First Transformation

1900 Words
Once I reached home, feeling empty from the day's events, I opened the front door quietly, not wanting to draw any attention to myself. The familiar sound of my mother's voice drifted from the living room. She was talking on the phone, her tone light and happy—an entirely different person from the one I knew. I tiptoed to the kitchen; the last thing I wanted was to get caught up in her conversations or her demands. The sight that greeted me was all too familiar: dirty dishes piled high in the sink, the remnants of a half-eaten birthday cake sitting on the kitchen island. I sighed, feeling a pang of loneliness that had become a constant companion. It was my birthday too, but there were no celebrations, no joy. Just the usual routine of being ignored and overlooked. My mother had made a cake for Seraphina, her favorite, but hadn't acknowledged my existence. I picked up a plate and began washing the dishes, trying to keep my mind off the sting of rejection. The water was warm, and the soap suds a small comfort as I methodically cleaned each dish. I let my mind wander, imagining what it would be like to have a family that cared and celebrated my existence. The fantasies were always the same: a loving mother, a doting father, and a sister who wasn't my greatest tormentor. After finishing the chores, I headed to my room and closed the door behind me. The familiar four walls greeted me, witnessing my countless moments of pain and solitude. I sat on the edge of my bed, staring at the clock. It was almost time for my transformation, the moment I had been waiting for. I changed into a comfortable set of clothes and grabbed a small backpack with essentials. The lakeside was a short walk from my house, a secluded spot where I could experience my first transformation in peace. The cool evening air hit my face as I stepped outside, bringing a sense of anticipation. This was it—the first step toward something different, something new. The walk to the lake was peaceful, the sky turning shades of pink and orange as the sun began to set. The colors were mesmerizing, a brief escape from the dreariness of my everyday life. I reached the lakeside and found a spot under a large oak tree. I sat down, feeling the soft grass beneath me, and waited for the moon to rise. As the first rays of moonlight touched my skin, I felt a strange warmth spread through my body. The transformation was unlike anything I had ever experienced. My bones shifted, and muscles reformed, and soon I stood on all fours, my senses heightened. I looked at my reflection in the lake, seeing my wolf form for the first time. My deep black fur matched my hair color, and my eyes glowed a bright blue. I felt a surge of freedom, a connection to the moon and the earth I had never felt before. I ran through the forest, feeling the wind in my fur and the ground beneath my paws. It was exhilarating and liberating. For a brief moment, I forgot about the pain and loneliness that had defined my life. I was free, powerful, and connected to the world in a way I had never been. After running for hours, I returned to the lakeside, panting but happy. I transformed back into my human form, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. I sat by the lake, letting the cool water soothe my aching body. As I stared at the moon, I thought about my future. Finding my fated mate was my only hope of escaping the life I had known. I prayed to the Moon Goddess to guide me and help me find the one person who would love me for who I was. With a heavy heart but a glimmer of hope, I returned home, knowing that whatever happened, I had taken the first step toward a new life. When I reached the front door, I was met with silence. The house was empty, starkly contrasting the bustling excitement that had filled it earlier in the day. I knew they were probably out with Seraphina for her first transformation. It stung, but it wasn't unexpected. My parents had always chosen her over me. I trudged upstairs to my room, feeling the day's weight pressing down on me. I needed a shower to wash away the blood and grime and, hopefully, some of the pain. Stripping off my clothes, I stepped into the bathroom, turned on the water, and let the cool stream cascade over me. As the water washed over my body, I noticed something strange. The usual sting from the bruises was absent. Looking down, I saw that the bruises, which had been so prominent just a few hours ago, were completely gone. Shocked, I stepped out of the shower and wiped the steam off the mirror. What I saw made my heart stop. The scar, the one that had marred my face for years, was gone. I touched my cheek, my fingers tracing the smooth, unblemished skin where the scar used to be. Tears welled up in my eyes as the realization hit me. The scar that had been a constant reminder of my family's cruelty, the scar that had caused me so much pain, was finally gone. I could only cry as I looked at my reflection, tears of relief and disbelief streaming down my face. For the first time in years, I felt a glimmer of hope. Things were starting to change. The next morning, I felt a strange mix of hope and dread. Yesterday