Immortal 2 #33

2390 Words
Azura's PoV   When I looked at Zero, he was still deeply asleep, so I didn't realize it was morning. When he woke up last night, I put him back to sleep because he was tired.   Because even if I can't sleep, it's okay, nothing will happen to me, and I won't get sick. I get up when I sit down, and I go down.   I noticed the maid had just placed my breakfast on the table.   "Good morning, Queen," the maid said, and I smiled.   "It's always delicious when you cook," I told the maid, and I helped her prepare breakfast.   "Thank you, Queen; how are you? Why are you assisting me?" The maid asked.   "I can't do anything, so I wanted to help," I told the maid, and she gently laughed.   When I finished assisting the maid, I sat down and drank the nearby water when four beasts approached.   "Good morning, my lady!" Gab said to me, and all I could do was smile. I noticed Zero coming down behind them as well.   I stood up, and they assisted Zero in getting down; he sat next to me, and I sat down again.   "How are you doing?" I asked about Zero.   "I'm fine. I thought you were leaving? Shouldn't you have gone sooner?" Zero said to me.   "I did it yesterday; I'd want to watch you today," I said, and Zero clasped my hand in his.   "Go ahead and do it now, even if you did it yesterday. You must proceed immediately. I believe it is important to you," Zero remarked to me, and I looked about at the four beasts who were already eating.   "I'm not sure why I did it yesterday; I'm too worried about you," I said to Zero.   "I'm fine, and I'll be fine tomorrow. You keep doing what you need to finish after you eat," I smiled as Zero instructed me.   "Thanks, Zero," I said to him and continue to eat.   I drank the water after finishing my meal, got up, and was about to go when the four beasts spoke.   "We will not join you? My Lady??" Jeff asked me.   "You're with me, so hurry up and eat," I said to the four beasts, standing up and approaching me.   "At long last, we'll be able to accompany my lady wherever she's going!" Zach said.   "Zero, be careful here anyway," I said to Zero, and he turned to face me.   "Yes, you, too, be careful," Zero said to me, and I smiled.   We exited the palace, and I changed my attire; I'm now wearing a black cape.   "Imitate my black cape," I instructed the four beasts, and they soon exchanged looks and copied the black cape that I was wearing.   "Let's go, my lady!!" The four beasts said to me. They informed me, but I confronted them.   "All I'm going to do is try out my daiyi sword," I told four beasts, surprising them.   "Where will you try? My lady?" Gab asked me.   "Either in the immortal or demon world," I told the four beasts.   "I know several creatures in the immortal realm," Skyler said; he was correct, and I knew that.   "I know that since I only thought of the demon world to go back to the palace quickly, so that if something happened to Zero, we could go back right away," I explained, and the four beasts nodded.   "You decide, my lady, we'll just follow you," Gab replied, and I turned away from them.   "You can follow me when I teleport, can't you?" I said, and the four beasts answered.   "Yes," answered the four beasts, and I teleported to Asule Cave, where there may be many creatures, but only small ones.   "We don't know this place, my lady; you know a many about caverns," Skyler said.   "But you know where I'm going, so be on the lookout because you might attack me," I joke to the four beasts.   I'm beginning to walk, but why can't I see any creatures? Do they run and hide because they are afraid of me? Very unlikely, or has someone already has killed them all?   "Looks like I'm not feeling any creatures here, my lady," Zach replied as we walked away from the entrance.   I was astonished when I suddenly heard something, and the four beasts were as well, so I laughed at them all.   "What kind of cowards are you?" I said to the four beasts while laughing at them.   "No! We were startled because you were surprised, as well," Zach responded, and when I got to the front, I was surprised to see a giant spider in front of us.   I drew my daiyi sword, but I was even more surprised since small spiders surrounded them. I leaped and was ready to stab it when it attacks me with the web, and I couldn't get away quickly enough.   Jeff stood in the midst of me, and he was the one who had been hit; I laugh because he appeared to be eating now, enveloped in a white web.   "Don't just rush, my lady. The monsters have thoughts as well," Gab cautioned, allowing me to sense its aura and every move.   "I know what to do!" I shouted as I soared high, and the spider immediately shot me with its web, but I blocked it with my sword.   The web returned to the giant spider, which shocked me because my daiyi sword was mighty, capable of producing whatever power remained to it. I instantly struck the large spider, which I believe is a mother because she holds her children.   "Hey Jeff, you don't think, you believe I'm going to get wounded," I said to Jeff, as the giant spider vanished like ash, releasing some power as it entered my body.   "Come on," I said, and Jeff replied.   "My lady, remove the web from me. I can't remove it!" Jeff shouted, and the three beasts laughed.   "My lady was planning to leave you because you weren't thinking," Gab stated, and they both chuckled.   "Next time, Jeff, you have to think I'm strong because you'll only save me when I'm weak," I said to the four beasts, and the four of them nodded.   I removed the web with my fire, and Jeff escaped immediately. We continued to look for creatures in this cave. I know those others who were hiding so that when someone comes here weak, they will attack immediately and eat.   "My lady there above us," Zach said, so I looked up and saw a large centipede creeping down, and I smirked.   "I had no idea there were creatures like this in this cave; typically, there must be enormous elephants commanding them to make them cruel," I said as the centipede peered at us intently.   Because of his purple skin hue, this one is nasty; I used my elf form and felt the might of my dark elf.   "What are we going to do, my lady?" Jeff asked me.   "Just help me in my fight against this centipede," I shouted as I dashed over to the large centipede.   I jumped and was about to stab it when someone whispered to me, causing me to lose focus.   "You'll die as she did,"   "My lady!!" I only realized I was about to fall when I heard Zach yell. Zach, fortunately, caught me right away.   "Are you all right?" What happened? Zach asked me.   "I heard Sander's voice trying to control me again!" I said, and they ran while I was up.   "Why are we running? We need to kill that!" I said, and I left Zach because he was carrying me.   "My lady, it's risky because Sander might suddenly regain control of you!" Zach yelled while carrying me.   "I will kill you like I killed your father," Sander said to me in my mind, and I drop the daiyi sword.   I was seized by the head and had my hair yanked out; I tried to fight back, but all I did was spew blood.   "Look at the daiyi sword moving spontaneously!" I heard Gab say, and I looked at my sword that spontaneously killed the large centipede.   "The daiyi sword, my lady, is inextricably linked to you!" Gab said, and the giant centipede was reduced to ashes as its power entered me.   "I need to rest first and calm myself down," I told the four beasts and sat down first, taking my daiyi sword.   "Sander isn't going to stop what he's doing. He thought maybe when you kill him, and he'll go to heaven," Skyler said.   "Sander is so depressed that he'll go to heaven? That is unlikely to happen because he is so evil that he has killed so many innocent people." I said and removed my elf form before using my cultivation. My strength and my intellect.   While my cultivation was in progress, I took a deep breath and noticed the four of them sitting and talking. When I test my daiyi sword on Sander, I can't fully forgive him even if he kisses my foot and cries blood.   When I finish my cultivation to examine my health, I'll rise; I cannot felt some creatures now. What if we simply return to the palace? Perhaps Sander hurried there and abruptly killed my troops as well as the person I love.   "Let's go back to my palace," I said to the four beasts, and the four of them stood up to their feet.   "Are you sure, my lady? You haven't used your sword much yet, have you? "Zach advised me.   "It's okay. There are still days left; even if I don't try again, I'll know," I said to Zach.   When I teleported back to the palace and spotted Zero standing in front of the gate, what was he doing outside?   I stopped walking because I saw that he was kissing a woman. Who is this woman?! Wait, is this the elf who lives here with us now? Dayse?!   "What are you doing!" I scream, and I separate the two together to deal with Zero.   "Zero, what does that mean?!" I growled at Zero and was surprised when he removed the necklace he had given me.   "I recognize that our love will be more difficult, but I don't want to be lost in this world," Zero said me as Dayse held him.   "You're not Zero," I shouted as I stepped back, and the four beasts had already arrived.   "What happened, my lady?" Zach asked, and Dayse kissed Zero once more, making me even more uncomfortable.   "You are not Zero! Where is Zero?!" I screamed and immediately murdered them, and they vanished like ashes.   "You're so funny Azura, I thought my illusion would work on you," Sander stated as I stared at him.   "What happened to Zero?!" I yelled, and Sander laughed.   "Relax. Zero is in your palace resting. Because of your barrier, I am unable to enter." He whispered to me as I picked up the broken necklace. This is what Zero gave me.   "That is enough! I'm not sure I can forgive you!" I yelled to Sander and took on the form of an elf.   "Really? Come to me if you're really brave!" Sander told me, so I quickly approached him.   I kick him, and he didn't notice I was behind him; he was annoyed with me and quickly kicked me out with his wind strength.   "My lady! We'll help you!" Gab shouted, but I waved my hand to make them stop.   "Stay just there. This is my fight!" I said, and Sander laughed again.   "Are you certain you won't let them assist you? I'm going to kill them for murdering my servants!" Sander was irritated, and it formed massive electrical in his hand, which he launched towards the four beasts.   My four beasts swiftly turned into their actual forms, and Gab and Zach rapidly climbed up.   "Your four beasts are cowards," Sander told me.   "You don't know them, so don't brag about your superiority!" I responded, and Sander chuckled.   "You look like her," Sander said, referring to whom?   "Is this what you're referring to? Mom? Or how about Avery?" I replied, and Sander laughed again as if he thought he was insane for laughing and laughing every time I answered.   "Of course, Avery, I truly want her to live again," Sander said, and I laughed.   "Do you believe that's me? I'm not going to be like Avery because she's such a weak!" I remarked, how did I know Avery? Zero told me that, which I discovered.   "You don't know Avery, so you have no right to tell her that!" Sander shouted, so I would have used witch power destruction when he suddenly got scared of me.   "Are you afraid? You thought I was frail, didn't you?" When I warned Sander, he backed up.   "Perhaps this isn't the perfect time to fight you, but remember that I will always confuse your mind," Sander said, which irritated me.   "You are a coward!" I yelled to Sander, and he was gone.   "Sander, you are weak! You are nothing more than a fool," I shouted, yet I knew Sander would hear that even though he had already left.   Sander just discovered that my power was so powerful that he instantly backed away; does he believe he can beat me even if he trains more? He committed a mistake, but I will still kill him because I will not feel sorry for someone like him.   When I saw the four beasts descend here, they instantly approached me.   "Sander is a coward," Gab pointed out.   "Let him go," I shouted, and I am teleporting inside and right to Zero's room.   Zero was sound asleep in his bed and wolf form when I walked in, so I approached him and cuddled him.   "Azura?" Zero awoke immediately and appeared to be in human form again.   "Have you returned home yet? How are things going for you?" Zero asked.   "It's okay. I thought you were leaving me," I said to Zero as I kissed him on the cheek.   "I'm not going to do that because you know I love you no matter what," Zero said.   He's the genuine Zero I've known for a long time; he won't look for someone. He knew I'm for him only, and I knew that Zero is mine only. **
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