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SELENAS POV I wake up on top of Fabian and as I look up to his face I couldn't stop from smiling at him, he looked so peaceful until Jr decided it was time to wake him up. I got up and went to his crib picking him up and walking to the changing table, I changed his diaper and put it in the trash bin and as I turn around I see Fabian trying to make a bottle for while reading the instructions on the formula can. I was having to much fun watching him struggle that I didn't even try to help him, when he turned around to look at me I couldn't hold the laughter any longer. "You could really help me instead of laughing at me" he said "Its really simple to do a bottle" I say "Oh really, then show me" he says I got up and gave him Jr while I took the bottle and poured eight ounces of water in it then I grabbed the formula and placed four scoops of formula in it, placed the n****e back on and shook it until it was well mixed before taking Jr from him and placing him in the crib and placing him in the crib with his bottle. "You have been doing it longer so it is easy for you" he says "Well you better learn how to do it as well as changing diapers" I say "And why is that" he asked "After what happened yesterday night who know what could happend" I say "So your saying that you might have gotten pregnant last night" he asked "Remember the night we found out that we only did it one time and look at what we have now" I say looking at Jr "Do you regret not using some kind of protection" he asked "Of course not, your my mate and I love you" I say Before he can even say anything else there is a knock on our door, Fabian put on some shorts and walks to the door and opens it while I go oin the bathroom and turn on the shower. "Selena is needed in the Alpha's office ASAP" Esteban says "Is something wrong" I say walking out of the bathroom with a shirt and shorts on "It appears that there is another letter" Esteban says "Tell Sebastian and Beatris I will be there in a few minutes" I say He nods and leaves to go tell them that I would be joining them soon, I mind linked Gaby and ask her to come and take care of Jr since Fabian and I were going to a meeting in a few minutes. Once I was done changing and so was Fabian we heard a knock on the door, we opened it to find Gaby there we let her in and we walked out and down the hall to the Alpha's office. Once in there I looked around to find Esteban, Sebastian, Beatris and who I assumed was the Beta of Beatris's pack. "Let me see the letter" I say "Here" Beatris gives it to me and I read it We see that you have found your sister and brother, now we will be having so much fun. We suggest you prepare because we will attack before you know it and we will not stop until we have finished what we started all those years ago, we will succeed this time and finally finish our revenge on your father. As I finished reading it, I look to Sebastian and to Beatris they both were looking at me as well and I knew what they were wanting to ask who our father is and where was he. They both nod at me and everybody else starts to stare at me by that moment, I then close my eyes and call to know who and wehre our father was and why these rouges wanted revenge on him through us. "Why have you called me my child" our mother asked "Enough with the bull mother who and where is our father" I say bluntly "Why do you want to know about him" she asked "This is why, now tell us who and where is he" I say once again "Selena I can't do that, we promised not to tell who he was and where he was" she says "Then you leave me no