Chapter Two – Linda Caldwell

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Chapter Two – Linda CaldwellTwenty-Four Days Before Linda Caldwell yelled up the stairs, “Come down for dinner you guys.” “Just a minute, mom,” said a twelve-year-old voice from one of the bedrooms. “I just have one more life.” “We only get one life and we don't delay it or our dinner based on video games. Let's go.” “Okay, be right there.” The front door opened and Brad stepped inside. “Hi, sweetheart,” he offered. “How was your day?” She wiped at her brow and then shook her head. “Chasing kids all day. I feel like I've been trying to move frogs across a football field in an open wheelbarrow. I'm hoping we can do dinner, but apparently Jason can't emerge until he uses up one more life.” “Sorry, honey, sounds like a tough day. I'll chase these guys.” “Give me some lips before you disappear up those stairs, never to be seen or heard from again—I think that's what happens to people who go up there.” “I've heard that. Maybe we should tie a rope around my waist and you can hang on to one end.” “Hey, guys, time to come down for dinner,” Brad said. Jason came racing out of the first door and started down the stairs two at a time. He wore a T-shirt and blue jeans with countless pockets. His hair was uncombed. Brad met him half way and hugged him. “Hi, buddy. What's new?” “Not much. What's for dinner?” “Liver salad and cod liver oil dressing.” Brad said, walking to the top of the stairs and pulling off his tie. “That hair of yours seen a comb lately? You look like you were dragged backwards through a hedge. And where's Matt?” he asked the disappearing boy below. The answer was screamed back. “He's putting the lip lock on Claire at the back door.” Brad thought that Matt was too young to be lip-locking anyone. He had just turned fifteen and he had another year before he was allowed to date. Brad changed into jeans and went downstairs to the kitchen as Matt came in from the back porch. Brad grabbed silverware as Linda put chicken stir-fry onto plates. “Hi, buddy,” he said to Matt. “Hey, Dad.” “You and Claire spending a lot of time together these days?” “Mom was just all over me about that. No big deal.” “Looks serious to us when you're kissing on the porch.” Jason walked into the room and Matt glared at him. “Jason, you little jerk. Quit spying on me.” Jason shrugged and sat down. “You do your thing on the porch, people are going to see it, he said, and then added, “We got any hot sauce?” Linda put the plates on the table and sat down. She grinned widely at Brad. “The news is in,” she said. “You got it?” he asked with wide eyes. “Yep. I fly to Vegas in three weeks to be installed as the new Vice President of Human Resources.” She grinned widely. “That is so good, honey. Congratulations!” He took her hand. “I'm going to open a bottle of wine and we are going to celebrate.” She nodded. “You know, it feels good just to get the nod above all of the other applicants. There were some impressive characters applying.” “Not as impressive as you. And that's my objective opinion,” Brad replied with a smile. “Can you get more time away from the office to keep an eye on these guys during the four days I'm there in meetings?” she asked. “You can count on it.” Matt shook his head. “We don't need watching,” he said emphatically. “Yeah,” Jason added, taking a big bite of the stir-fry. Hot sauce rolled down his chin and onto his shirt. “Nice going, nerd,” Matt offered, shaking his head. Brad looked at Linda and smiled widely. “That is so awesome.” She grinned, basking in the moment. “Should we come watch?” he asked. “It's an announcement, not a coronation.” She laughed and added, “Thank you for the thought, but it will be fifteen minutes of announcement and then off to four days of meetings.” “Okay, but you've worked up to this for eight years and it is a big deal.” “Thank you, sweetie.” She came around the table and kissed him. “Please,” Matt responded, “I'm eating.” Linda gave him a sideways look. “Seems like you should be the last one to complain about kissing these days. You've been trying out, what does your brother call it?–your lip lock on Claire.” “Mom, stop,” Matt said, fighting embarrassment. Linda kissed Brad again. “Thanks for being so supportive,” she said. “I only wish we could all be there to see the promotion.” He looked at Matt and Jason. “Mom kicked butt, right guys?” “Yep,” Jason said. “She is awesome!” “How about you Matt?” Brad asked. “You have something to add?” “If an HR executive is in everybody else's business, she's probably pretty good at it.” Brad frowned. “That wasn't nice.” “Relax, Dad, just kidding.” “It didn't sound like a joke.” Matt was a little fidgety, having painted himself into a corner. “Yeah, yeah. I know she's really good at what she does.” He put down his fork. “Can I be excused?” “What's your plan for tonight?” Linda asked. “Going to study at Claire's.” Linda and Brad both looked at him and waited. “Relax, both her parents are home.” “Okay,” Linda said, “be home at 9:00.” “Going to study Claire you mean. More lip lock,” Jason said grinning. “Shut up, you little twerp.” “None of that kind of talk or you'll both be grounded.” Matt shook his head. “Why does he have to be such an asshole?” Linda snarled, “We don't talk like that around here. Next time you spit out something like that you can tell Claire you're unavailable for the next week.” “Okay, I'm sorry,” Matt said. “He's just such a…” “Quit while you're ahead, Matt,” Brad directed. He nodded and walked toward the door. “You're forgetting your homework,” Brad yelled in his direction. Matt grabbed his backpack from the living room and headed out the front door. “Can I be excused, too?” Jason asked. “Yeah. And you don't need to stir it up all the time, young man,” Linda replied. “Me?” Jason said indignantly. “I'm just stating facts.” “Well, stop stating facts that are your brother's business and you'll get along much better.” “All right. Can I go?” “I said yeah,” Linda responded. “Go, before I change my mind.” As he ran up the stairs Linda and Brad looked at one another and laughed. “This is how parenting is supposed to work, right?” she asked. “Beats me. I'm faking it, just like you are.” “Want to do dishes?” he asked. “No. You?” “No.” He paused. “Want to have s*x?” She smiled and said, “Yeah, in the kitchen or in the car?” “In any room we can keep kids out of. The downstairs bathroom's free.” “I'm in,” she said, smiling, “anywhere they can't find us or call us.”
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