Chapter Five-3

1424 Words

“It is hard to say, the stars are rising for my Lady, but they are not in their full ascendancy. You may win, but it will be but a handful of gold. There is a man who comes to the house – very dark – can see him – he frowns – he has a peculiarity – yes, yes – I can see now what it is – he is left-handed – you will win from him. He is rich, very rich.” “Oh, I know who that is,” the Marchioness said eagerly, “and he comes the day after tomorrow. Left-handed? Yes, there can be no mistake! You say I shall win from him?” “Yes, you will win from him. Wait, there is something else. You will talk with him. You will make – oh, what is the word? – an alliance with him over something – it will concern gold – but it is strange.” “Money? More money?” the Marchioness asked. “Yes, there is the glitte

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