choice" I say as I start to walk out of the office and out to the front yard "Selena waht are you doing" she asks "Well calling father dearest of course" I say "Selena, no don't do it" she says "And why not mother, my brother, sister, I and everyone we love is in danger we need to know who he is and why these rouges are wanting revenge on him through us. I don't know about you mother but I will not pu tmy son in danger for someone I don't even remember, I am rally sorry but I have to do what ever I can to protect my family and their packs" I say "Even if it mwans you losing your own life" she asks "Even then, I will give my life for my family" I say And before anyone dcan say anything else I close my eyes and tooned out everybody around me and start to call out to our father asking him to come to us because we needed him, because we were in danger and needed his help to protect ourselves. We waited and waited but didn't get any response it was like he either didn't want to help or he just didn't care. I looked at Beatris and at Sebastian and right away they knew what I wanted, they walked towards me and we all held each others hands. We closed our eyes and consentrated on calling our father for help, telling him that we needed him and that we were in danger then waited for a while before I saw a dark figure appeare behind Sebastian and with all my strength I pulled him and Beatris behind me taking a protective stand. I wasn't going to allow anyone to do any harm to either one of them and I looked at the man in front of me realizing I have seen him before and convided in him since I was a little girl, he was the owner of the ice cream shop in town but why was he here and why did he appeare when we called our father. SELENAS POV I WAKE UP ON TOP OF FABIAN AND AS I LOOK UP TO HIS FACE I COULDNT STOP FROM SMILING AT HIM, HE LOOKED SO PEACEFUL UNTIL JR DECIDED IT WAS TIME TO WAKE HIM UP. I GOT UP AND WENT TO HIS CRIB PICKING HIM UP AND WALKING TO THE CHANGING TABLE, I CHANGED HIS DIAPER AND PUT IT IN THE TRASH BIN AND AS I TURN AROUND I SEE FABIAN TRYING TO MAKE A BOTTLE WHILE READING THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE FORMULA CAN. I WAS HAVING TO MUCH FUN WATCHING HIM STRUGGLE THAT I DIDNT EVEN TRY TO HELP HIM, WHEN I TURNED AROUND TO LOOK AT ME I VOULDNT HOLD THE LAUGHTER ANY LONGER. "YOU COULD REALLY HELP ME INSTEAD OF LAUGHING AT ME" HE SAID "IT REALLY SIMPLE TO DO A BOTTLE" I SAY "OH REALLY THEN SHOW ME" HE SAYS I GOT UP AND GAVE HIM JR WHILE I TOOK THE BOTTLE AND POURED EIGHT OUNCES OF WATER IN IT THEN I GRABED THE FORMULA AND PLACED FOUR SCOOPS OF FORMULA IN IT, PLACED THE n****e BACK ON AND SHOOK IT UNTIL IT WAS WELL MIXED BEFORE TAKING JR FROM HIM AND PLACING HIM IN THE CRIB WITH HIS BOTTLE. "YOU HAVE BEEN DOING IT LONGER SO IT IS EASY FOR YOU" HE SAYS "WELL YOU BETTER LEARN HOW TO DO IT AS WELL AS CHANGING DIAPERS" I SAY "AND WHY IS THAT" HE ASKED "AFTER WHAT HAPPEND YESTERDAY NIGHT WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD HAPPEND" I SAY "SO YOUR SAYING THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE GOTTEN PREGNANT LAST NIGHT" HE SAYS "REMEMBER THE NIGHT WE FOUND OUT THAT WE WERE MATES AND WE ONLY DID IT ONE TIME AND LOOK AT WHAT WE HAVE NOW" I SAY LOOKING AT JR "DO YOU REGRET NOT USING SOME KIND OF PROTECTION" HE ASKED "OFCOURSE NOT YOUR MY MATE AND I LOVE YOU" I SAY BEFORE HE CAN EVEN SAY ANYTHING THERE IS A KNOCK ON OUR DOOR, FABIAN PUTS ON SOME SHORTS AND WALKS TO THE DOOR AND OPENS IT WHILE I GO IN THE BATHROOM AND TURN ON THE SHOWER. "SELENA IS NEEDED IN THE ALPHAS OFFICE ASAP" ESTEBAN SAYS "IS SOMETHING WRONG" I