Chapter 27 Admissions of a Teenager

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Chapter 27 Admissions of a Teenager *** *** Louise A slow, monotonous week of bed rest and terrible hospital food passed by in a blur after the surgery. Now that the pain had subsided, I was starting to feel the emptiness of what had been removed, emotionally and physically. I kept staring down at the bandage beneath my red spaghetti-string singlet top. Even when Mum helped me change my clothes this morning, I couldn’t help staring at the dressing. What was I expecting? To wake up today and find that the last week or so had been a dream? Would I wake to see that the previous few years had been a nightmare? I knew that was impossible—the pain had been too vivid to be in my mind. I would have given anything for that to be so. “You didn’t eat your lunch,” Mum sighed as she leaned forward in the seat and brushed my hair behind my ear. “Sweetheart, the doctor said you haven’t eaten in two days. You need to eat something… Or they will keep you here longer.” “Seriously, Mum,” pushing the tray of cold vegetables and pumpkin soup aside, I turned to her. “Have you tried the hospital food?” I scrunched up my nose in a display of disgust. “It’s horrible!” “Okay, I get it,” Mum breathed a laugh. She picked up the tray and put it on the table beside her. “There’s a coffee shop in the foyer. What if I grab you something from there… What do you feel like?” I shrugged. Because I hadn’t eaten much, the thought of food churned my stomach. “I don’t know…” “Have no fear, your best friends are here, and we brought treats!” At the doorway, Jo and Raine waved back at me—Raine waved buoyantly, and Jo waved softly. They had something hidden behind their backs and were doing a terrible way of hiding it. I sniffed the air… and knew precisely what it was. “Pretzels!” I squealed excitedly. “From the school kiosk, I hope.” They held the bags in front of them, rattling them. “A nice chocolate treat,” Raine giggled, “and one of those savoury ones you love so much.” “Naw,” I opened my arms and summoned my two amazing friends over. “You two know me so well.” As they reached me, I sat forward to hug them. The pain was dull and itchy and getting better each day. I was happy to be able to sit up and visit the bathroom on my own. “Your mum visited us this morning before school,” Jo said as she perched by my feet. “She told us you’ve been feeling down since our last visit, so…” “So, here we are to brighten your afternoon...” Raine sang as she shuffled in the bed beside me. Grinning in a way I thought I had almost forgotten, I faced Mum. “This is what I need, thank you.” She stood from her seat and then kissed my forehead. “I thought a little girl time was exactly what you needed.” She gathered up her bag and then stepped back. “And I need to go and prepare your room for when you get home.” “Really?” I grinned gleefully, the joy fluttering my chest. “I’m going home? When?” Raine elbowed me. “Friday… And we have a surprise for you.” “Shh,” Jo hushed with a smirk. “We refuse to tell you anymore...” Had they planned a welcome home party for me? I knew my birthday was coming up – in less than two weeks, but it was too early for a birthday party. Either way, I was going home soon… and my friends had organised something special for me. I need this! Smiling, I swallowed the excitement and farewelled Mum. Once she left, I returned to spending time with my friends. The room had brightened in their presence, lifted by their chatter and laughter. I even ate everything they had brought. “So,” Raine said as she leaned her head against mine. “How are you… Really?” “You can be honest with us,” Jo soothed as she brushed lint from my blankets. “Are you doing okay?” Instinctively, I brushed my hand over the healing wound. What could I say? The pain and nausea were gone. I was beyond thankful for that. The stitches itched, and my stomach was bruised and tender. The knowledge that my womanhood was gone loomed over me like a black cloud that could shatter my world at any moment. What more could I say but the truth? “I think I’m physically okay, but emotionally and mentally… no, I’m not.” “Oh, Louise,” Raine tutted affectionately. She kissed my cheek and then hugged me. “We’re here for you,” Jo added as she shuffled closer and threw her arms around us. “We’re with you through it all…” Both girls echoed as they snuggled around me. It was a nice comfort that I didn’t want to leave. “So,” Raine grinned like a Cheshire cat as we sat back from each other. “Tell me, what’s going on with you and Joseph the other night?” “What?” I gaped at her. “Nothing… I don’t – he’s–” “He was here the other night,” Jo teased with a wink. “That tells me something…” “How did you know?” I gaped at them. “I told no one…” “We overheard Joseph and Doctor Anderson talking yesterday…” Jo winked at me. “Which means he’s been here nearly every day since your surgery…” My chest grew warm. Joseph had been here, and I didn’t even know! Raine leaned in closer, and the air of intrigue hung around her. “I know you’re a bit young to feel it… but do you think he’s your mate?” “I-I … err,” I mumbled as my cheeks flushed a brilliant scarlet. I still hadn’t told them about the confession from the Alpha-to-be and –the kiss. Why? That was easy to answer… It wasn’t true. I was the only one like this in the entire pack, the weakest link in the Mist Clan. And as the future Alpha, Joseph was obligated to help. That’s all. But was that the truth? Or was it more? I was either his mate or his obligation. Why do I prefer the first? Both girls eyed me closely. Hiding this from them was getting more challenging by the day. “Okay… Talk,” Jo demanded. She crossed her arms and narrowed her brilliant eyes on me. “Something’s going on between you two… an Alpha would never change their entire life to care for an Omega… Unless–” “Unless she is his mate!” Raine interrupted as that realisation lit a lightbulb in her mind. “Future Alpha,” I corrected. “He’s not Alpha yet…” “But wait,” Jo gasped, covering her grin with her hand. “Tyrone has been here too… He was the one who brought you in! He even gave you roses. What if he’s your mate?” “Tyrone Rathbone or Joseph Black?” Raine chuckled. “Two boys are interested in you—an Alpha and a Gamma…” “No, they’re not,” I laughed awkwardly. “That’s not possible.” Is it? Now I was pinned under their analysing gazes, my heart thumping a million miles an hour. If I told them what Joseph had confessed… would they believe me? Do I believe it? “Lorraine, look, Louise is blushing!” Jo teased. “I think someone is hiding something.” Raine elbowed me playfully. “How many times has Joseph visited you?” “A few times,” I admitted, hiding my flustered face behind my hands. Oh, my goddess… Do I have a crush on Joseph? That’s not possible… He drives me crazy! “What about Tyrone?” Jo asked, gesturing at the roses. “Tye’s been here every day, but he’s just a friend…” I replied with a grin. “I’ve known him since we were kids. “Then tell us what happened with Joseph?” They persisted. “A few nights ago, Joseph brought in Cluedo,” I admitted, biting my bottom lip. “We played for hours… But Tyrone was there that day too…” I defended. “See,” Jo said, waving her hands excitedly before me. “There’s something there…” “There’s more to it…” Rain hinted. I nodded, my grin growing more coy. “Joseph was in yesterday morning and taught me how to play Blackjack, and I taught him how to play Old Maid… But Tyrone was there that day, and we watched one of those paranormal shows together.” Rain was as close to me as she could, her face bright. “If you say there’s nothing between you and Joseph or you and Tyrone, then you’re lying to yourself.” “But Joseph and I barely speak…” I glanced from Jo to Raine. “And Tye’s been in my life since I was a baby, and you can’t say he has a thing for me too.” “He might,” Jo added with a shrug. “You two were close once…” “Admit it… You like Joseph!” Raine taunted. When she saw the flush in my cheeks, her eyes grew wide. “You really do…” “I mean,” I shrugged a shoulder as I attempted to drive the thought of his kiss away. As their gazes intensified, I couldn’t keep what Joseph had said at school a secret a moment longer. “At school, Joseph did tell me–” Suddenly, the door flew open, making me lose my line of thought.
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