Immortal 2 #41

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Third person's PoV   Aserious shattered the glass he was holding because he couldn't accept that King Sander had died after know that to Sander's personnel.   "What else will I do?! We're going to avenge our king, but not now, and we won't let King Sander down with our plans." When Aserious responded, the man who had asked him bowed.   "I'll take care of getting more staff. We need more," the personnel said, and Aserious remained silent.   "She is indeed the daughter of Scarlet and Caex, but I knew King Sander also wanted to disappear because he loved a mortal," Aserious thought to himself.   Aserious sat on the throne and remembered King Sander telling him that if he lost the battle, he would be the one to fight Azura and complete King Sander's mission.   While Azura mourns the death of her boyfriend Zero in the other world, she still cannot accept the fact that he is no longer alive.   "Even if you told me to think positively, it's difficult for me to accept Zero. I can't forget you even if you just vanished yesterday; I love you so much that I may be having a hard time, "Azura cried out, and the four beasts remembered Zero.   "What can we do to make my lady happy? It's bad for their baby if it stresses her out." Jeff said, and the three beasts remained motionless.   "The best solution is to let her be first; she also didn't sleep after the fight," Gabriel told Jeff.   "I need some water," Azura said, and the four beasts reacted quickly.   "Here you go, milady," Gabriel said, quickly giving her glass of water to Azura, and Azura drank the water right away.   "I'm sorry if I'm acting like this, but I can't stop crying," Azura said as the four beasts sat on the floor.   "Do you want to do something, my lady? Or do you want to do something to make you happy? Like, hide and seek." Jeff's remark made Skyler laugh.   "Our lady is not young anymore!" Zach said, and Azura burst out laughing.   "Don't worry, and I'll be fine. I am just grieving," Azura said, and the four beasts were relieved when they heard Azura laugh.   "Do you wish to do anything, my lady? While it's still early, we might be able to pull it off," Zach told Azura.   "I don't want to do anything; I'm just going to stay here in the mansion and re-group myself," Azura said to Zach.   "Let us cook for you, my lady! Skyler will prepare a delectable dish!" Azura smiled as Zach said this.   "Thank you for your efforts," Azura said, standing up and clutching her stomach.   "My stomach hurt a little bit," Azura said to four beasts.   "Perhaps the baby is misbehaving," Gabriel speculated as Azura took a deep breath.   "I'm not sure, but maybe I shouldn't move too much right now," Azura said as she sat down on the sofa.   "I'm sure, my lady," Gabriel assured her.   Azura was surprised to feel something fall from the sky and strike the barrier she had built.   "There's someone outside," Azura said, and when she looked outside, she was surprised to see Samantha's admirer.   "He's a demon, my lady; can we get rid of him?" Gabriel inquired.   "No, I know him, I'll take care of it," Azura said as she walked away.   "Finally! What happened to Sam? The witch's palace has vanished. What happened to her?" The demon man asked Azura.   "She's gone," Azura said bluntly.   "What do you mean she's gone?" The demon man's question.   "Sam died because of me," Azura responded, and the demon man was sad.   "Is that correct? Will I have to wait for Sam again?" He asked Azura.   "If you love Sam that much, you can wait; I also lost a loved one, but I'm still here waiting for him," Azura said, surprising the demon.   "We can do it, thank you, and you told me I'm going to leave now," the demon said as he jumped quickly.   Azura's PoV   I returned to the palace, and the four beasts were waiting for me; perhaps they'll ask who that demon is.   "Who is that demon?" Zach questioned me.   "She liked Samantha, and I told her what happened to Sam," I explained, and they were surprised.   "He's also someone's like me, love a person that lives only for short life," I explained, feeling sad once more.   "Don't be sad, Azura; I'm sure Zero will return soon," Gab said, and my tears flowed once more.   "I hope Zero can return soon," I said softly, and I grabbed my stomach.   "I'll be in my room," I said to the four beasts as I walked upstairs to my room.   I remember everything, and when Zero and I realized we'd be in this room together, I couldn't help but be sad. What was happening to me? I'm crying again, unsure what to do; I was surprised to feel someone holding my shoulder.   I was surprised to see the spirit of mom and dad, who both smiled and held my hand.   "Azura, my daughter, don't kill yourself like your father did," my mother warned me.   "Why are you here, Mom? Why am I seeing you now?" I considered questioning the spirits of my mom and dad.   "Because we asked God to see you again, and he granted our request," Dad explained, and I quickly hugged them.   "I miss you so much, Mom and Dad!" I said as I sobbed, and now I don't want to let them go when I hug them.   "We're going to have a grandchild, but we won't be able to be with him," Dad said, looking at my stomach.   "Yes, you will be a grandfather, and mom will be a grandmother," I said with a smile to the spirits of my mom and dad.   "Take good care of your son, don't leave him alone," mom said, smiling at me.   My tears flowed once more because I wished they were here beside me, watching over and monitoring me. Mom wiped my tears away as she stroked my head and stroked my cheek.   "Mom, did you know I'm so strong that I defeated Sander? I killed him to exact my vengeance on you two," I informed the spirit of mom and dad.   "Thank you, my daughter, but even if you kill him, we won't return. You have to forget us and move on. Don't think that we aren't by your side," mom said to me as I looked at dad.   "Did you know that I ordered Clark to keep an eye on you?" dad spirit asked. So he is the one that Clark was talking about who order him, but he couldn't say it to me.   "I still have to thank Clark because he's there for me as well," I said as I noticed mom and dad spirit is fading away.   "It's time for us to go back," mom said as she kissed me on the cheek.   "We love you so much, Azura," mom and dad said together, and then they vanished. Tears flowed as they disappeared.   "My lady? We heard you crying; are you all right?" When I heard Gab's voice, I quickly wiped my tears away.   "Yeah, I'm fine; I'll sleep first," I said to Gab.   "All right, if you need anything, let me know right away," Gab said to me, and I had the impression that he had left.   I lied again, saying I'd sleep even if I didn't. I see the elves doing something outside their house.   I'm glad they were content in my establishment; they didn't leave even after the fight was over. I used my power to open the window, look outside, and see something at the end that looked like a sword coming at it.   I was shocked when it came to me, so I quickly created a barrier in the window, the sword got broken, and the blade was full of fire. Do I still have a rival? Did Sander order someone? If he died, It would kill me in his place?!   I shut the window and exited my room; when I got down, I saw the four beasts there, as well as a barrier; because we removed the barrier because we didn't have an opponent, I didn't expect to see someone attacked.   "Do we still have an opponent to look forward to, my lady?" Gab questioned   "I thought Sander had an order because he knew he might die in our fight," I explained as the sword stop attacking our palace.   "Put up a strong barrier in the palace again, Zach, and notify the elves," I said, and the four beasts nodded.   I changed my clothes and went outside. I assisted them in constructing a barrier and then placed a black barrier before collapsing on my knees.   "Milady! You should not force yourself! You're aware that you're pregnant," Jeff stated.   "I'm fine," I said as Jeff helped me to my feet. I want to double the barrier to protect the palace that I worked so hard to build.   We went inside the palace, and they made me sit on the sofa. I remember mom and dad show up. My wish is granted, and I was thankful to the God of heaven because they allow mom and dad to talk to me.   "Water, my lady," Jeff said, handing a glass of water to me, and I drank it right away.   When the three beasts and the elves arrived, I stood up. Did they have a problem with what I said about a new opponent?   "Is it okay for you to fight, Miss Azura? You're still pregnant," Teya informed me.   "I'm fine, don't worry about me; the four beasts are here to help me," I said to Teya, and they all knelt.   "Miss Azura, please allow us to find the opponent," they said, surprising me.   "You know it's dangerous to look for that opponent. Maybe he's an immortal like me," I warned them.   "Even though he's still immortal, Miss Azura, we need to assist you this time," Naick explained.   "If this is what you want, I'll let you do it as long as you come back," I said to Naick, and they smiled.   "We will come back! We'll be cautious," They said goodbye and walked away.   "What if they vanish? If you don't let them, you'll get hurt again, "Zach informed me.   "I can't help them if they want to help me; when it's their time, it's their time," I explained to Zach as I walked to the library.   I couldn't sleep, and all I had to do was read a book about an immortal and how he fought against another immortal.   I was reading when I noticed a strong wind, so I looked out the window, which had opened; was that Zero? If it was Zero, I knew he was keeping an eye on me. I put down the book I was reading, and we have memories here in the library, so I can't help but remember everything.   I held up a mirror in my hand and looked at myself; my eyes were blue and sad. This is how it feels to lose a loved one, and this is how dad felt, so he decided to follow mom.   I felt drowsy as I closed my eyes, and I have begun to dream.   When I opened my eyes, there was a man in front of me, and his name was Zero. He smiled at me when he was in front of me, so I quickly approached him, and when I hugged him, he vanished.   "Zero! Don't abandon me!" When I yelled, my surroundings changed, and all I could see was blood.   Why am I blaming myself for what happened? While crying, I grabbed my head and pulled myself together.   "Azura!" I opened my eyes when I heard Gab's voice.   I'm catching my breath now, and I'm clutching my chest due to my dream. Gab and I are the only ones in the library, as far as I can tell.   "You had a bad dream. Are you all right now?" I stood up as Gab asked.   "I'm fine, thanks for waking me up," I said to Gab as I exited the library.     What's happening to me? I want to dream without having nightmares, so I went straight to my room and locked the door. With nothing else to do, I formed white butterflies with my hands and flew them inside my room.   When I opened the window, the butterflies flew out.   "What are you doing, Azura?" I was taken aback when I heard Clark's voice and realized he was outside at down.   "I'm not doing something here, and why are you here?" I asked Clark, then quickly shut my window.   But when I moved, Clark was behind me and was able to teleport quickly.   "You closed your window so I could teleport," Clark explained, and I laughed.   "I know that, but all I want to do is close the window," I told Clark as I sat on my bed.   "What brings you here? What do you need? Did you see anything in your vision?" I asked Clark.   "I didn't see anything in the vision, but I feel like you're always sad. You have to be okay. It's awful for a pregnant woman like you to be sad every day," Clark told me, and I knew he was right.   "The four beasts also told me that I listen to them, but even if I don't, I can't help myself," I explained to Clark.   "Do you want me to put you to sleep so that when the night is over, you have a beautiful dream?" Clark asked, and I smiled.   "Thank you, Clark, but I don't need or want to rely on that. I need to be strong so that I can overcome my sadness," I informed Clark.   "You're right, and I know you can do it," Clark said.   **
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