Chapter 18

1391 Words
Lancelin’s P.O.V We arrived at ReefWood HQ in less than fifteen minutes thanks to Martins driving. Amber Rose had wanted to come with us but as it was her party, she couldn’t leave her guests unattended. So we had told her to stay behind and enjoy her party and we had promised that we would inform her if she was needed. Tanya motioned toward my office with dreary eyes as soon as I entered with Acelin and Sanaya on my heels. Looks like my mother was not in a good mood and it turned out to be a big understatement when we reached my office. At five feet two, my mother was on the shorter spectrum but her personality more than made up for her short stature. She had her clan’s signature red hair only hers was a bright apple red that reached her waist. Today she had it in a tight braid down her spine and she wore a black form fitting dress that was full sleeved and reached her knees, making her hair stand out even more. She had delicate features in a heart shaped face but her presence was just as strong as I remembered when I was younger. Neither Acelin nor I looked remotely like her. We had both taken after our respective fathers from our looks, stature, built and even hair colour. The only thing I had in common with my mother however, was our golden eyes. The eyes of a ruler. My mother was pacing in the lounge area, her heels clicking on the marbled floor as she paced but she turned to us as soon as the elevator doors opened. Her lips turned up at the corners in the slightest but then her eyes went behind us and her face contorted to anger. “You!” She snapped at Sanaya as she halted in her way. “How dare you come here uninvited? Get out immediately!” It took us all by surprise so much so that we were left speechless. Sanaya however, regained her composure before any of us. “I’m sorry, Your Highness.” She bowed low. “I’ll give you some privacy.” “You’ll give me privacy?” Mother sneered back at her. “Who are you to kindly give me space in my own son’s office? Do you want me to be thankful for you kindness?” “Mother,” I tried my best to keep my voice low but it still came out a little harsh. “Sanaya is my Scribt, so please treat her with the respect she deserves.” “Let’s not let our emotions get the best of ourselves, shall we mother?” Acelin said politely while placing a hand on mine and Sanaya’s shoulders. “Let’s go inside Lance’s cabin where we can all get some privacy.” Acelin then turned to Sanaya and placed a hand on her head in a loving gesture. If I hadn’t been concerned with Asmara’s return and my mother’s awful mood, I might have smacked his hand off of her. “Sanaya, dear.” Acelin gave her a polite smile. “It’s getting late. Why don’t you tell Martin to give you a ride home? Let’s call it a day, shall we?” Sanaya looked unsurely at Acelin before turning to face me, a silent question in her eyes. I nodded my agreement with Acelin, telling her with my eyes that we will continue our discussion later. Sanaya seemed to relax a little and then she gave us a bow and left for the elevator. My mother, I noticed had stayed quiet and watched our interaction with Sanaya the entire time. “Let’s go inside so no one can overhear us.” Acelin pointed towards my cabin which was soundproof and would provide us a visual advantage in case anyone else decided to join us or spy on us. I was sure every immortal in my building had already gotten the news of Asmara’s return to New York and given how famous she was, everyone was already gossiping about the reasons for her return and expecting another scandal to pop up soon enough. My mother took a seat on a leather couch in the corner and Acelin and I took a stand on either side of her. We knew there was no proper way of starting the conversation but it had to be done. Asmara had always been a very sore topic right from when she appeared in our life. “Mother-” I started but she cut me off with a shake of her head. “You will be crowned at The Winter Solstice Ball.” Mother told us, her voice final. “I cannot take any more risks.” I blinked several times, letting my brain process what my mother was implying. “Mother, there is no need to rush. Besides, I’m not sure if father would agree to it.” I told her calmly, trying to keep my emotions at bay. “I don’t care if Nathaniel agrees or not! I cannot gamble with the future of my Kingdom nor with my son’s futures.” Mother made a sharp gesture with her hand. “I’ve had enough of that evil witch targeting my boys. This time, I’m taking action before she strikes.” “We’re older now, mother. Stronger.” I told her confidently. “We won’t let history repeat itself.” “All this wouldn’t be a problem if you just marry Miaka!” Mother threw her hands in the air in exasperation, making both Acelin and me pause in stunned silence. “Mother,” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. She was letting her emotions get the best of her and I realized that screaming and shouting won’t help the cause. “Miaka Weller is fourteen years old. And she’s the Demon King and the head of the Dark Council. Not to mention the fact that Acelin and I had practically raised her. She is more of a daughter to us than anything else. How can you even expect that to ever work out?” “We all need to calm down and put our heads together, mum.” Acelin took a seat beside her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Getting agitated and angry at each other will do us no good and it will lead us to make some kind of a rash decision. That’s exactly what she wants, mum. Don’t let her win. Calm yourself.” My mother took several deep breaths to calm herself but I could see her shoulders shaking. Acelin and I looked at each other and nodded in agreement before we sat down on either side of her and wrapped her in our arms. Our mother was a force of nature, a woman almost every Incubus feared, loved and respected. But sometimes it was hard for us to imagine her anything other than a strong woman; a woman who had ruled our Kingdom for more than a thousand years and given birth to two sons. But she was also a woman who had faced her fair share of heartbreak and betrayal. She had fought several battles with enemies seen and unseen and yet managed to give everyone else the best of what she could manage. “This battle isn’t your own anymore, mother.” I told her as I tightened my grip around her. “We will always be with you.” “I trust you, my sons.” I was sure that when the time came for this particular battle, Acelin and I would stand by our mother at any cost. But inside my mind another battle raged on between my destiny and my heart. I always knew I was going to be crowned the next King one day or the other. But with Asmara’s return everything was thrown off track. How can I court Sanaya if I was to take the throne soon? Will this be the end for us, even before our love began? No! Both my heart and mind immediately rejected the idea. It was impossible to think of my future without Sanaya. I’ll have to find a way to make it work. And I was not going to lose either the throne or Sanaya, at any cost.  
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