Chapter 10 Alpha Embrace

1684 Words
Chapter 10 Alpha Embrace *** *** Louise Commotion erupted on the field when I returned from my slow jog of the entire outside of the field. Sweat dripped from my forehead. It was a good workout to keep my pain hidden. I’m stuffed! Wiping the back of my hand over my forehead, I slid through the horde and then froze. Two men stood in the centre of the crowd – Beta-to-be Kingston White… whose blonde hair and fair features suited his last name, and Alpha-to-be and Jerk-in-training Joseph. The wound on his head had healed entirely, and his stitches were gone. It still amazed me how fast our wolf metabolisms worked. Joseph turned to me. His stony stare paralysed me on the spot. “No…” I gasped, willing my body to move. A flitter in my stomach rose through my chest. My hand instinctively went to my cheek, feeling his lips there. Not him! The silver in his eyes intensified. I found my feet and turned away. All my insides were aching. My head grew light, and I was beginning to feel faint. I need to get out of here… Away from him! As I reached the edge of the field, Matilda White, Beta White’s sixteen-year-old daughter, appeared. Where had she come from? Her white-blonde curls bounced over her bony shoulders as she stepped before me, blocking my path to the seats. Matilda lived in the packhouse with her Beta family. Thankfully, she was home-schooled, but she had been horrible towards Omegas ever since I could remember. But for some reason, since we were twelve, she purposely singled me out, finding any way she could to belittle me. “Naw, does the little Omega have to go?” By her condescending tone, I knew Matilda wasn’t asking to be nice. Nice was not a part of her vocabulary. “Is it all too much for your tiny, weak body?” “Unlike you, Matilda, I have chores at home…” I replied, trying not to give in to my desire to push her buttons further than they already were. That’s not easy. “So, if you will excuse me…” “It’s such a shame you don’t have maids to do that for you.” She tilted her sharp head to one side, pouting her glossy pink lips, then straightened. “Oh wait, that’s right. You are the maid…” She hissed a laugh between her perfect white teeth. “Isn’t that right, Omega?” Her words were usually meaningless, but today I was far from my usual calm. “Just crawl back to whatever hole you climbed out of, Matilda,” I snarled between clenched teeth and then pushed past her. “This field isn’t big enough to hold your ego.” “Omega…” Matilda spat. She grabbed the back of my shirt and spun me around until we were face-to-face. “Don’t you ever speak to the daughter of the Beta like that! You little brat!” “Is that a challenge, Matilda?” I laughed mockingly. Stupid mouth! I was behaving far bolder than I should have in my current condition. She could push me over, and I would break. But my mouth refused to stop. “Why don’t you battle me for an apology? Or are you too high and mighty for a little skirmish in the dirt?” “Dirt?” She scowled. “As if… I just had my hair done…” She primped her hair and then released my shirt. “There is no way I’m bringing myself down to your filthy level. Besides,” she studied me up and down. “You’re so tiny that my finger would destroy you.” “Then let’s find out…” I coughed as a wave of nausea flooded my body. I dry reached as pain thrummed from my pelvis up to my chest. No, not now! “Grose… are you going to throw up?” Matilda backed away, flicking air between us as though it would protect her. “Eww… get away from me!” “Is everything okay, Matty?” Joseph asked as he appeared behind Matilda. “No,” she whined, facing him. “That Omega was about to throw up on me!” She blinked wet blue eyes at him. How had she managed that so quickly? “Jojo… take me away from this… creature… before she makes me sick!” “It’s okay,” Joseph soothed, patting her shoulder. “Oh, Jojo…” She fake whimpered, placing her hand over his. “My hero…” Now I’m going to be sick! His eyes burned through me as I turned away. I had to get away… Get away from the burn now invading my chest. Behind me, Joseph cleared his throat. “Matty, I believe a few packages just arrived for you–” “My dresses! I’ve been waiting for them