Chapter 13

1015 Words

Chapter 13: Trouble in Paradise Rhys’s P.O.V: A vicious growl tore through me as I watched Zyane about to do the unthinkable. The growl distracted Zyane enough to snap his attention towards me, but all he did was growl at me in rage before turning back towards the cowering girl he had trapped under him by force. Knowing that I was the closest one to him, I jumped up on top of one of the rocks and in one swift motion, landed right behind Zyane and sank my teeth into his shoulders to rip him off of the girl and throw Zyane away from her. I turned towards Zyane as he recovered from his shock. I saw Mikalya take a protective stance in front of the girl, but she didn’t interfere. She knew that this fight was between me and my packmate and her interference could only cause trouble. But damn

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