Chapter 7 Drawn To You

1832 Words
Chapter 7 Drawn to You *** *** Louise “I’ll pay,” said a familiar voice that made my nerves ignite again. “It’s the least I can do...” A hand reached over my shoulder and handed the woman the money, more than what was needed. With a cheerful smile, the student cashier took it. I inhaled a sigh and caught that unmistakable scent of the ocean again. Goosebumps shot up my arms, sending all the tiny hairs on end. My stomach clenched and made my insides bubble in protest. Memories travelled to earlier, replaying the argument like a movie in my head. My chest tightened. No... why him...? Moon Goddess, help me now...! Straightening my shoulders, I turned on my heels to see the infamous jerk and Alpha-to-be Joseph Black standing close behind me. Just great! I desperately wanted to throw his offer back in his face, but he had already handed the money to the cashier, and she had already slid it into the cash register. It’s too late now. “Why are you following me?” I huffed, crossing my arms. “Who’s stalking who?” “I’m not stalking you,” he replied with a half-smile that made the corner of his eyes wrinkle. It would have been adorable if he hadn’t insulted me. “It’s just a coincidence. I was out on an early lunch break. I saw you and thought I would see if we could talk.” “Talk?” I sneered, my eyebrows pinching together. The undeniable urge to slap him overtook my hands, but I held them back. “Talk...? So, you can insult me further?” He almost winced at my words. “Talk… That’s all.” He held his arms up in defence and lowered his voice. His bandage was gone, but the stitches remained. Werewolf perks… “You have my word as an Alpha. And I’m so sorry about earlier… will you please hear me out?” “You’re not an Alpha yet!” I chastised him. But something inside fluttered at the idea. “That may be so,” he shrugged. “But I come from Alpha blood, which has to mean something.” “Your pretzel is ready,” the bobblehead cashier called behind me. “Oh,” I turned, reached over the counter, and took it. “Thank you…” “Enjoy,” she grinned before turning around and focussing on the coffee machine. I figured that because of her lack of care for Joseph’s presence, the girl had to be human. Most wolves went submissive in his presence, just like my mum and Raine had done. But he angered me, and now was no different. With the pretzel in hand, I turned away from Joseph and hurried down the walkway in the opposite direction, hoping he would leave me alone. Please go away… leave me alone! Please don’t follow me! “Do I get a thank you?” Joseph chuckled as he followed beside me, matching my speed. Damn, it! He’s quick! “Thank you... I guess” I exhaled an irritated breath, hoping that would defer him and I would be left alone. Instead, with a strangely contorted grin, a mixture of disgust and joy, he followed me, leaving no space between us. “You’re welcome.” He added. But I noticed his tone and his expression didn’t match. Something was off, and it made the fluttering in my chest cease. I shuddered. “I hear these pretzels are legendary…” He continued when I didn’t respond. “I should try one myself...” My nerves were over the edge when we reached a set of outdoor wooden lunch tables outside the library building. If I continued to ground my teeth, I would have none left! Deep breath... he’ll leave soon enough... Sucking in a deep breath, I perched on the bench. Without missing a beat, Joseph sat across from me. The air was fresh and crisp, a cool autumn day… a day that signified the nearing of winter. I caught a hint of the pine in the breeze. A small smile formed on my lips as I let it calm me. “You have a pretty smile,” Joseph said. His comments caught me off guard. I nearly dropped my pretzel. I turned to him. “Excuse me?” He studied me intensely, and it was getting harder to ignore. A wave of chills tingled down my spine, stopping deep inside me. It wasn’t a bad feeling, but it was distracting. Stop staring at me! “Do you mind?” I raised a stiff eyebrow at him. “Mind what?” he replied, his gaze burrowing further into my subconscious. “What do you think? I rolled my eyes, tore a piece from the pretzel, and held it before my mouth. “After what you said earlier, I don’t want you near me! Would you mind leaving?” He itched his bandage and then turned to look out over the yard. But he didn’t leave. His shoulders had tensed. My words had struck a nerve with him, which was at least something. Maybe now he will leave... “Sorry, it’s just...” he paused, now rubbing at the stitches above his eye. He turned to look at me, his eyes bordering on wolf-black. I