for weeks!” Matilda squealed, clapping her hands. Her fake sorrow was suddenly forgotten. “I can’t wait… Father ordered them from overseas!” She turned on her pointy heels and ran towards the packhouse. Rolling my eyes, I continued my uncomfortable walk toward the bench, trying to hide my pain. Once I reached it, I collapsed on it and caught my breath. Why now…? “Louise!” Raine and Jo called from across the field. Jo held a water bottle in one hand and her sketchbook in the other, while Raine had two more small bottles in hers. I waved weakly at them from across the field. “Stay there!” Jo demanded firmly. She tucked her sketch pad in her pocket. “We’ll come to you…” “I don’t plan on moving.” I snorted a laugh as they ran towards me. They ducked and weaved around spectators and warriors, stopping at my feet. That was the most active I’ve seen them in ages. “You overdid it… Even after I told you not to?” Raine narrowed her eyes on me. She handed me one of the bottles, then pressed the back of her hand to my forehead. “You don’t have a temperature…” “That doesn’t work.” Jo groaned, rolling her eyes. “It’s a myth. Besides, you can’t do that to wolves… You need a thermometer.” “You’re a myth…” Raine teased, sticking out her tongue. Jo shook her head. “You can be such a child…” “I’m fine…” I lied, attempting to straighten. When that didn’t work, I grabbed my side and slumped forward. “Okay, I may have pushed myself too far.” “You think?” Raine knelt before me. “Do you want us to get some help?” “No… I–” The thrumming ache hit my stomach. I tightened my grip on my side. “I’m getting help,” Jo glanced around. When her eyes landed on Beta Reece, she nodded to herself. “I’ll be right back.” “No… He can’t know…” I pleaded weakly. “Please-” “Don’t argue!” She snapped in a final tone. As she turned to leave, a solid figure blocked her path. Wincing, I glanced up. Not you! “Alpha Joseph!” my friends gasped in unison. I clenched my teeth, feeling the ache in my jaw. “Can we help you… Your Highness?” They gasped again and backed closer to me. Jo lowered herself to my ear. “Now’s not the time for sarcasm.” “I can’t help it,” I seethed, fighting back the wave of vomit rising from my stomach. “You need help…” Joseph stated bluntly, his grey eyes void of any emotion. “I’m fine… Really.” I winced as another bout of pain etched through me. I wasn’t okay, but knowing he was planning on helping me made me shudder. “You can go now…!” “Let him help,” Jo pleaded, elbowing my arm. “Please?” Raine pleaded at me with big eyes. I shook my head. “I’m fine…” “You’re not fine…” Joseph offered his hand. “I’m going to take you…” “Take me where?” “To the hospital…” He leant down to grab me, screwing up his face in disgust at my apparent awful scent. “No!” I hissed, pushing his hand away. I attempted to stand, but I fell into Jo. “You do need our Alpha’s help,” She grunted, trying not to fall herself. “He’s not our Alpha yet!” I defended. “Let him take you,” Raine pleaded with teary eyes. “Please, Louise?” “No!” I glared at the man before me, daring him to try. He wouldn’t… he couldn’t… not in front of everyone! I stood and gagged again. Joseph swept me into his arms this time and cradled me against his chest. “You’re going to the hospital, and that’s final.” He glared at me, daring me to argue. And I did. Not on your life! “Put me down!” If I could muster the strength, I would have kicked out of his embrace. I wriggled, then froze as the pain became too unbearable. “Enough!” This time, he gripped me tighter, his eyes flashing a deep golden brown that made me quiver. “Do as I say, Omega!” “Whatever!” I glared at him. “Settle, Omega!” He demanded again. His Alpha tone rang out over the entire yard. It sent a shiver through me, but not enough to make me concede. This time, his eyes turned wolf-black, and I could see Zodiac looming. “Now!” “Please let him help you!” Raine and Jo pleaded in unison. “No!” I hissed over my shoulder at them before another cramp completely ripped at my insides. “Ahh...” Suddenly, I was being carried to the packhouse steps at full speed, with Rain and Jo hurrying quickly behind me.
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