2582 Words

Just as Tentaculus brought his swords down on my head, a large rubber fist came out of nowhere and slammed into Tentaculus’ face. Tentaculus went staggering backward from the blow as the rubber fist retracted, but even before I looked over at where the fist had come from, I knew who it had to belong to. Looking over, I saw him. Rubberman. He was running toward me, the new Rubbermobile parked in the school parking lot behind him. In the distance, I could hear the police sirens echoing, a sign that Rubberman wasn’t going to be alone for very long. “Boss!” I said, smiling for the first time since Tentaculus attacked. “You got here quickly!” Rubberman skidded to a stop beside me and said, “Your principal called me as soon as he heard the explosion. Your school is a lot closer to the Elasti

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