the listener pleased, not leaving a chance for anyone to defend themselves. And because his voice was practically almost gone. So, Damien just stood there, not even trying to ask the goddess why she was doing this to him. Why not just let him die and be done with everything? He was forced to guard a kidnapped girl and watch h

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