14. Vegas weekend

1462 Words

"Well...so, you decided to keep your phone this time? What happen?" Sharon was noticing the phone that peeked out of my bag. "I met his sister, and I actually got jealous of her. I thought she was his other woman." I explained to her while we were waiting for Dottie. "Wow, you never get jealous. He must be real good huh?" She was finishing off on her packing. Then she zipped her backpack, after she put in packets of condoms inside. She was looking at me grinning. "What? You're not f*****g anyone there, so...more for me." She stated lightly and shrugged at me. Okay then... Minutes later Dottie burst into the door. She looked at me directly. "What's with the new beef out front?  Is he one of yours? He's cute." "That's Ivan, he'll be tailing us this weekend. He's with Nikolai, the

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