realised the wound was nearly healed. “I meant what I said earlier... you have this scent about you–” “Are you kidding me?” I coughed, choking on a piece of chewed pretzel. “After everything... you have the nerve to repeat that?” His eyes were utterly void of their colour now. Wolf-black had taken over. “I don’t mean to–” “To what...? Insult me! This is not a joke, Joseph!” Why do his wolf eyes ignite such anger in me? I slammed my pretzel on the table, making him jump to his feet. His eyes returned to their dusty silver. “Your Alpha wolf–” “Zodiac...” he added harshly. “Whoever!” I snapped. “He doesn’t intimidate me...” “Intimidate?” Joseph stared at me, wounded. “No...” He hurried around the table until we were face to face. “You honestly don’t feel it, do you?” “Annoyed? Angry? Pissed off...?” I huffed, crossing my arms. “Yes, that I feel.” “No!” He growled. His growl sent a wave of nausea through me. “The attraction?” I stared at him, wide-eyed and furious. “Attraction... To you...? After this?” “Feel this…” Before I could say anything else, he leaned in and kissed my cheek. Gasping, I clambered backwards, falling into another bench. My heart was racing. My stomach churned. I was about to throw up. “You shouldn’t have done that!” I hissed between trembling teeth, my insides turning to jelly. “I’m not yours!” “You can be...” He rushed over and helped me to my feet. As he brought me to my feet, he screwed up his nose in disgust. “But the smell...” “No...” I swatted him away. “You’re trying to mess with me... You’re a monster...!” He shook his head. “No, I do have a connection with you. You’re not old enough to feel it, but it’s there ... You’re my mate!” Mate! Now I couldn’t breathe. This was impossible. “No wolf before eighteen can tell who their mate is!” I shouted, pressing my trembling hand to my chest. “And even if one mate was older, it still doesn’t come into effect until the younger of the two have reached eighteen…” “But you are…” He defended, stepping towards me. “You’re lying!” I shouted back at him, making him wince. “It’s not possible... I’m not old enough… You can’t expect me to believe that I’m your mate! And you insulted me … more than once!” “But it’s true!” He said pleadingly, trying to reach for me. Seeing disgust on his face, I backed away. “Lies…” “I think the Moon Goddess has given you an early start because of your sickness. Maybe that’s why you smell odd... Maybe accepting me before your eighteenth will heal you...” Now I saw red. I could feel the heat rise in my neck. I was given the most terrible news that morning, and now this! Is this a joke to him? “How dare you!” I bellowed at him. My heart was racing in a way that ached my chest. “My sickness is not a game! I have Cancer!” I recoiled after the word had slipped from my lips. I shouldn’t have said that! “Cancer...” He gaped, shaking his head. “But that’s impossible… You’re a werewolf… I can feel it. We don’t get sick… We don’t get things like that!” “Well, it’s true!” I shouted, my nails digging into the skin of my palms. “And I refuse to listen to your games any longer. I may be sick, but that doesn’t give you any right to treat me like this!” “Louise,” I reached for me, then recoiled. “I’m not lying about this…” Everything tightened in around me. My breath caught. Trembling, I turned on my heels and ran from the scene, trying as hard as possible to escape. “Wait, Louise!” he called after me. Ignoring him, I continued to run, letting my natural speed take over. Once I was out of the school grounds and knew he hadn’t followed me, I mind-linked Mum. “Can you pick me up from the park across from the school?” I pleaded with her as anger gave way to tears. “I want to go home…. Please!” “Are you alright, sweetheart? She asked her voice tight with worry. “I’m feeling sick. I can’t focus. Please pick me up.” I hadn’t exactly lied, but I couldn’t bring myself to tell her about the altercation with Alpha Joseph. “I’ll be there shortly. I’ll message the school and let them know you won’t be back today.” “Thank you, Mum,” I replied as our link ended. Catching my breath, I dropped to my knees at the base of a looming tree and cried. What did Joseph expect to achieve with a sick she-wolf like me? Does he think I’m an easy target because I’m sick? He’s playing mind games with me! He has to be… Wiping my eyes, I leaned against the tree base and pulled my knees to my chest. The feeling of Joseph’s lips lingered on my cheek, making my tears fall harder. Why me? Why was this happening to me? And why did his kiss affect me so much?
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