1501 Words

Nancy’s scream was loud and painful. At first, it seemed to be coming everywhere at once, but then I realized that it was coming from one of the rooms at the end of the hall. The door was slightly ajar, which explained why we could hear her at all. “Nancy!” I shouted. Without even checking to see if Rubberman was coming with me, I activated my rocket boots again and launched down the hallway toward the door. Landing on the moth-eaten carpet in front of the door to her room, I yanked open the door and dashed inside, shouting, “Nancy, it’s me! I’m here! Where are—” I stopped speaking when I entered the room and saw that it was empty. The bed before me—an old-fashioned queen-sized bed—had no people in it. Yet I still heard Nancy’s screams, which were clearly coming from somewhere in this

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