Chapter 42 Weird Feeling

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Chapter 42 Weird Feeling *** *** Joseph The room became a vocal buzz of overbearing noise. No one completely understood what the witch had just revealed, but the shock resonated within me. The information had thrown a toxic overhaul through the room. Louise had been swapped at birth with the Jada girl—Jada was May’s Omega daughter, and Louise was the Alpha daughter of the Celestial Moon clan. Louise is Alpha by blood! The grasp of her emotional pain made my heart shudder and my desire to hold her stronger. “Oh, May…” Forgetting their professional titles, Mum and Dad hurried down from their desk to comfort the distressed May Carpenter. Dad’s Beta and Gamma remained at his side. “This doesn’t change a thing…” May inhaled a skipped sob, allowing them to comfort her. “Louise is still my daughter. I raised her… I love her… Please, don’t take her away from me.” “We would never,” Mum soothed, rubbing her hand down May’s back. “We … we–” “We will discuss this later,” Dad finished her sentence for her. “Now we must prepare for a battle…” “I understand, Alpha George.” May nodded, wiping her red eyes. Tyrone held an agitated Louise in his arms, and her two friends, Joanne and Lorraine, hovered around them. Louise was the daughter of the Celestial Moon’s Alpha! This explained a lot—why she never obeyed my Alpha voice and never seemed to be noticed by my family except for my sister Josie-Anne. Is that the secret my sister was hiding? Did she know? There was a whimper from my mate as she held her stomach, and all her strength failed her. With all this going on, she was still healing from her surgery, and to add stress on top was the final straw. Fuck, Louise needs me now more than ever! I wanted desperately to be the one to hold her and help her heal faster. Instead, I stood there like a stunned mullet, mulling over her lineage. She needed an Alpha. I no longer care for a chosen mate. I wanted my destined mate. I pushed away from the wall and headed for her. I reached a hand for her, “Louise, I…” “Silence!” Dad roared, his voice vibrating off the walls. Everyone in the room, including the outsiders, grew silent except Louise. I dropped my hands and blinked, unsure what to do. Pushing away from Tyrone, Louise turned to May. “Mum… I must be your daughter, right? You know me. You know that I am the product of you and Dad? I resemble both of you—don’t I?” “Yes, sweetheart,” May brushed a tear from Louise’s cheek and held her chin. “You will always be my daughter… no matter what or who you look like.” “That’s not what I meant!” She turned to Jada with fevered eyes. “Jada, do you feel a connection with May?” “I don’t know,” Jada shrugged. She clung onto the redhead she had arrived with. “I feel safe around her… but I don’t know.” I shook my head. This girl looked like Louise, but her demeanour was far too soft. She was the Omega Louise had thought she was. Yes, she has an Omegas aura… Zodiac chuffed in my mind. And she from of our pack… I can sense it. “We are running out of time!” Duane shouted, gesturing through the window. “It’s nearly midnight! And they will be here any minute!” “He’s right,” Dad agreed. With Mum in his arms, he gestured to me. “Son, see that these visitors have a place to stay… We need to prepare for battle.” “They can stay with us.” Louise intervened, her voice thick with sobs. “Can’t they, Mum?” Exhaling, May thought for a moment. Then she nodded. “They can… We can set up the spare room.” “Is that safe?” I asked Dad, hoping her would allow me to stay with Louise. “I mean, you don’t even know them… And if Louise is this fated Alpha daughter–” “—I will stay to protect Louise…” Tyrone offered, cutting me off. He hovered around Louise, driving Zodiac insane. “And the family…” I snorted a laugh. “I doubt you could handle it on your own!” “Wanna try me?” Tyrone snarled at me. His Gamma blood wolf was itching to fight. “I would give my life for Louise!” Zodiac snorted a laugh in my head. I squared my shoulders and readied myself to pounce. “You don’t have to ask twice!” “I’ll go too…” Kingston offered as he moved towards the witch he claimed to be mated to. “I need to protect my mate.” “I am no one’s mate!” The witch hissed. She crossed her arms. “And I don’t need protection!” “Mate….” Kingston whined. I could feel his heartbreak. It pulled me away from Tyrone. I placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed, feeling him shudder. Maybe it was a blessing Louise was too young to feel the mate pull. Sensing Kingston’s pain over his mate was unbearable. “You can trust us,” the redheaded girl said earnestly. She held the room with finesse. “We will help protect the pack… If you allow us.” “But you’re still healing,” Jada said, taking her friend’s hand. “It’s best to listen to the Alpha and return with May and Louise.” “I can still fight!” Duane interrupted. He was a big and muscular man with an enormous wolf. The desire to fight burned deep within him. I didn’t need to be linked with his wolf to know he was Gamma by blood. “If you will let me… Please?” Mum and Dad spoke through mind-link. Dad nodded at Duane. “If you do us well during the battle, then we can discuss your future in joining the Mist clan.” “Thank you, Alpha George.” He bowed at his waist. “I will prove myself…” I was about to intervene and offer to take Louise, Jada, and the redhead home when the witch stood up, unintentionally drawing Kingston closer. Her eyes were empty, void of pupils. She pointed a stiff finger through the door, “They’re here!” I sniffed the air and caught the scent of the Celestial Moon clan. The voice of our warriors reached my mind. “Attack … we’re under attack!” “They’re here ….” “The Celestial Moon clan is just outside our borders!” “Quick,” Dad ordered, nodding at his Beta. “We have a pack to protect!” He kissed Mum’s forehead. “Go with Gamma Archie to Josie-Anne. Stay with her.” He turned to Tyrone. “Tyrone, go with May and the others back to their house... Stay there and protect them… don’t leave until we give the signal.” “Yes, Alpha!” Sneering, Zodiac, and I both disagreed with that. I stepped forward. “Dad, but–” Holding up his hand, he cut me off. “You and Kingston are needed with me…” “Yes, Alpha!” Kingston replied numbly, glancing longingly at the witch. I snarled at Dad. “I should stay and protect Louise… They’re after her!” He shook his head. “We have a pack to protect, not just one! We fight them off and keep everyone safe.” I glanced at Louise. She had turned her back to me and ran into Joanne and Lorraine’s open arms. Tyrone stayed close to her, glaring at me, daring me to admit my secret to the world—daring me to try and intervene. At that moment, I desperately wanted to. If Louise was an Alpha daughter to the most dangerous pack around, it could change the tables. Zodiac, can you sense it? Is her wolf Alpha? No…she is still too young. He huffed, then snarled. But right now, we must protect the pack… they need us! With one more glance at Louise, soaking in everything about her, I ran after Dad and Beta Reece, with Duane beside me and Kingston begrudgingly at my heels.
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