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"So you've been there again yesterday?" Maxwell stop sipping his coffee when he heard a very familiar but unpleasant voice. Putting down the cup he looked up and immediately greeted with a very ugly sight. Well, Agnes Federico was actually a very beautiful woman. She's a hot blonde beauty with tall and very alluring body but Maxwell Fontana only felt disgust when he looked at her. He never really like her but his grandfather wanted him to marry this woman just because she's the only daughter of the man he once thought as son. Charles Federico, once who known as Richard Montana was switched at birth with Maxwell's father. Charles grew up kind and humble. A very unusual trait to a man who was nurtured by strict rules and etiquette of Montana household. But even with the hardships he never stray to his nature. And when an accident happened and later on the Patriarch of the Fontana, Martin Fontana discovered that Charles is not actually his son, all hell broke loose. But everything started to get sense. Charles were never like a Fontana man. He's always been different. Martin and Charles relationship grew tense and awkward but when they finally discovered the real son of Martin was already dead chaos ensued. Though with the discovery of Timothy's son, Maxwell the old man somewhat become more stable but it still doesn't change the fact that up to this day the Patriarch of the Family still sees Charles as the real son, and that's why Agnes is treated as a princess. "And what of it?" Agnes tightened her grip at her Hermes bag. "Hah. What of it?! You're seriously asking me that! Are you forgetting the fact that you're already betrothed to me!" Maxwell narrowed his eyes at Agnes. And Agnes immediately regretted her impulsive reactions but she said nothing wrong. He is bound to marry her so why he's indulging himself to a woman who was supposed as his surrogate only. Is he attracted to her?! Agnes grip on her bag tightened more. Just thinking of that possibility makes her anxious. He's not thinking of canceling their engagement right? And then all of a sudden her heart were filled with hatred. That woman! She's the reason why Maxwell is being like this. She might look so innocent but she's clearly seducing her fiancée. It might have been her plan all along to be a surrogate for him. Then she will use the child so Maxwell would choose her instead. That b***h!! Which family she's affiliated with. Agnes took a deep breath and glared at the handsome man in front of her. That woman is using her body to seduce her man, but she's different. She doesn't have to do that and Maxwell will still choose her in the end. "You can sleep with her until she get pregnant. But don't forget, grandpa choose me as your wife to be. I hope you're not forgetting that Maxwell..." Agnes said coldly as she stood up and left the room. But before that she didn't forget to add, "Because it would be problematic if Grandpa discovered that your becoming infatuated to a woman of low status. It will not bode well for you—" Agnes' words was rudely cut off when Maxwell laugh out loud. And then he stood up still laughing but Agnes don't know why but he's scaring her. He sounded like a devil laughing at it's prey. "Agnes. Agnes. You should have said so if you wanted to be f**k. That can easily arrange. But you know very much that I will not do you." Agnes can feel her body turning cold, but Maxwell just smiled at her and begun walking towards her. And then his smile vanish, leaving behind a look that Agnes knew so well. She really f****d up this time. She should have let her mouth shut. "So just go and scram!" "W-what? Max, how could you talk to me like that?! I'm your fiancée!" "That might be but I'm still not married to you. Go when I'm still talking nicely Agnes, because if you pissed me more I might probably forgot that you're a woman.". The threat was very subtle but Agnes knew she couldn't push him more so with a huff full of pride she turn and immediately leave. "Young Master you want me to take care of her?" "Not now Albert. There would be right time for that. For now, I want you tighten the security around the Summer Mansion. Agnes might have relented to me but we don't know for sure if she will leave Shaina alone. Take care of it and make sure she's safe." Albert was startled and almost stumble on his feet. The young master just said those words with a gentle tone. It's truly amazing. They only met but the young master is already smitten with her. She's probably the only person his young master care about and it's very troubling that their relationship would end the moment she gave birth. It's truly a shame. But unavoidable. As of now Maxwell Fontana might be the CEO of the Fontana Companies but everyone in the family knew that it's in name only. The real boss of the family is still Maxwell's grandfather and he is not very fond of his young master, and to this day they didn’t even know if he is the Heir of the Fontana Family as the old man was saying he was. It just mean that a moment of mistake can cost his place as the old man's Heir and everything he work hard for will just be for nothing. ***** Shaina took a nap until midday because she thought maybe Maxwell might come at midnight like the night before. And if he came, she wouldn’t be able to sleep until dawn. Her body was very tired, but she was in a good mood, she even felt somewhat excited. She's scared at him before but now she's actually anticipating his nightly visit. And he's the one who said that he'll sleep with her until she conceived so looking forward to his nightly visit was only natural right? So Shaina woke up late, ate lunch, and spent the whole day idling around in bed. As she prepared to go to bed after dinner, she felt something was wrong. Yesterday Maxwell's secretary visited her to remind her but she's still not here.There was no rules that should be the same today, but something felt strange. Although maids were excited, grooming Shaina’s skin and putting on a new negligee, but as the day passes her mood was gradually sinking lower and lower. ‘I don’t think he’ll come.’ He is human after all. He's probably tired doing it two nights in a row. And from what she know Maxwell is also the CEO of a very large company so she can understand that he's already tired after a long day of work. But still, there's no one stopping him to come and sleep with her, right? Waiting for Maxwell, she stayed awake until late at night. She really wanted to wait, so she waited—No. It was because she overslept during the day and took a nap so she still can’t sleep. Tsk—You’re like that, well… But when the clock strikes at midnight, Shaina finally put a blanket around her neck and went to sleep. Feeling distressed and very disappointed.. ....
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