Chapter Nineteen~Regrets~

2195 Words

Bliss sat on the edge of the large four poster bed, looking down at the shackle on her left ankle that was connected to a long chain bolted to the floor. She was suddenly back where she had started two months ago, chained and pregnant. The moment Lord Richard and Captain Rupert left after collaring and shakling her she had immediately ran over to the windows, relieved when the large glass panes could be pushed open and let in the cool breeze. She felt like she was suffocating. She looked down seeing it was a sheer drop to the garden below, if she could get the shackle off and make a makeshift rope then propel her way down she might be able to get away but then what? As she looked up the whole manor was surrounded by a wall and she could see guards patrolling along it from here. There was

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