SAY WALKING OUT OF THE BATHROOM WITH A SHIRT AND SHORTS ON "IT APPEARS THAT THERE IS ANOTHER LETTER" ESTEBANS SAYS "TELL SEBASTIAN AND BEATRIS I WILL BE THERE IN AFEW MINUTES" I SAY HE NODS AND LEAVES TO GO TELL THEM THAT I WOULD BE JOINING THEM SOON, I MIND LINK GABY AND ASK HER TO COME AND TAKE CARE OF JR SINCE FABIAN AND I WERE GOING TO BE IN A MEETING IN A FEW MINUTES. ONCE I WAS DONE CHANGING AND SO WAS FABIAN WE HEARD A KNOCK ON THE DOOR, WE OPENED IT TO FIND GABY THERE WE LET HER IN AND WE WALKED OUT AND DOWN THE HALL TO THE ALPHAS OFFICE. ONCE IN THERE I LOOKED AROUND TO FIND ESTEBAN, SEBASTIAN, BEATRIS AND WHO I ASSUME WAS THE BETA OF BEATRIS'S PACK. "LET ME SEE THE LETTER" I SAY "HERE" BEATRIS GIVES IT TO ME AND I READ IT WE SEE THAT YOU HAVE FOUND YOUR SISTER AND BROTHER, NOW WE WILL BE HAVING SO MUCH FUN. WE SUGGEST YOU PREPARE BECAUSE WE WILL ATTACK BEFORE YOU EVEN KNOW IT AND WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL WE HAVE FINSIHED WHAT WE STARTED ALL THOSE YEARS AGO, WE WILL SUCCEED THIS TIME AND FINALLY FINISH OUR REVENGE TO YOUR FATHER. AS I FINISH READING IT, I LOOK TO SEBASTIAN AND TO BEATRIS THEY BOTH WERE LOOKING AT ME AS WELL AND I KNEW WHAT THEY WERE WANTING TO ASK WHO OUR FATHER IS AND WHERE WAS HE. THEY BOTH NOD AT ME AND EVERYBODY ELSE STARTS TO STARE AT ME BY THAT MOMENT, I THEN CLOSE MY EYES AND CALL TO OUR MOTHER WE NEEDED TO KNOW WHO AND WHERE OUR FATHER WAS AND WHY THESE ROUGES WANTED REVENGE ON HIM THROUGH US. "WHY HAVE YOU CALLED ME MY CHILD" OUR MOTHER ASKS "ENOUGH WITH THE BULL MOTHER WHO AND WHERE IS OUR FATHER" I SAY BLUNTLY "WHY DO YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT HIM" SHE ASKS "THIS IS WHY, NOW TELL US WHO AND WHERE IS HE" I SAY ONCE MORE "SELENA I CANT DO THAT WE PROMISED NOT TO TELL WHO HE WAS AND WHERE HE WAS" SHE SAYS "THEN YOU LEAVE ME NO CHOICE" I SAY AS I START TO WALK OUT OF THE OFFICE AND OUT TO THE FRONT YARD "SELENA WHAT ARE YOU DOING" SHE ASKS "WELL CALLING MY FATHER DEAREST" I SAY "SELENA NO DONT DO IT" SHE SAYS "AND WHY NOT MOTHER, MY BROTHER, SISTER, I AND EVERYONE WE LOVE IS IN DANGER WE NEED TO KNOW WHO HE IS AND WHY THESE ROUGES ARE WANTING REVENGE ON HIM THROUGH US. I DONT KNOW ABOUT YOU MOTHER BUT I WILL NOT PUT MY SON IN DANGER FOR SOMEONE I DONT EVEN REMEMBER, I AM REALLY SORRY BUT I HAVE TO DO WHAT EVER I CANT TO PROTECT MY FAMILY AND THEIR PACKS" I SAY "EVEN IF IT MEANS YOU LOSING YOUR OWN LIFE" SHE ASKS "EVEN THEN, I WILL GIVE MY LIFE FOR MY FAMILY" I SAY AND BEFORE ANYONE CAN SAY ANYTHING ELSE I CLOSE MY EYES AND TOON OUT EVERYBODY AROUND ME AND START TO CALL OUT TO OUR FATHER ASKING HIM TO COME TO US BECAUSE WE NEED HIM, BECAUSE WE WERE IN DANGER AND NEEDED HIS HELP TO PROTECT OURSELVES. WE WAITED AND WAITED BUT DIDNT GET ANY RESPONSE IT WAS LIKE HE EITHER DIDNT WANT TO SO HELP OR HE JUST DIDNT CARE. I LOOKED AT BEATRIS AND AT SEBASTIAN AND RIGHT AWAY THEY KNEW WHAT I WANTED, THEY WALKED TOWARDS ME AND WE ALL HELD EACH OTHERS HANDS. WE CLOSED OUR EYES AND CONSENTRATED ON CALLING OUR FATHER FOR HELP, TELLING HIM THAT WE NEEDED HIM AND THAT WE WERE IN DANGER THEN WAITED FOR A WHILE BEFORE I SAW A DARK FIGURE APPEARE BEHIMND SEBASTIAN AND WITH ALL MY STRENGTH PULLED HIM AND BEATRIS BEHIND ME TAKING A PROTECTIVE STAND. I WASNT GOING TO ALLOW ANYONE TO DO ANY HARM TO EITHER ONE OF THEM AND I LOOKED AT THE MAN INFRONT OF ME I REALIZED I HAVE SEEN HIM BEFORE AND CONVIDED IN HIM SINCE I WAS A LITTLE GIRL, HE WAS THE OWNER OF THE ICE CREAM SHOP IN TOWN BUT WHY WAS HE HERE AND WHY DID HE APPEARE WHEN WE CALLED OUR FATHER.

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