Chapter 8-1

2210 Words

Chapter 8The arm around me felt warm as it snuggled me close. The nude body that spooned mine was like a warm electric blanket, and my shivering came in fits and starts. Eventually, I quit shivering. He nuzzled my neck. The bristle of his beard rough, almost making me want to protest, it was too sharp against the tender skin there at the nape of my neck. It hit me all at once, and my body went rigid with two realizations: this was not my bed, and this was not my house. The guy in bed with me was not Dante (or any other man, or vampire I knew), and his body odor was exceptionally bad. My eyes flashed open. I was on a mattress on the floor of an unfamiliar place, I couldn't remember last night at all, and I had a hellacious headache. My trying to jump out of his intimate grip was not fast

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