Chapter 3 Pt 2

390 Words
She stared at the blank message screen on her phone. She kept his contact name just as he left it.   Anya: Hey…   She put her phone down on the night stand and went to her bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. By the time she came out, she had two messages from Jack.   Gas Buddy Jack: Doth my eyes deceive me? Gas Buddy Jack: Is Anya texting me already?   She smiled to herself. This guy came out of nowhere, seemed dark and mysterious. Then, got nervous, and now? Now he thinks he’s funny. She needed a moment to think of something to say back, but he already beat her to it.   Gas Buddy Jack: Have breakfast with me?   Anya: Shouldn’t a first date be over dinner?   Jack: Perhaps, but I prefer breakfast. Best meal of the day. What do you think?   Anya: I think I like breakfast and would love to. Where and what time?   Jack: How about I pick you up? 7:30?   Anya: Sure. See you then. :)   Jack: Can’t wait. Sweet dreams.   Meanwhile, just across the hall…     Brandon: What?! How have you not been to the waterfall yet? It’s the best thing about living here!!!   Zuri: You realize I JUST moved here and haven’t seen much of this place.   Brandon: Yeah but your mom is from here. She hasn’t taken you there yet?   Zuri: Eh, she doesn’t have a lot of time.    Brandon: Well that’s gonna change. I’m taking you there.    Zuri: OK. Can’t wait!   Brandon: How about tomorrow?   Zuri: Sure! Can I invite Ayanne?   Brandon: Sure, you okay if Toby comes too?   Zuri: Of course, she would love that!   Brandon: Sounds good. We’ll figure it out in the morning.   Zuri: Sounds good, I am gonna go to bed. TTYL   Brandon: Night   “Toby!” he yelled through the shared wall between their rooms.    “What?”   “Waterfall, tomorrow morning. You, me, Zuri, and Ayanne.”    No response.    “You in?”    Silence.   “I’ll take that as a yes, then.”   Toby lay on his bed, smile reaching up to his ears, praying he heard his brother correctly. “That’s a hell yes, brother.”
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