had been a whirlwind, with my first transformation and the unexpected disappearance of my scar. As I stretched and got out of bed, the events of the day ahead loomed over me. I dressed quickly, tying my hair into a loose ponytail before heading downstairs to make breakfast. I quickly made some breakfast and left the house with a heavy heart once I was done. As I walked to school, the familiar dread settled in. I knew what awaited me—taunts, pranks, and the constant feeling of being out of place. The school hallway was bustling with students, their voices blending into a cacophony of noise. I kept my head down, trying to navigate through the crowd without drawing attention. Suddenly, someone grabbed my arm and dragged me away. Startled and confused, I looked up to see Darius pulling me along. Darius was the son of our Alpha, one of Seraphina's friends, so that tells what kind of person he was. "Darius, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice trembling with fear. Darius liked to pull pranks on me, but this felt different. He didn't answer, his grip tightening on my arm as he led me to the back of the school, a secluded area where few people ventured. My heart pounded as I struggled to keep up with his pace. "W-What do you want?" I asked, trying to keep the fear out of my voice. "Stop acting; you know why I'm here," Darius said angrily, releasing my arm. "I don't understand," I replied, looking up at him. But as I met his gaze, the realization hit me. MATE! The word echoed through my mind, sending a shiver down my spine. "M-Mate," I whispered hesitantly, the word tasting foreign on my tongue. "Don't call me that," Darius snapped. "I am not your mate." "But—" "There's no way. You can't be my mate," Darius interrupted, his eyes blazing with anger. "My mate will be the future Luna of this pack. She has to be beautiful and radiant. You are the last thing I would consider a Luna, much less my mate." His words cut deep, each one a dagger to my heart. I wanted to cry, to scream, but I couldn't find my voice. Before I could say anything, Darius spoke again. "I, Darius Blackwood, the future Alpha of the Silver Fang pack, reject you, Elaine Silvermoon, as my fated mate," he declared, holding my wrist tightly. "Accept it." "Ouch, it hurts," I whimpered, tears streaming down my face. "Accept it now," Darius repeated, his grip tightening. "I-I, Elaine Silvermoon, accept the rejection," I choked out, feeling a part of myself shatter. The moment the words left my mouth, a searing pain shot through my chest. It felt like my heart was being torn apart, the bond breaking most excruciatingly. Darius let go of my wrist, brushing his hair as if nothing had happened. "What bad luck, seriously. And don't you tell anyone about this," Darius said coldly before walking away. I stood there, tears flowing freely, not because Darius had rejected me but because my fated mate had. The one person who was supposed to love me unconditionally had just pushed me away. The one person who was supposed to take me out of my hellhole had now condemned me to it. The thought alone broke my heart. "Why... Why, Moon Goddess? Why give me such a mate?" I whispered to the sky, my voice filled with sorrow. I leaned against the cold brick wall, letting the tears fall. The pain was unbearable; the bond that had formed between us during the transformation was now a gaping wound. I had dreamed of my mate, of finding someone who would love and cherish me. Instead, I was left with nothing but rejection and heartache. The rest of the day passed in a blur. I went through the motions, barely paying attention to my classes. The pain in my chest was a constant distraction, a reminder of what I had lost before I even had it. I don't even remember how I got home, but the next thing I knew, I was opening my bedroom door. The silence in my room was painful. I sat on my bed, staring at the walls that had witnessed so much of my pain and loneliness over the years. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I fought them back. I had shed too many tears for a family that didn't care. But the rejection from Darius, my supposed fated mate, was a fresh wound that throbbed with every heartbeat. His cruel words echoed in my mind, each one a dagger to my heart. "You can't be my mate. My mate will be the future Luna of this pack. She has to be beautiful and radiant. You are the last thing I would consider a Luna, much less my mate." I pressed my hand against my chest, trying to alleviate the searing pain that Darius's rejection had caused. It wasn't just his words; it was the shattering of a dream, the hope that had sustained me through years of neglect. I had always believed that finding my mate would change everything, that he would love me for who I was and finally give me the sense of belonging I craved. But now, that dream lay in ruins. The bond that had formed between us during my transformation was now a gaping wound, bleeding raw pain. I felt as if my heart had been ripped apart, and the void left behind was unbearable. The future that had seemed so promising was now bleak and uncertain.
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