Chapter 11-2

1933 Words

I wasn't afraid of him. I was in awe of him. I moved my hands to touch his chest with my bare fingertips. His skin was cool, not cold, and as smooth as marble with a smattering of hair down the center, disappearing behind the waistband of his jeans. I got no read from him. He blocked my second sight, as I had asked. A smile of wonder curved my lips. I was nearly giddy with the realization that he could block my perturbing ability. Excited, I moved a little too quickly and stumbled. His eyes flashed open. Caught by two strong hands at my waist, he kept me from falling. I gazed into those incredible gems that were his eyes. Briefly, his gaze floated over my face before he brought his face in closer. Lips parted, he availed them to me. I tentatively touched my lips to his, a trial touch. I

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