
The Alpha's Brutal Betrayal

escape while being pregnant
second chance


I was Pregnant when I was betrayed by him. I was just a mere Human who was brought up in an orphanage. Lived my life wishing for a Prince Charming but what I got was Betrayal. I fell in Love with a Monster not thinking him to Prince Charming but he turned out to be a Werewolf who wanted nothing but to use me for his s****l pleasures. I Am back for Revenge for the sake of My Son with Xavier. I can only be at Peace after punishing him, I can't pretend otherwise. He can't recognize me anymore after all these years but I will make him recognize me in the most brutal way. He has to pay for his every Sin.

Xavier POV

I have always been hungry for Position. Then I met her "Aliya". She was Beautiful and Innocent. I wanted nothing but to burn this blooming flower. I love the pain in the eyes of my victims when they know that they were fooled all along. However she is back for revenge. She thinks I can't recognize her or my son. What she doesn't know is I know what she wants and I am just playing along. I will strike her at the most unexpected moment. I will snatch her Happiness and Peace again. I will kill her again but this time, more cruelly. I will snatch my Son back. No one can save her from me anymore. But then there is feeling in my Heart that wants her back. There is this feeling in my Heart that is craving to be with her again. The innocent is still hidden there behind her Beautiful grey eyes and I want to taste it again. But this desire won't Kill my craving for Power.


Xavier thinks he is the one playing the game. Mia thinks she is the one playing the game but what both doesn't know is, it's me who is playing the game. I know that Xavier knows everything but I am still letting Mia play her game because I want her to have that satisfaction but it is me who is going to Punish Xavier and dethrone him..

Everyone has their own motives and own play but who is going to Win it. Alexander isn't as foolish as they think him to be. He is not just called Cruel and the Strongest Alpha for nothing.

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Mia Pov I Ran, Ran and Ran desperately from the Wolf that is running behind me to kill me. I don't understand how I ended up in such a pit hole out of no where. All I know is that I want to save myself and the baby nurturing in my womb from this hungry monster. I was here with my boyfriend Xavier but the car stopped out of no where. As my boyfriend left to bring water to cool down the heat up Engine, this Wolf appeared and started chasing me. I can't let this Monster kill me. But before I could run anymore, Wolf took me down. It is staring directly into my eyes and there is soo much of anger in it's eyes. I Begged it to leave me for the sake of my boyfriend citing he can't Live without him. The Wolf almost looked at me with pity and I wanted to Beg it for my baby as well but before I could do so, he bit me on the side of my throat. I can barely breathe anymore. What stopped my heart from it's will to beat is, not the attack but seeing it turn into the one whom I loved more than my life Xavier. Xavier looked at me with relief as if he got rid of something that is coming on his way. Tears flowed from my eyes. Xavier gave me one look of disgust and mocked "Humans are soo f*****g weak. b***h you are going to Die anyway, what is the reason to cry. I would have killed you in one attack but the feeling of a human waiting for Death because of the unbearable pain felt enchanting to me. Enjoy your few minutes of Life" He left from there giving me a cruel smirk. I can feel the darkness engulfing me and I know I will be Dead any moment. Yet again a wolf appeard in front of me and all I can feel is the darkness that engulfed me after I saw the wolf turning into a Human. Five Years Later Max, wake up son. I called for my son as I set up my bag to go to my Job. I work as a waitress at an Indian Restaurant and I get paid enough to give a comfortable Life to My Son. I work two hours at a Book Store in the Evening that helps me a little more Financially. I have no goal in my life apart from keeping my son safe and giving him a better life which I never had. I was an Orphan and my son is the reason for whom I am living. My son has always been a lazy guy. I have to wake him up everyday to get him ready for his school all the time. He is the only one I have and I cherish every moment of my life with him. May be it's every Mother's fear but I thought that my Baby will grow up one day and I won't get these beautiful moments with him makes me want to be with him and take care of him all the time. However that's not possible considering that I am the only one who has to bring bread to our Tables. My son is still not in the mood to wake up. I went to his room only to see him pretending to sleep. Well I can say that from his fluttering eyelids and I know what he is upto. My son is naughty and he hates school from the bottom of his Heart. He makes up excuses to not go to school but I am not the one to get into his words. I went to him and caressed his hair. "Wake up Max" I woke up my already woke up son softly as I look at him with all the love I have for him. My Naughty Son sat up yawning cutely and all I know is that I wanted to bite his cheeks at that moment which I did and he looked me with frown rubbing his cheeks. "Stop it Mumma. You always do this" I laughed at his cute complaint and hugged me. He is now cocooned in my arms and looked at me with his puppy dog eyes and I know what that look means. At first I fell victim to this look but not anymore. I raised my eye brows at him which he tried to imitate but failed. However the cuteness killed me that moment. "Don't you want to go to school Max. Your van will be here any moment" He looked at me and held his head like I do when I am tired and told me softly "Mumma my head is hurting, I don't think I can go to school" He thought he can trick me but not anymore. I told him ever soo softly with sad voice "What? I thought to take you to the carnival that is on the way to your school in the evening while coming back. No problem son. You take some rest" That did the work. He looked at me with his huge blue eyes that reminded me of my dark past but I shook that thought away. He stood up on the bed with enthusiasm and ran to his bathroom yelling "My headache is gone Mumma, please drop me at school" I laughed at his antics and left the room to pack his Lunch. Even though taking him to the carnival will have a negative affect on my budget, still I choose to do so as my son never asked me for anything until I promised him for one. Such understanding in such a young age is rare and I respected his respect and love for me. I try to give him what I want but I fail most of the Time. I Am not a bad Mother, it's just that handling everything myself and being a single mother is difficult considering how less educated I am and how hard I have to work for every penny. As he is done with his bath, I helped him get ready. After we are done with our Breakfast, I dropped him at his school and head towards my Job. This is my life peaceful with a little bit of struggle. I killed my past and moved on from it. I hate Alexander. I want to give him the same pain he has given me but he is too strong for me to avenge him. I can't do this without support. Yes I have moved on from him but the thought of loosing this beautiful memories with my son because of him and the thought that I almost lost my son because of him burns my insides. Yes I have moved on but I don't mind looking back into my past if it means I can punish him for whatever he has done with me. I would have been alive if he was not for *HIM*. I am forever thankful to him and I wish to meet him again. Where are you my knight in shining furr? As I said this to myself, I can feel someone staring at me and I know it's him. I know it's him because I can feel my Heart beating faster and a kind of Peace engulfing my Heart making me forget my pain and my past. I turned around to look at him but he is no where and the scent has disappeared too. A man kept staring at Mia as she head to her Job with yearning, anger and pain in his eyes. He want to be with her but he can't betray his Wife, his Luna for her.

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