The Games

2887 Words

Just a quick trigger warning: this chapter contains depictions of violence and dubious consent, please approach with caution and stay away if it is any trigger for you. Damien A game, that’s all he was to the vampires. That damn bastard Ambrose was right when he said they were tormenting him with the wolf girl. Damien wanted her, even more than yesterday the second he saw her this morning at her chamber naked and unafraid, skin glistening with a sheen of sweat and defiance in her honey-gold eyes. Her long red hair was slipping down her shoulders, the fiery color contrasting so deliciously with the pale satin of her skin. He couldn’t help stopping his gaze from wandering lower, to her ass and the dark shadow of the mahogany curls between her legs. And now, with the filthy way she descr

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