Chapter Seventeen: Just like That

1494 Words

Jackson  “Jack, please,” my mother whined from the couch, “Must you make so much noise? You know how my head hurts...”  I scowled at my mother and made no attempt to be any quieter as I grabbed her empty take-out containers and fast-food wrappers off the coffee table and stuffed them in a garbage bag. I just spent all night cleaning up vile things in the hospital, just to walk in my own home and trip over a pizza box that someone had left right in front of the door.  I picked up a stack of junk mail, newspapers and catalogs. There might have been bills mixed in the pile too, but it hardly mattered. No one had the money to pay them. God knows Dan wasn’t going to dig into his pockets to help this family out. I picked up a pair of dirty socks from the carpet and considered putting them str

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