Chapter 37 Crash Surprise

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Chapter 37 Crash Surprise *** *** Louise “I think it’s time you go home,” Doc Anderson grinned at me. He stood back and rolled my shirt down over the dressing. “Your tests show diminishing cancer cells. The wound is healing nicely. All the proper signs for a complete recovery.” A flutter of butterflies clouded my chest. “Am I cancer free?” “No,” he exhaled deeply, diminishing my joy. “You will need to continue chemotherapy until the tests come back clear… but you are on the road to a complete recovery.” “That’s wonderful!” Mum cheered. She reached over and kissed my forehead. “You did it, Louise… You won!” I wanted to feel Mum’s excitement, but a sickening fear was bubbling up from my stomach. “So, I’m not completely free?” “Not yet,” Doctor Anderson braced my shoulders, making me meet his weary eyes. “But this is a great start…” “When is the next treatment?” My stomach backflipped over the memory of the last course of treatments–pain, aches, stomach cramps, vomiting, lack of hunger, and hair loss. He glanced at his watch, almost expecting it to give him the answer. “You’ve been here for a couple of weeks… And they usually suggest four weeks after surgery for a human… But you’re a werewolf…” He faced me. “Friday week.” “Just after my birthday.” I stood. “I’ll be there, Doc…” “On that note,” Mum tossed her handbag over her shoulder and stood beside me. It’s getting late! We should get you home... We have plans.” She shook Doctor Anderson’s hand. Thanks for Everything, Levine. You have given me my daughter back.” Tears pooled in her eyes. They shared a knowing glance before she turned on her heels and headed out of the room. “Thanks for saving my life again,” I gathered my bag, flashed Doctor Anderson a smile and followed Mum. “You’re welcome… Oh, and one more thing…” “Yeah, Doc?” I peered back over my shoulder. He took a step closer, placing a hand on my shoulder again. His eyes grew soft, making the bags underneath darken. “I know you were in the park with my Neph–” He cleared his throat, “with Joseph. I’m sorry for what he did.” “How did you…?” Wide-eyed, I stood back from the doctor. Did Tyrone tell him? Or did Joseph admit it? I doubt that! “I don’t feel comfortable–” “Louise,” he cut me off. “I understand, and I’m not prying into your personal life, but… I want what’s best for you.” He placed a hand against his chest. “Take an elderly werewolf’s advice… if you find a mate or choose a mate, accept them. It will heal your body faster than any treatment can. Trust your heart and the Moon Goddess.” He dropped his hands to his sides. “They know what’s best for you.” Eyeing him suspiciously, I backed towards the door. “Why do you care so much about me? I’m just an Omega…” He half smiled at me, flashing me a pitiful glance. “I’ve been by your side from the beginning. It doesn’t matter what your status is in the pack…” His pitiful eyes changed to those of a warmth that made my body relax. “You’re one of a kind. I want you to live the life you deserve.” “Thanks,” I sighed wholeheartedly. “It means a lot.” “Now,” he cleared his throat, “It’s Friday, go and enjoy your night…” My head floated all the way to the waiting area, to Mum’s waiting arms. “Ready to go?” she asked, kissing my forehead. “I think so.” I stood up straight, enjoying the no-pain feeling. Besides the annoying itch, it felt better than it had in years. In the car, leaving the underground carpark, I could feel Mum’s eyes on me. “What is it?” I asked, squinting back at her. “You’ve been staring at me strangely since Tye left this morning.” “I can’t help it.” She grinned, her eyes reflecting the blue moon hovering in the night sky. “We’re so excited about you two…” “We?” I massaged my forehead. “Did you tell Madeline?” Groaning, I tilted my face to hers. “I haven’t even made my mind up about Tye yet…” “There were sparks there! There has been since you two were babies.” She giggled. Her face appeared youthful. “I dare say Tyrone could be your fated mate. His wolf likes you... And he chose an Omega! Impressive for a Gamma.” “But that’s the problem.” I leaned my head back against the chair and sucked in a deep, long breath. I still hadn’t told her about Joseph and how things had panned out. So far, only Jo and Raine knew about the kiss. The very thought of Joseph angered me. On the other hand, Tye’s kiss had lingered on my lips and my mind since he had left me with his