Golden High school

1252 Words
I stretched as I woke up.I glanced at the clock, it was a minute past 7 I dragged my self out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth.. My door suddenly opened and I peeped from the bathroom to see who was that , it was my dad " Good morning dad". I greeted " morning princess". He greeted back, I loved the way he calls me princess He sat down on the bed and I soon came out of the bathroom . "Princess, I know you don't like this place but I promise as time goes on, you will love it". He assured me I smiled and assessed him, he was already dressed "You already dressed for work?". I asked him He nodded," Today is my first day at work here, I need to go earlier to check up on some things". He explained I nodded " your mum will take you to school , I will see you when I am back from work". He said as he stood up " okay dad". I said " Be a good girl princess". He advised and soon left the room That is my dad for you , very caring and understanding.... I quickly went to the bathroom to take my bath, I am going to a new school today.... * * * I went to the wardrobe and searched through the heaps of cloth and soon settled for a jean trousers and a pink top " I will arrange my clothes when I come back". I said to myself I stared at myself in the mirror assessing myself " I look good". I muttered to my self and pulled out my black boot from under the bed and put it on. I packed my hair into two and applied little makeup.. " Good". I said smiling and headed downstairs "You looked like a female monkey".Tyra said immediately she saw me " that makes you a baby monkey". I replied her back "Good morning Alicia". Tony greeted I smiled towards him and nodded My mum came out the kitchen holding a pot " Set the table Alicia". She instructed " and what have baby monkey been doing that she can't set the table". I asked teasing " Alicia that is bad".my mum chipped in, how can you call your sister a monkey.. " She called me first". I defended myself " oh, it is alright". mum said , you have to eat so you can get to school on time * * We were soon done eating and my mom drove me to school and my Tyra and Troy decided to go with us .. I looked in surprise as we got to the school, it was so big "Wow, I guess I am going to love this place". I said observing My mum looked at me and smiled My siblings were too engrossed staring at the school.. My mum parked and we all got down. The school was really big, I read the sign boldly written in front of the school " Golden High School". The name really suite the school because the school looked golden. We walked through the hall way and most students looked at me as we passed through " They are looking at your because you look like a monkey". Tyra started " stop that Tyra , you look beautiful Alicia". Troy complimented me * * We soon got to the office , "Good morning sir". We greeted when we got into the office " Good morning ". He said looking up I almost laughed when I noticed he had a big belle "Oh , you are the transfer student". He said after studying me " yes sir". I replied " Good": he said handing me a form to fill and I was soon done with it He called his secretary " Take her to Grade 12A". He said as soon as the secretary came in "Okay sir". She said and faced me, let us go. I nodded at my mum who was smiling and followed the secretary * * She stopped in front of a class " This is your class". She said and left I entered the class and all the student turned to look at me, I became shy and looked down " Hi, I am Brenda. A lady said I looked up and met the face of a pretty girl.. " Hi". I am Alicia". I replied " wow, you are beautiful". She complimented "Thanks". I blushed " you can seat over there, she said pointing at a back seat ". " Thanks". I said and walked over to the seat Brenda followed me and she kept on talking to me as if we had known for a long time, I was grateful for that.. * A girl walked in, she was really beautiful, she glanced towards me " a new student". She said scoffing and looked away " That is Andra , the most popular girl in school". Brenda whispered to me quickly I nodded so that is why she is full of herself.. Suddenly the whole class became noisy when a guy with earphones walked him When I turned to take a better look at him, I was speechless " Who is this cutie". I thought within I watched him as he sat down beside me " Ryan". Brenda called He looked and flashed her a smile then he turned towards me " you must be new here, I am Ryan ". He said stretching his hands " I am Alicia". I replied taking his hands and shaking it " Good". He said and continued with his music " how can someone be as cute as this". I thought within... * * It was soon time for class and the whole class because quiet when the teacher walked in. She started teaching and I could not help glancing at Ryan, he was shaking his head obviously from the music he was listening too. " Ryan, the teacher called". Can you come solve the question on the board. I watched him as he walked to the board and Solved it correctly " Done". He said as he handed the marker to the teacher The teacher nodded her head "Good". She said and Ryan winked at Andra as he walked back to his seat " Are they dating". I asked myself • •. It was soon time for recess and Brenda walked towards me " Alicia, let go and have lunch ". She said I stood up from my seat and walked to the cafe with her. We bought our food and went to sit down Andra and Ryan were at a table at the far end laughing at they eat "Are they dating?". I asked Brenda " No , they aren't ". She said , Ryan is the most handsome dude in this school and it is obvious Andra want him to herself". She explained " cool". I said as I continued with my food " This is your first day at school Alicia, behave". I thought within * I think Alicia is loving her school now TBC
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