Chapter 2: Where there's a will ...

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*Jessica* Linc and I had gone back to my apartment, with Linc taking my bathroom to change out of her cheerleader's uniform, while I headed to my bedroom. My comment about catching Robin's attention and getting the kind of relationship I wanted with him had started as just that, a comment. But I hadn't stopped thinking about it during the walk home. And the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. I'm a witch, and not to brag or anything, but I'm a damn good witch. Magic is its own world of possibilities, and those possibilities can certainly be used to attract and captivate people's attention. Why couldn't I do that to Robin? “What about a love spell?" I called through the door. “What?" Linc called back. I tried not to scowl. Even though there were two doors, a wall, and a hallway between us, I knew Linc had no trouble hearing what I had said. “I said what if I used a love spell on Robin," I repeated anyway. A door closed and footsteps came from the hallway. “I've got a couple of questions," Linc said, her voice now coming from outside my bedroom door. “The first and probably more important one is probably WHY?" “Why what?" I asked back. “Why Robin?" Linc asked me. “Why not anyone else? What do you see in him that makes him so irresistible to you?" I smiled at the question. There were so many reasons. “He's handsome," I replied. “The way he smiles, the way it lights up his eyes. It's so captivating. I don't care if he's not a wizard, he's got charm." “So, it's just looks?" Linc asked. There was something in her tone I didn't like. “Of course not," I replied. “There's his grace, but there's more to love about Robin than just his physical attributes." “Did you just drop an L-bomb?" Linc asked. “Robin is going to graduate with honors for a reason," I continued, ignoring Linc's comment. “He's smart, talented, and he's driven. What's not to love about any of those qualities?" I smiled to myself. “And he's tender. Affectionate. He just hasn't found the right person to make the permanent object of those affections." “And you're sure you're the right person for Robin?" I let my smile grow. “I am," I replied confidently. “Robin just needs the proper incentive to realize that." “You feel very strongly about a person you barely know, Jess," Linc pointed out. “Have you ever done anything besides watch him hang around with other girls? Have you ever had an actual conversation with this so-called 'man of your dream?'" “That will come in time," I replied. “And should probably happen before you commit to something as extreme as a love spell," Linc continued. “Trust me, Jess, I've spent time with Robin. He's like some kind of heart locust. He comes through like a prince charming and leaves a trail of hurt feelings in his wake. He's done it to half my friends on the cheer squad. He's tried to do it to me. Please trust me when I tell you, you can do better than him." “If I could do better, I would have by now," I reminded Linc. “Have you ever considered that the person you put on is the problem and not you?" Linc asked. “Shy, quiet Hoodie Girl isn't going to attract attention. The real you that I know is. Why not just show that off a little more around campus." “Because that will attract a lot of attention," I replied. “The more attention I have, the more I feel the need to show off. The more I show off, the more I risk revealing that I'm a witch." “Then don't let it get that far," Linc said with a touch of dryness in her voice. I smile at that. “If I could, I would. But I can't, so I'm not going to." “So, you would really prefer using magic to find a boyfriend instead of just letting them know the real, very likable you?" “I can turn people into toads," I pointed out. “I can guarantee that we always have white Christmases. I can turn wine into piss." “We promised we would never bring up the 'wine piss' incident again!" Linc almost shouted. “My point is, why can't I use magic to help me get my perfect boyfriend?" I continued. “It's something we could work on together." “Uh, there's no 'we' here, Jessica," Linc protested. “Putting a love spell on Robin is a 'you' thing." I could hear her tapping her foot on my floor. “Are you almost ready yet? The meeting is going to start soon." With all of our talking, I'd almost forgotten that we had some place to be. Going to my closest I pulled out a fresh set of clothes. A minute later I replaced my ripped jeans with a black miniskirt and tights, and my oversized hoodie with a white blouse. I arranged my hair so it would be out of my face, but I didn't bother with any makeup except for a little lipstick to add some more pink to my face. Stepping out of my room once I was finished, I found Linc waiting for me, now wearing skinny jeans and a brown leather jacket over a mint-green T-shirt. Linc gave me an appraising look. “If you wanted to get Robin's attention, you could just dress like this instead of the hoodie getup. No love spell required." I smiled at that but shook my head. “A cute outfit might get me a minute in the sun, Linc," I reminded her. “It won't get me a lifetime." Linc sighed, and for some reason it almost sounded exasperated, but she handed me my own jacket and I figured this was her way of trying to end our conversation. “Can we go now?" she asked me. “Yes," I replied as I slipped my jacket on. “We can go." “Finally." Linc muttered that quietly, probably hoping I wouldn't hear her, but I still did. We left my apartment, and this time I was the one to take Linc by the arm. “On our way there we can start to plan what kind of love spell would be best to use on Robin," I suggested, the possibilities and excitement already beginning to run through my mind. Linc sighed again, and this time I was certain it was an exasperated one.
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