Chapter 5

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Julia’s POV I turn around to find a middle aged human with skinny legs and a large pot belly walking up to me outside in the parking lot, asking if my boyfriend left me here all alone. That sounds close enough to the truth for me. I decide to just go with that story. “Umm, yeah!” I say, and start to walk off. I suppose I’ll have to follow the road signs, although I’d prefer not to travel on foot so close to the highway. That could be very dangerous! “Wait! I could give you a ride if you’re heading towards Seattle,” the man offers congenially. “My name is Ron, and I have plenty of room in my truck for you!” “Oh!” I say, uncertain. He seems nice enough. And it sounds like he’s going the same direction that I am. It would save me several days walk. Why not? I smile at him. “Sure, thank you!” “What’s your name, honey?” He asks while we head towards a semi truck which is hooked up to a trailer. “Umm, you can just keep calling me Honey!” I tell him, on the small chance that Gabe or Ross come looking for me. Ron cant tell them anything if he doesn’t know anything. “Sounds very sweet!” Ron says with a laugh as he opens the passenger door for me, and I climb inside. “Maybe later tonight I can have a little taste of your honeypot!” “Sure!” I say, laughing right along with what I believe to be just a silly joke. I see that the cab of the truck apparently has a bed inside, so it’s almost like a home on wheels. So convenient! It smells a bit weird and musty inside, like unwashed human and stale corn chips, but I just try to ignore that. “It must be great to be a truck driver,” I say as we get underway, heading west on I-90. We chat as we drive along for a little over an hour and a half, until we reach a small town named North Bend, where quite a lot of trucks have pulled off of the road for the night. Ron does the same. “I can’t drive any further tonight, but it’s only a little over 30 more miles to Seattle,” Ron explains to me. “We will sleep here tonight, and then I’ll drive you wherever you want to go after I’ve dropped my load off in the morning.” Then he hands me a $50 bill. I’m confused about that, but I thank him and stuff the bill into my bra, since I don’t have a purse or anywhere else to put it. Ron watches me, and it looks like he approves of the place that I stash the cash. “I’ll be right back!” He tells me with a wink. “Make yourself comfortable in the bed.” Then I watch as he gets out of the truck, and apparently relieves himself into the bushes by the side of the road. Men sure do have an easier time of it when it comes to things like that, I note. And then I head towards the back of the trucks cab where the bed is. It doesn’t look all that big, but if he’s willing to share then I guess we will just have to make do for the night. Normally I sleep nude like most wolves do, but I decide to sleep in my underwear tonight. I stash my tight yoga pants and tank top into my satchel, which didn’t have room for anything bulkier than that. I’m sitting on the edge of the bed when Ron comes back, and then I watch as he undresses before he joins me. I see that his ding dong is sticking straight out just as Ross’s had, but isn’t nearly as huge as his was. Maybe human males aren’t as well endowed as wolves are? And it makes me wonder if human females are different in any way? I wish I had been better educated, but I had been forced to leave school when I was only 12. I would probably have learned a lot about those differences in school if I had gone. “Move over, honey,” Ron says. So I do, and I scoot under the covers. Then Ron climbs in underneath the covers next to me and starts to fumble around, touching me and trying to get my underwear off like he wants to mate with me! “Wait! What are you doing?” I ask. And then he is kissing me, and I want to throw up at the nasty smell of his breath, and his human stench. I try to shove him away from me, but that was about as effective as it had been with Ross since Ron is so much heavier! “Going to act all coy now, are you honey?” Ron says gleefully, as he tries to yank my underwear down. “Go right ahead! I like my whores with a bit of fight in them! It makes it more interesting for me!” Whore? Is that what he thinks I am? A w***e? That must be why he gave me that money! He’d have to pay me a whole lot more than $50 to mate with his stinky human ding dong, though! So disgusting! Soon Ron manages to get my underwear off by ripping them! Damn it, I’ve only got one other pair with me! But I have other things to worry about as Ron is trying to force my legs apart now. Thankfully he’s not as strong as Ross was. I’m not willing to go through another experience like that again! And then I do something that I never ever thought I would do, but had heard it might work in a situation such as this. Amethyst cheers as I knee Ron right in the groin! And it seems to work splendidly, because he is suddenly groaning in pain and clutching at his genitals, while I’m able to crawl over the top of him and escape his grasping hands! I slip my shoes back on, grab my satchel, and hop right out of that semi truck, and I start walking past all those parked trucks by the side of the road, walking parallel to the highway towards Seattle. I don’t dare look back. I wish I had thought to use that maneuver last night on Ross. It was really quite effective! Except that last night I was his mate. He probably would have beat me black and blue if I had tried anything like that. Well, that was certainly a lesson for me. Human males are just as horrible as wolf males are. Possibly even worse, since Ron wanted to mate with me and I am not even his mate! I certainly did not enjoy his touch, like I had with Ross. But I’m not anyone’s mate anymore. At least I’m about 90 miles closer to Seattle than I had been, so that’s good at least. It would have taken a couple of days to go that far on my own, even in my wolf form. I decide to slip out of my bra and shift back into Amethyst before I capture the attention of any other humans. By the time the sun rises the next morning, we are nearly to our destination, and we sleep soundly beneath a bush to the sounds of the morning commuters. Later when I wake up, I find that there are buses that will take me all the way to my final destination, and I’m happy to see that the bus driver is a female human. Thank the goddess! Later that day, before I get up the courage to ask for a job anyplace in the Emerald pack, I buy myself a decent meal. I even decide to order a piece of cake for dessert. It’s my birthday today! I wish for the year ahead to be better than the last one as the restaurant staff finish singing happy birthday to me and I blow out the candle. It’s bound to be better, right?
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