3452 Words

After Liam destroyed the information about Luca Marquez connection to Shaina. Agnes already started avoiding him. And acted as if that day didn’t even exist. Liam emotionally asked: “Is it because now that I have no any use to you, you’re abandoning me? Are my feelings not strong enough for you? Or you just don’t believe in me… …” “Shut up!” Agnes said, but then she helplessly said: “I can’t leave him, so just forget about me. It’s really impossible for us to be together!” There’s actually nothing between them. It’s just a sudden spout of shady love. So, she needs to kill that feeling as early as possible. “Agnes, I’m not asking you to come with me. I just want you to let me stay with you. Even if there’s is not bright future between us, I have no fear!” “Maxwell doesn’t have any im

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