Chapter 44 Gamma Heart

1599 Words
Chapter 44 Gamma Heart *** *** Tyrone “Tyrone…” Lorraine called out from over the kitchen counter, her trembling voice pulling me out of my thoughts. “Hey Tyrone…” The echoes of the wolf’s howls from the ongoing fight drove Maitea insane. He wanted to join the battle, and the only thing keeping us both calm was Louise’s presence. Now that my attention was back, I realised Louise had left. Maitea was panicking, his claws burying into my head. I glanced at Joanne and Lorraine and saw them staring past Anna and down the hallway. The two were so terrified that they had barely spoken two or more words since the battle had begun. “Where did Louise go?” I asked as I stood and sniffed the air, catching her vanilla scent mixed with the antiseptic smell of the hospital. “Her room…” Jo added, gesturing her chin in the same direction. “Was it something I said?” Anna asked as she walked by, drying her brilliant red hair. She was Beta blood—it radiated from her in waves. “No, it’s nothing to do with you,” I shook my head. “I’ll go and check on her…” “Okay,” Anna turned away from me and continued drying her hair. Standing at Louise’s door, I paused and listened. The silence was deafening. My heart began to race with worry, thrumming in my ears. Is she all right? With trembling hands, I pushed the door open and peered inside. There she was, sitting on her bed, staring blankly at a picture on the wall. The tension in my body slowly dissipated, and I took a deep breath. Thank the Goddess. She’s okay. “Mind if I join you…?” I looked at Louise, and her eyes were filled with tears. A deep sadness gripped my heart. Louise was always strong, which now made more sense if she was the daughter of an Alpha, but I couldn’t let her go through this life-changing revelation alone. My feelings for her grew stronger every time I saw her—a love that began when we were children. Even Maitea could sense our connection, and he never questioned it. Neither knew if she was meant to be our mate, but it didn’t matter. Whether she was an Omega or Alpha, chosen or fated, she would be ours. “Fine,” she breathed, patting the side of the bed. “I could use a distraction anyway…” “Me too,” I confessed, shutting the door behind me. “The sounds of the battle are overwhelming. Maitea wants to help, but the sounds fade when we’re with you.” She watched me as I sat beside her. “You can go and fight with them… Mum will protect us… Besides, I would if I could.” “No,” I shook my head. “Even if the Alpha had told me to, I would have faced disciplinary action to be with you.” I brushed a feathered touch down her arms, sending shivers down my spine. “What I said at the hospital was the truth. I want to be your mate.” “Why?” Louise asked. But as she did, I noticed a slight glimmer of joy at my words. “Why do you want someone like me as your mate?” “Well, because I…” My heart fluttered. The words had been lingering in my mind from the first moment I saw her enchanting smile when we were little. “Because I’m in love with you…” “Tye…” Exhaling a deep breath, she shimmed closer to me. My heart trembled as it did every time she called me Tye. I didn’t expect her to say it in return, but she didn’t move away from me, which was a good sign. “I’m not like the other werewolves… I’m not even from here. To be honest …” she shrugged. I don’t even know who I am anymore.” “You’re Louise Jane Carpenter… Your birthday is the nineteenth of June, and you’re a Gemini… You’re caring to a fault and extremely focused on the training field. You love strawberries and think rock music is torture. You love anything paranormal and love the colour red, especially on food.” I pulled her into my arms and held her. “I will always be there for you.” I kissed her forehead. “You can trust me.” “I do trust you...” “Then let me be the one to love you…” I whispered, holding her chin. I brought her face closer and caught the sickly metallic scent of blood from her shirt. I scrunched up my nose. “What is it?” She gasped, wounded by my reaction. “It’s your shirt…” I ran the back of my hand down the side of her face, enjoying the softness of her skin. “I didn’t mean to upset you, but the blood… it’s too strong.” “Really?” She peered down at her midriff and snorted an adorable laugh. “It looks like a murder scene... I really should change.” Before I could say anything, Louise had taken off the jacket. As she reached for her top, I grabbed her hands. “Do you want me to turn around?” “No,” she whispered, removing my hands. “I don’t want you to. If you say you want me, I want you to see all of me! I want you to see the bruises, the scars, the wounds and what my sickness has done to me.” I wanted to see all of her, oh yes, did I want to, but at her pace. A shiver of delight ran through me. “Only if you’re sure…” “I’m sure…” Her eyes remained locked on mine as she slid her top over her head. She tossed it across the room and shook her hair behind her ears. There were patches of fading yellow bruises around the rectangle bandage. She had lost weight. I could see the indents on her ribcage. Her skin was pale and void of tiny body hairs. But her skin was still beautiful. She’s so beautiful… Maitea and I thought in unison. Despite everything she had been through—and still going through, her body was a delicious sight. I would have sold my soul to have her as my fated mate. “Touch me…” She grabbed my hands and placed them against her waist. I swallowed a nervous lump in my throat. I knew my eyes had gone the deep red of arousal. I had dreamt of this moment for years—and here I was. Her deep, soulful eyes continued to hold my gaze. I wanted to make love to her and make her my mate now. I wanted to taste her lips and feel every inch of her. I want Louise to be mine! “Touch me, Tye…” she pleaded softly. “Make all the worries go away.” My hands trembled as I ran them over her ribs, stopping beneath her bra. Delirious tingles flooded my body. “Tye,” she cooed before pressing her lips to mine with force. My kiss moved with her, devouring her hungrily… losing myself. “I want you,” I breathed through her parted lip. “I want you so badly!” “Take me, Tye!” She demanded, sliding onto my lap. “Make all the pain go away!” Her bandage brushed against my chest, and she winced. All my senses came crashing down. “Stop…” I held her at arm’s length. She stared at me with pure confusion. “I want you, Louise, I really do, but–” I pressed my hand softly against the bandage, making her wince again. “Your body needs time to heal before we can go any further…” “Arh!” She groaned as she climbed off and stood before me. Her face grew dark, threatening tears. She ran her hands through her hair and then growled. “Why does my stupid body always ruin everything? I hate it!” “Hey!” I stood and pulled her into my arms. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” I kissed her head, burying my face in her hair. Her shoulders relaxed. “Your body is amazing. For everything it’s been through, it’s come out on the other side. It may not feel like it, but your body has the scars to prove its strength… proof that it has more to offer.” She pressed her body into my embrace and trembled. “When the time is right,” I leant my chin on her head, soaking in how her heartbeat hummed with mine. “I will make you mine… and we will make love the way you deserve.” After a moment, Louise stepped away from me. She offered her hand, and I willingly took it. “Then lay with me, Tye. Say with me until this battle’s over…” “You don’t have to ask me twice.” She pulled her quilt down and climbed onto her bed. I quickly climbed in behind her. She laid her head against the pillow, and I hurried to pull the quilt over us. I held her with her back against my chest. This was heaven. I wanted to stay with her in my arms forever.
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