proposition. As good as his offer sounded, after what Joseph had done, I worried it would happen to him, too. “What if I’m not his fated mate…” I turned to her. Her face was still rosy and full of youthfulness. “What if his mate turns up, and everything … Well, you know…?” “I doubt that.” Mum scoffed. “He picked you…” “He did,” I closed my eyes briefly before opening them again. Having a chosen mate meant that healing would accelerate and give me a better chance at survival. But what about Joseph? I inwardly growled at myself. No, there is no Joseph! “I’ll think about it.” The silence grew between us as we merged onto the road back home. The night was growing heavy, making it difficult for the headlights to reach the road. We were on the road where werewolves from the pack frequently used. It halved the travel distance between Mist and the city. We reached the turn-off to Mist. A thick bluish mist began to rise and cover our path. I could barely see, and even Mum, with her wolf eyes, seemed to struggle. “You know,” Mum crooned. “If you chose Tyrone, Madeline and I would love to host a mate bonding ceremony. I’ll help you pick a dress. And he would look so handsome in a suit…” “Oh, my Goddess, Mum!” I groaned as heat rushed to my cheeks. “Can I focus on my healing, not on–” A loud blast of a car horn jolted through me as a car emerged through the fog. A spine-tingling whine vibrated down my spine as it ploughed side-on into the passenger-side door. “Mum!” I shouted as the terrified eyes of a woman stared back at me. “Louise!” Mum screamed. The car swerved and hissed beneath me as she attempted to separate them. A crunch and metal-on-metal grind clawed through to my very core. I threw my hands over my ears and hugged myself. Mum’s screams grew louder until her wolf growl took over. There was a loud splintered crack as glass shattered over me. I screamed, burying my face deeper into my arms. “Louise!” Mum growled protectively as the car skidded to a stop, throwing me back against the seat. My heart pounded feverously inside my eardrums. I couldn’t move. Am I alive? A hand landed on my leg, pulling me out of my startled daze. “Louise, are you okay? Let me look at you!” I’m alive! I slowly sat up and let Mum search me over. Jewel was very apparent in her eyes. When she saw my open cuts, Jewel attempted to push further through. “I’m okay,” I reassured them by caressing Mum’s flustered face. “Sweetheart…” She began to relax and undid my seatbelt. “If I lost you–” “I’m okay,” I brushed her hair from my eyes and noticed that the other car had landed nose-first into the barrier. Two figures managed to crawl free from the wreckage. “Mum,” I pushed her away and pointed at the wreckage. “They need help-” Suddenly, Mum was gone entirely. “Celestial Moon!” She snarled, sending flecks of saliva over me. “Murders!” She kicked her door open and then faced me. “Stay here!” Her words were low and muffled, but I understood clearly. These people were not from our pack, and they were dangerous. “I’ll stay… but I–” “Stay!” she repeated. Her body tripled in size as she launched out of the car and faced the outsiders. What had she called them? Celestial Moon? The name gave me unwanted shivers. Mum threw her head back and let out an unnerving howl. Her body contorted and broke until Jewel’s blonde wolf emerged. She ran towards the outsiders, only to be met by a dusty-brown wolf three times her size. “Mum!” I screamed as I clambered out of the car. I knew she could hold her own, but the size of this other wolf was intimidating. She needed help. She needed me. But I was in no state to fight. My stitches were healing, but I wasn’t ready to face a fight, barely ready to walk long distances. “Please stop!” A girl stepped beside the giant wolf. Her silhouette was thin and petite. She reached out a hand towards Mum’s snarling muzzle. “We have come to warn the Mist Clan of an attack from the Celestial Moon tonight!” I took a few steps closer, squinting through the blue haze. Two more young girls, no older than me, stepped into the headlights. “Please, we mean no harm,” the girl with long red hair said in a calm tone. “We’re here to speak to the Alpha and Luna of the Mist Clan.” The first girl took another shaky step forward, and I caught her face in the headlights. “Not possible!” I gasped. My feet moved unaided forward another step. She had my face… My hair… My eyes. “She looks like me!”
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