Immortal 2 #24

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Azura's PoV   I awoke earlier than Zero the following day, but I kissed him to wake him up, and he didn't complain that I didn't wake him up.   "Good morning," I said to Zero, and when he looked at me, and he squeezed my waist, I was surprised.   "You're leaving today, and I forgot," Zero said.   "Probably needed early. No one leaves at night," I told Zero, and he kissed me on the lips unexpectedly.   Zero let go of hugging while smiling at me; I left when I was on top of him because he pulled me. He stood up, and I exited the room. I went down first, and when I got there, I saw four beasts sitting on the sofa as if waiting for us.   "Good morning, my lady," the four beasts said. There was food on the table. This was our breakfast.   "It looks like we're going to have a good breakfast today," I said to the four beasts as I sat in the chair.   When I saw Zero coming down, he was still stretching. I started eating and thought there is too much food here.   "Come and join us!" I said to the four beasts as I turned to face them, and they were taken aback.   "Are we going to eat together?" Zach asked me, and I nodded, and the four of them stood up, sitting at the far end of the table.   "Our breakfast is delicious. We've been waiting for a while, and then we smell the scent," Jeff said, which made me laugh.   Zero sat next to me and ate, and when I finished, I drank the milk. It's much better when you eat regular food, so I picked up the bell and was ready to ring it.   "What's that for?" Zero asked, pointing to the bell.   "To call my acquaintance the wizard, I met someone while still studying at the elf's palace," I told Zero, and he nodded.   When I rang the bell, something clearly came out, and Leonard immediately opened up to me and smiled at me.   "I knew you would ring the bell, and now are you ready?" Leonard asked me, and I nodded.   "I'm ready," I said, looking at Zero.   "As the leader of the four beasts, you take care of the palace and everyone here," I told Gab, who turned surprised.   "There is no leader among us, my lady," Gab said.   "There is now. Don't worry, look after Zero and my palace," I said to Gab, and I stood up and changed my clothes in my room.   I put on my hood and followed Leonard, who created a portal through which we quickly arrived at the wizard's palace.   I was astounded by the size of their palace; many of them are probably studying wizard's power here, so their palace is enormous.   "We have a lot of members in eagle's tribe. That's why it's a big palace," Leonard said to me. Did he read my mind?   "Did you read my mind?" I asked Leonard.   "No, I just assumed what you were thinking," Leonard explained, and I nodded.   I followed Leonard, and the wizards here looked at me as if they knew I was immortal.   "Do they feel I'm immortal?" I asked Leonard.   "Yes, they do, but don't worry, they will only fight you when you fight them, the members here are educated," Leonard replied, and I nodded.   We entered a room that appeared to be an office, and when I looked around, a man was sitting there, and he stood up to face me. He's a bit old, but I believe he holds the highest position in the wizard's tribe.   "Good morning! I'm waiting for you to arrive because Leonard told me that you believed what he said," he said to me, and he approached me.   "My name is Ronaldo Caruz." I was taken aback because Leonard and Ronaldo share the same surname. Does this mean they're family?   "My name is Azura Alwina Cynthia Feax," I introduced myself, and I wondered why Ronaldo was staring at me so intently.   "Why do you look familiar to me? Is Scarlet Questa your twin sister?" He asks me I won't be shocked why he knows my mom, and I think this guy knows everyone that is a wizard.   "She's my mother," I said to Ronaldo, and he was taken aback.   "That's why you two resemble each other, and Leonard told me you want to study wizard power? I know you have a power of a wizard because you're Scarlet's child, do you?" Ronaldo Asked me.   "I know that, but I'm not sure how to use it," I replied to Ronaldo.   "Is that why, and you don't know your sword is here? Do you want to see it now or after you finish studying wizard's power?" Ronaldo asked.   "When I finished studying wizard's power," I replied, and Ronaldo took something from his desk, which was a pin similar to Leonard's.   "You're already a member of the eagle; I'll keep an eye on you when you go to school," Ronaldo told me. Does that mean there's a school here in the wizard's palace?   I'm even more eager to learn the wizard's power.   "Let me show you around your room, but you will share a room with some wizards. Is that okay?" Leonard asked.   "Yeah, it's okay," I said to Leonard, and we went to the room he was referring to.   He knocked, and when the door opened, a tall man approached me and looked me in the eyes.   "Don't tell me that this immortal right here will share a room with us?" He said this to Leonard, so I looked away from them talking.   "There's nothing we can do; respect her because she's a wizard's daughter," Leonard said as he let me into the room and saw how chaotic it was.   "I'll go now, Azura," Leonard said as he shut the door.   "We're not going to make you a member of our group," the tall man in the red shirt said.   Another man was dressed in black; I took a deep breath and exited the room. I don't have any equipment, so I can freely roam the wizard's palace.   I ignored the onlookers as I walked around the wizard's palace. I came across an extensive library of theirs here. The other wizards looked at me when I walked in, and I could hear their whispers but ignored them.   I looked through the books listed here, and when I was done, I discovered a book about wizard's power. I sat on the floor because it was more comfortable for me. I opened the book and began reading.   I'll start studying tomorrow. After a few hours of reading here, I stood up and handed back the books I had read because it's awkward right now.   "I heard you're new around here?" I turned to face three men who had suddenly appeared in front of me.   "Are you supposed to be immortal? But you're a student here. Shouldn't you be gone by now? Because you're strong or don't tell me because you're weak immortal?" They informed me, and I was surprised when they pushed me, so I became irritated.   "I'm sure she's weak, Darwin," I heard the name called to sail me, and they both laughed.   When I look at them, I stopped the clock, stood up, tore their clothes, and cut their hair. I laughed at myself and passed them to leave the library, then I turned the clock back on and heard them shouting.   I laughed even harder because I knew they'd be afraid of me; they were weak, and they made mistakes because I was stronger than them and even more vital when I discovered the wizard's power.   I returned to my room, and when I held the doorknob, it was locked, so I smiled; I know the eagles were respected, but there were many bullies here.   I used my acid power to melt the doorknob, then kicked it open, surprising the two in the room. I ignored them and went to my bed, neatly arranging my bed as well as the doorknob I had melted earlier.   "Do you think you'll be able to handle me?" I told them, and they didn't say anything, so I smiled, and they didn't respond any longer.   I changed my clothes and imitated them; the two of them were surprised that I didn't know their name, but I didn't know anything about them either. I don't want to be near anyone else; I want to concentrate on learning the wizard's power.   It's late, and I'm not sure if the wizards ate simultaneously; I don't want to go with them because other wizards might look at me strangely.   "Azura, why don't you sit down?" Ronaldo revealed himself to me.   "I didn't realize you were eating here at the same time; maybe I'll just eat in my room because who knows what else others there will say to me," I said to Ronaldo.   "Would you like to sit next to Leonard and me?" Ronaldo told me, and I was surprised because they were still okay with me being here.   "All right, I'll just be there in your place." I followed him, sat down, and the food here is delicious.   We've already started eating, and all I can hear are stories. I just ate something, and then someone appeared at our table.   "Does an immortal eat normal food?" Darwin told me, and Ronaldo chastised him.   "Darwin!, Show some respect to Azura because someday we will need help," Ronaldo said to Darwin.   "I don't care if she's an immortal who deserves to be feared! Because we're just wizards here, and you took her in?" As a result of the answer, I stood up.   "I'll ask you if you think you don't like me. Will you be accepted if you're frail? Isn't that right? So please don't tell me that I shouldn't be tolerated," I said to Darwin, and he drew his bow from his hand and pointed it at me.   "Let's see how talented you are!" I laughed as Darwin said this.   "Even if I don't fight, go ahead and do that. Let me see the outcome," I said to Darwin as the bow struck me in the chest.   I smiled and removed the arrow buried in my chest; it healed instantly, and he was taken aback. I sat down once more, and Leonard escorted him away.   "Go back to your seat. You're always looking for a fight," Leonard said, and to Darwin's annoyance, he came out of the room.   "I'm sorry that I lose respect. I don't want to have an enemy; My only enemy is the ones who murdered my family," I said to Ronaldo.   "Can I just change my room because I just want to be alone?" I begged Ronaldo, and he was taken into consideration.   "There isn't as much room as a vacant room, so I can't give you anything," Ronaldo replied, so I remained silent.   "All right, it's fine; maybe I'll just sleep outside because the one in my room now doesn't want me either," I said to Ronaldo as I finished my meal and wiped my lips.   "Don't do that; there are many creatures that move at night. It's a good thing we have a wall. If you want, you can use my room, and I'll sleep with my son in his room," Ronaldo informed me.   "You're a very kind wizard," I said to Ronaldo with a smile.   When I was done eating, I followed Ronaldo to his room; his room was very friendly and tidy when I arrived.   "It's nice here in your room; I had no idea that even as a man, you know how to organize your things," I said to Ronaldo.   "Because I like to fix things, I also have the power of a wizard and can fix things," Ronaldo said to me.   "I also have a power that fixes messes," I said to Rolando.   "All right then, go ahead and take care," Rolando said, and I nodded.   Is Ronaldo sleeping in his bed? I looked at the books on the shelf and noticed that his bed was also clean and tidy. Perhaps he enjoys reading books as well; I received a book and what I received was a story.   It's about Immortal. I didn't open it and put it back where it belonged; instead, I backed away because it seemed like he was reading a book about the immortal.   What if Ronaldo is a traitor who is only being nice to me? I was shaken; it's impossible; Ronaldo can't betray me, I believe.   Maybe Clark or the four beasts, if I ask? If I go back to the palace to ask that question, I might as well ask Leonard what kind of attitude his father has.   I lay down on the bed, closed my eyes, and promptly fell asleep.   I awoke because there was a noise outside; I heard their noises and got up; thankfully, I did not dream badly. But why shouldn't I? I didn't have a nightmare because I'm here at the wizard's palace?   I stood up and changed my clothes in a flash, smiling at what I was wearing now, shorts, nothing wrong with that, and then I wore my cape with the eagle sign.   When I went outside, the wizards walking by looked at me and whispered to me again. I went to the room where the study would begin, and when I walked in, I was surprised to see Leonard there; was he my teacher?   "Sit here in front, Azura," Leonard said, so I didn't say anything and didn't complain; I sat in front and heard the whisper again.   "Quiet! I'm not going to hear you talk about Azura anymore because she's the same as you. Her father was the sole source of her immortality," Leonard said, and my companions were deafeningly silent.   **
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