1337 Words

“Personal keepsake?” Shaina felt surprised but also frowned out of curiosity, so she asked: “Then… …why are you giving me Maxwell’s keepsake?” “He— … …” Alan couldn’t directly shout President Fontana's words.. Sigh. Then, she stared at Shaina, as if she’s looking at some monster. This young lady is too extraordinary, ah? After all, no one had dared to call President Fontana by his name because it’s taboo. Even the other wealthy and prestigious families in the capital should call him President Fontana and not just “Maxwell” if they had seen him. So generally, everyone calls him as “President Fontana.” But that's beside the point. Looking at the necklace, Alan couldn’t help but contemplate. This “Rose Tears” is not just an ordinary item, but a very special one. So, if President Fontan

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