Chapter 22 The Link

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Chapter 22 The Link *** *** Jada Under the shadow of the darkening night, we cautiously traversed the yard, my clumsy steps a stark contrast to Anna’s graceful and agile movements. Her Beta blood and warrior genes were evident in every step, while I lacked such abilities. I couldn’t help but feel a case of envy at her natural prowess. “I don’t know about this,” I whispered as Anna continued to tow me through the shadows. We were behind the packhouse, deep into an overgrown field, with spindly weeds higher than my head. This thick brush had been out of bounds to me my entire life. It was known that rogues and outcasts hid in there… That they would kill me without a second thought. That was a lie! And now I knew why. Father was running secret battle plans under cover of darkness. But why? The conference room in the packhouse was soundproof. This made no sense. I didn’t like it. “I have a strange feeling about this!” “Trust me, Jada…” Anna said as we found our way to an overgrown cobblestone footpath hidden deep into the field. “I do trust you,” I admitted as we lowered ourselves to the path. The weeds were thinner here, worn away by many footsteps, but that left us exposed. My heart trembled. I tightened my grip on Anna’s arm. “I can’t help feeling like we’re being watched.” “I’ll protect you.” She glanced back at me momentarily. “You have my word.” I nodded weakly in reply. But I could sense it–see it… Even in her eyes, that someone wasn’t right. The air of concern weighed down on me as we reached outside the old cabin. Her arm tensed beneath my grip. The weathered cabin was half-shaded by a smothering horde of overgrown pines. Grass grew thick and high, entwining through the wooden slats, holding the decaying building together. A strong gust would easily break the wooden front door open. How could Father even think this place was safer? Small candlelight filtered through the boarded-up windows. There was no protection between the people inside and the world outside. This entire setup makes no sense. What is he planning? Muffled voices rose above the creak of the trees. Trembling, I held my breath and hid behind Anna. There had to be at least fifty – if not more, people in the tiny building. We’re outnumbered! Anna turned to me. I could make out the words she had mouthed by the candle’s light. “Stay out of the light, and don’t speak,” she released my arm. “And cover yourself in dirt... t masks our scent.” Anna dropped onto her knees and rolled in the dirt and grass beneath us. She sniffed herself a few times. Once happy, she crawled on her hands and knees to the window and knelt beneath it. She glanced around, then turned to me and waved me over. I attempted to copy everything Anna had done but failed to look as coordinated as she did. Once I was beside her and covered in dirt from head to toe, she motioned me to place my ear against the wall and listen. As instructed, I pressed my ear against the cold wood. “So, you want me, Gamma Julius, and Richards to cover the north side of their borders? And will Pauls and Annette cover the south? What about Kennithson and Rice?” I know that voice. It was Octavius Hillside—one of Father’s scariest warriors. He was large, mean and not someone you would want to cross in a dark alley—the same as Pauls, Kennithson, and Rice. Octavius’s mate, Natasha, was openly frightened of him. She was a quarter of his size and almost as meek as me. “The bedrooms are on the far side of the packhouse … The kids are on the second floor—one here and the other over here… Each room has a balcony. And the Alpha daughter’s window in her room is usually open… She is our mission.” What in this world are they planning? It sounded more like a kidnapping than a takeover. Shivers vibrated down my spine. That icky fear churned my stomach. “No… We need to take out the Beta and Gamma first… Once they’re neutralised, then getting to the girl should be easy. Besides, I have a score to settle with their Gamma.” I hugged myself. That husky voice belonged to Gamma Julius. He was as large as Father and just as cruel. “You and Beta Jackson should be able to kill them without further support.” Octavius snorted. “I would be more inclined to take out the Luna,” Desmond added in his deep, unsettling tone. “If you take out the Luna, you weaken the Alpha. He will be easy to destroy… Then we can get the girl …” I had to doubletake. That’s Desmond. He was in this deeper than I had imagined. “Besides, I don’t care how many people we take out in the process.” Desmond laughed. What! I wanted to scream. I clung onto Anna’s arm for support. Ruthless monsters! Killing a Luna! Kidnapping an innocent daughter! What evil family was I born into? “I don’t see the need to kill the innocents, Alpha Edwin.” Anna glanced over her shoulder at me. She knew her father’s voice well. “Explain your reason, Beta Jackson!” Father demanded. His voice was deep and emotionless. “It better be good!” Jackson hesitated before he replied. “As you know, our mates are our lives... The very essence of our core. Killing a Luna will only cause the Alpha to become unstable. He could very likely be the opposite of what you expect.” “Yes, that’s a possibility I have considered,” Father replied. There was a moment of charged silence. “If we take the Luna as a prisoner, we can use her to manipulate the Mist Clan Alpha…” Beta Jackson suggested. “Then getting the girl would be child’s play!” “It would be quicker to kill them and take the girl.” Gamma Julius argued. There was a room full of muffled complaints and hissed opinions. “Silence!” Father roared. The entire room fell silent. “You’re all overthinking this. Have you forgotten the secret weapon?” “Yes, the secret weapon.” Desmond snickered. “Of course!” I swallowed a shaky breath. This was going from bad to worse. Anna tensed beside me. “You’re all losing sight of why we’re doing this.” Beta Jackson added. “We need to get to the girl… Once we have her, the game will change.” “Yes…” Father agreed. “But that’s not the first step...” “Why are you so interested in her anyway?” Dahlia groaned. I imagined her crossing her arms in annoyance. “Because she is our key…” Father replied in his alpha tone. “The Mist Clan has been a tough enemy in the past. We have lost many warriors to them. So, about seventeen years ago, I had a witch bewitch my newborn daughter and swap her with the Mist Clan’s Alpha’s newborn daughter.” “You mean Jada is not your real daughter!” Desmond snorted arrogantly. His voice grew deep, making my insides tighten. “I should have realised. She’s far from our Alpha blood!” I’m not his real daughter! My hands fell away from Anna. The sickening heat exploded over my body. Not Hugh Alpha blood! What did that mean? Every inch of me was on fire. Tears burned, and my vision fogged. “When I get to my daughter,” Father continued. “I will repeat the curse given to me and awaken the true Alpha beast. When she returns to us, she will take Desmond as a mate, and we will be unstoppable! We will talk complete control of the Mist Clan and destroy anyone in our way. It will be easy!” “What will happen to Jada?” Beta Jackson asked. “Why is she a part of all this?” “Jada is the beginning. She will do her part well,” Father chuckled menacingly. “She was raised to be a weak sob story...” “That’s an understatement.” Dahlia laughed. “She cries over spilt milk.” More laughter followed until the cabin was alive. “Tomorrow, we’ll have Dahlia beat her until she can barely walk.” Father said with malice in every word. “Then my beautiful wife will come to her rescue and convince her to leave… She will take her to the Mist clan borders. While the Mist clan, as sentimental as they are, take pity on her… While they’re distracted, Octavius and his group will sneak into my daughter’s room and retrieve her. Beta Jackson and Gamma Julius will sneak in and take out their Beta and Gamma for good measure. And Desmond, Kia, Kim, Oliver, and I will get our hands on the Luna for ... leverage. Dahlia will remain here and make everything seem normal.” “You’re so smart, my love.” My Mother cooed. “I can’t wait!” Julius and Octavius laughed in unison.
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