Immortal 2 #52

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Azura's PoV   I looked at Heiyo and Jejo, who were already bloody bodies but still fighting. They were also having difficulty healing their wounds.   "You don't realize you can't heal your wound right away because I'm still alive, and the power I used on you is poison," I explained to them, and they both became frustrated.   I wasn't surprised because they transformed into monsters, and I smiled as I cut my hand with my daiyi sword. I whisper something that I would kill them and that they would never have another chance at life.   "You shall not return in this universe and world," I said, my sword gleaming.   It approached them on its own and quickly stabbed their hearts when they cut off their heads, their bodies collapsed, and their bodies instantly turned to ashes.   "Azura!" I turned around when I heard Dancvil's voice; I didn't ask for assistance, but he came to my aid.   "I don't expect you to arrive here in my fight, and I also have something to say about my daiyi sword," I said to Dancvil.   "I know that. You remember everything, and you already know all your power as a wizard," Dancvil said, and I nodded.   "You're right, and now I've won my fight yet again," I said to Dancvil , and I took a deep breath and clutched my stomach.   "Are you all right, sis? Is your son all right?" Jaja asked me, and I looked at her.   I hugged Jaja right away because she made it to the end. She didn't leave me, she stayed by my side, and she didn't abandon me.   "I'm glad you didn't leave me; it means you still have a long time," I said to Jaja, and she fell to her knees.   "I'm sorry, sis, but maybe you're wrong," Jaja said, which surprised me because she had just vomited purple blood.   "Jaja!" I yelled and searched for her wound, but I couldn't find it, so I called Zach and demanded to know about it.   "Jaja didn't have any wounds. She took a deep breath and inhaled the poison." Zach spoke up, and I noticed Jaja smile at me.   "My chest hurts a lot is," Jaja said, and I took her hand in mine.   "It can't be! I can bring you back to life! I know how to raise the dead!" I said, but I would have used my wizard power when Dancvil stopped me.   "You know that power is forbidden, and you're still pregnant, so you can't do that," Dancvil said as I lowered my hand.   "Jaja..." I heard Skyler call Jaja. He knelt and closed his eyes.   "You said to wait for you to grow up? What am I suppose to do now?" Skyler said as he kissed Jaja on the cheek, and Jaja smiled.   "You're here, Skyler," I said, and he grabbed Jaja, and I backed away.   I'm sorry for the two of them; I thought everything would be fine, and I thought I'd be happy because Aserious, as well as Heiyo and Jejo, had already lost.   I noticed that there was light on Jaja's body, and Skyler knelt. I heard him yell, and I knew that Jaja had died. I saw Skyler smile as he laid Jaja down and touched her cheek after Skyler kissed her on the forehead.   He already loves Jaja.   I noticed the elves approaching; they were all alive and only had minor injuries. I bit my lower lip so hard because I was afraid I'd lose them as well, so I was surprised when they hugged me.   "You win, Azura; you've accomplished what you wish," Jae said to me, and I smiled back.   "Yes, and you, as well as the four beasts, remain important to me," I told Jae, hugging him back.   "Azura, look how quickly you grew the ancient tree!" I was taken aback because I had heard Dancvil say that.   I looked there, Dancvil shone, and my dead men's floated alongside Jaja, and I had no idea what was going on.   "It's as if the tree is resurrecting the dead!" Dancvil instructed me to go there, and the bodies were lying opposite the ancient tree.   When the dead came to life, I rushed over to Jaja, who had opened her eyes and looked at me. I immediately hugged her and cried because it allowed me to spend a long time with her.   "What happened, sis? What am I doing here?" Jaja questioned me.   "The ancient tree revives you," I told Jaja, looking at the ancient tree, which was already large, and wondering if Clark would return in a long time.   "I can't believe I'm alive now, sis," Jaja said, and I smiled as I nodded.   "Skyler, where is he? He was the last one to lift me before," Jaja said, and I was about to stand up when Skyler approached us.   Skyler closed his eyes as Jaja hugged her. Skyler returned the hug, and I was happy for them both. Many people were also surprised because they died but were resurrected thanks to the ancient tree.   I knelt in front of the ancient tree and expressed my gratitude.   "I'm grateful that you allowed me to be with them for such a long time; I'm happy because they're so important to me, and you brought them back to life," I said to the ancient tree and Gabriel, Jeff, and Zach approach me.   "Everything's fine, my lady, no problems, and we'll just wait for you to give birth to your baby," Zach said to me, and I nodded.   I returned to the palace and announced that there would be a celebration tonight, as it had taken us all morning due to the fighting. After putting the clothes on my body, I went to my room and cleaned myself.   When I was finished getting dressed, I lay down on my bed; the fight was over, but something was still missing; I wasn't sure if I was happy or not. I'm overjoyed because Jaja, the elves, and the four beasts are all still alive.   But I know what I'm missing is Zero and my family, and I know they can't come back for me, mom and dad. They only want me to be happy with my life and not be like the two of them.   I touched and caressed my stomach, closed my eyes, and promptly fell asleep. I'm in a garden now, and I know I'm dreaming. I see Zero standing there, and he appears to be waiting for me.   I approached Zero, and when he was in front of me, he smiled, touched my cheek, and burst into tears.   "I'm glad you succeeded; now it's time for you to forget about me and focus on our son," Zero said. I was taken aback when he gradually faded away.   I awoke immediately and felt my breath catch, so I touched my chest because I was out of breath. I awoke and went out of my room in the evening, where I saw the helpers preparing meals and the four beasts chatting with Jaja.   "Sis! Are you finished with your nap?" Jaja questioned me, and I nodded in agreement.   "What happened to the elves? What about the pirates?" I inquired Jaja while I was walking towards her.   "The pirates began celebrating on their ship, and they also stated that the next day they will take your payment and then leave," Gabriel explained, and I nodded.   I didn't mind them leaving because there was no more fighting to look forward to, so I sat in the chair as the elves entered.   "Miss Azura, good evening! We're relieved that the fight is over!" I smiled as Jae said this.   "Will you, however, continue to stay here? Will you stay, or will you go?" When I asked, they all knelt in front of me.   "We will not leave your palace as long as we live here, and this is our payment for what you did for us all," Teya replied, and I smiled.   "Please take a seat because the party is about to begin!" When I told them, the four beasts and Jaja all sat down.   We began eating, and while we were eating, we were happy because we had won the battle; I didn't participate much in the conversation because I felt like crying while eating.   I drank the ice-cold juice that had been prepared for me, and when I looked up, I was surprised to see Zero in front of me, smiling. Why does Zero always seem to appear to me? Why does he appear to want to tell me something but is unable to?   "Azura, are you all right? What's the reason for your tears?" Zach inquired, and I looked around, and they all astounded me.   "I'm not sure if I'm okay; I'll rest first. Have fun. Don't even think about me," I told them and got to my feet.   I walked back to my room, and when I returned, my tears flowed once more; I'm emotional now because I don't have my family around me?   "Zero..." I whispered to myself, and I went to the window and looked at the ancient tree.   I was surprised to see fireflies flying around and more and more of them coming at me. Clark, did you notice that I was sad again?   Fireflies buzzed into my room, and I smiled as they encircled me.   "Thank you, Clark," I whisper to myself, and the fireflies go back to the ancient tree.   I had somehow calmed down, sat on my bed, and was about to go to bed when I heard a knock on the door. I used my power to open it, and Jaja opened up to me.   "Sis, you shouldn't be hiding how you feel. I know you're still missing something," Jaja said as she shut the door of my room.   Jaja sat next to me and built something in her hand that I don't know what it was, but I was surprised when it came with fish inside bubbles.   "Do you see this little fish? And the big fish is moving?" Jaja questioned me.   "Yeah, I can see what's going on." I inquired to Jaja.   "The Mom is the big fish, and she is happy to have the little fish with her, which are her children," Jaja told me, and I was sad.   "You can think of Zero once, but not every day, because if you think of him every day, you'll be unfortunate, and pure negativity will come into your mind," Jaja told me, smiling.   "The four beasts are sad because you're sad; they don't know how to make you happy," Jaja told me, and I bit my lower lip so hard.   "I'm sorry if I'm behaving this way; I'll be able to move one day; I just need time," I told Jaja, and she hugged me.   "I'll wait for you, sis; I want to see the old Azura again, who is strong and brave and, above all, happy," Jaja said, and I smiled back.   It's been three months since I have been carrying my son, and in a month, I will give birth to him; my stomach is also large, and I haven't changed.   I not only showed the four beasts that I was sad, but I was also learning how to break the blood contract with them because I knew they needed freedom as well. I'm currently sitting in the garden, reading a book about breaking a blood contract.   "You've been here before, sis, and you're already eating here, so what are you doing?" Jaja inquired, and she brought me some fruit.   "Learning a new power," I told Jaja.   "You're strong, you're still studying, and we don't have an opponent. Why are you still studying?" Jaja said to me, and I laughed because I know I'm strong, and I just lied to her.   "Perhaps you're lying to me, sis; you can say it to me. I'm not talkative," Jaja said, and I made her sit in front of me.   "Make sure you don't tell your boyfriend, Skyler?" I informed Jaja, and she nodded.   "Of course, sis!" Jaja told me, smiling because it didn't take long for Jaja to have a relationship with Skyler.   "I'm studying how to break the blood contract with the four beasts; I know the four beasts need freedom as well, so I'll give it to them," I told Jaja, and she nodded.   "Then I'll thank them," I said to Jaja, stroking my stomach.   "The Four Beasts has been a great help to me, and it's time to let them go; I don't want them to live on with me. They, too, require happiness, just as I do because I have it," I told Jaja, and I didn't realize my tears were dripping down my cheeks.   "You haven't gotten it yet because you still miss Zero," Jaja said, wiping away my tears.   "It's okay if you're Skyler's master. There's nothing wrong with me; I know you don't want to be alone here in the palace, so we'll stay by your side as long as we live," Jaja told me, and I smiled as a result of what she said.   I hugged Jaja and couldn't stop crying; I drew it out and felt Jaja caress my back. I'm trying to be happy, but I can't because Zero isn't by my side; if only Zero could live again with his memories of me and others.   **
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