Chapter 26

1343 Words
Sanaya’s P.O.V I woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. Groggily, I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the last vestiges of sleep and sat up in bed. Lance had the best bed in the world. I had such a good sleep last night that I was planning to either steal his bed or just move in, which was a ridiculous option considering that he was my boss. I looked around the room to see if I could find anything that indicated the time. The windows were covered with heavy curtains, making it impossible to tell if it was day or night outside. A small bedside lamp illuminated the whole room. Fortunately, I found a watch on the bedside table that belonged to Lancelin and it read 9.45 PM. Only after the last vestiges of sleep had worn off was when I realized that I’d seen this room before. But where? Why did this room seem so familiar? Have I been here befo-OH! My dreams! Damnit! I knew he was inducing them! I glared at the closed bedroom door to whoever was on the other side but the smell of food was too strong to keep me in a bad mood much longer and I soon found my stomach growling in protest. Sighing, I got up from the bed, making sure my balance was alright and I didn’t fall flat on my face. I ran my hand through my hair and went inside the bathroom to spray some water on my face. Everything in the room smelled like Lancelin. From the bed sheets to the pillows to the shower…everything had his imprint on it. And weirdly enough, it felt calming. Once I looked decent enough, I stepped out of the bathroom and pulled open the door to the living room. Just as I remembered from my dreams, the magnificent view of a nighttime New York City greeted me in all its glory. It was a view to die for. But perhaps even more magnificent was the man who stood in front of the floor to ceiling glass wall. Lancelin turned to face me when he heard me enter the room. For the first time, I saw him in a full-sleeved white T-shirt with a V-neck and grey sweatpants. His hair looked unkempt, like he had been running his hands through them a lot. He was holding a whiskey glass in his hand and a small smile on his lips lit up his whole face. As usual, he looked perfect even in PJ’s and still managed to keep that aura of authority around him. “Did you get a good rest?” He asked as he set stepped forward and motioned for me to join him on the kitchen counter. He had already set out a plate of bacon and eggs sandwich and a glass of red wine for me and he pulled out my chair so I could sit easily. “Thank you.” I told him. “For everything. I feel totally refreshed.” “Good. Go on, take a bite.” He told me as he motioned towards the sandwich with a tilt of his head. Doing as he told, not because I wanted to follow his orders but because I was terribly hungry, I picked up the big sandwich and took a big bite out of it…and moaned. Bacon, eggs, toasted bread and a slice of cheddar cheese with a hint of black pepper. It was my favorite and it tasted absolutely delicious! “Did you make this?” I asked him while still chewing the sandwich. “Yes, I did,” Lancelin’s lips curved in an amused smile. “And swallow first before talking. ‘Chocked on a sandwich’ doesn’t sound very appealing on a headstone.” “This is so good, I would die happy!” I sighed before taking another bite and speaking through a mouthful of goodness. “And besides, I’m Hindu so I’d get cremated.” “You took your mother’s religion?” Lancelin asked in surprise as I nodded. “Okay, eat up.” Lance patted my hair lightly. “I have something for you. Let me go get it.” I shrugged and went back to devouring the cheesy goodness as Lance went inside his bedroom. By the time he returned with a small velvet box in his hands, I had demolished the sandwich and was half-way through the wine. “Careful, now.” Lance shook his head at my antiques. “I don’t want you to pass out again. I have something important to discuss.” Moving on to the other side of the counter, Lance placed the box down and pushed it in my direction. It was a small box, not so small that it might hold a ring but small enough to hold earrings or a pendant. “What is it?” I touched the velvet box tentatively. There was something magical inside it, I could feel the power radiating off the surface. It wasn’t a power that shoved, but it felt comforting. “A gift.” Lance picked up the box on seeing me hesitate and opened the cover to reveal a gorgeous pendant shaped like a tear drop around a gold chain. It was a green so beautiful and unique in colour that I couldn’t find words to describe it. It started off with a bottle green at the sides and then the colour got deeper as in neared the middle till it was almost black at the centre. It was the size of an average almond but the aura of magic around it made it feel like it was a lot bigger in size than it looked. “It’s beautiful.” I whispered, my fingers involuntarily reaching for the pendant before I dropped my hand and curled it into fists. “But I can’t accept it. It looks very expensive.” “This isn’t any ordinary pendant Sanaya; it’s for your protection.” Lance picked up the pendant from its case and it immediately caught the light and scattered t around the room in a beautiful green hue. “It can alert you when someone near you is harmful.” Lance came around the kitchen counter and came to a halt right behind me. Gently he lifted my hair and pushed it over my shoulder before I felt him place the cool metal around my neck. Lance’s fingers brushed my nape as he fixed the clasp of the chain and then he placed his hands on the counter on either side, trapping me in his warmth as he leaned in to whisper in my ears. “It has a drop of my heart’s blood inside it so you better take care of it.” I gasped and touched the pendant with my fingers. Hearts blood? I brought it closer to my eyes for inspection but I couldn’t tell. The aura of the pendant however, felt very similar to his aura. “Lance?” I whispered and turned in the arch of his arms to face him. Lance moved back slightly to accommodate me better but didn’t move away. “What does this mean?” “It means that you belong to me now.” Lance gave me a loopside smile. “And no, before your feminist side kicks in, I don’t mean it as property.” “Lance…” I hesitated. “I don’t belong in your world. You are the future King of the Incubi and I’m just a human.” “You’re not just a human. You’re Sanaya Johnson, my Sanaya.” Lance told me firmly as he lifted my face with his index finger under my chin to meet his topaz eyes. “I am giving you the right to stand by my side.” “As what, Lance?” I asked with a rueful smile. “Your secretary, your Scribt or your girlfriend?” “We’ll figure it out as we go.” And then his lips were on mine.  
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