1162 Words

Outside the hotel, the rain started to pour. Justin McCain's assistant came in a hurry only to see him with a petite little girl, and for a moment, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.. “Justin, this is … …” “Ahh, well, this … …” Justin at the moment doesn’t know how he will introduce her. Shaina was still feeling dizzy, but she still held up her spirit and politely smiled. “Hello, my name is Shaina Marquez!” “Oh, Shaina! it’s a beautiful name, ah.” The assistant gently smiles. The three of them talk for a while, walking toward the parking lot. At the Roadside, a Mercedez Benz was parked. Luca Marquez has been waiting for a long time now. Finally, he saw his Mommy’s figure and wanted to get out of the car. But Harry Choi immediately stops him. “Sir Luca, it’s raining outsid

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