Transitioning II

1750 Words

That one.heart wrenching admission was all Jo needed to deflate all of her anger. She could the genuine fear in his hazel eyes as he made the admission and it tore at her heart to know that he felt that way. He had been carrying that burden for so damn long now. Her heart melted as she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face against his neck. "Isaac Colt, don't you ever think that anyone dying is your fault! You were raised as a hunter and people die in our line of work, but you go out of your way to save them." "People still die and their blood is on my hands." "How many more people would die if you never even bothered to try?" "How many died just because I bothered to try?" Jo locked gazes with his mossy green, russet streaked gaze and forced him to meet her

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